Xie Wanjin hurried out of the princess's house. While arranging people to watch the imperial master's house, he strolled in the street, wondering whether to repair books for the third brother to mention it.

Yes, I must be beaten by my eldest brother.

If I don't mention it, I don't know how long I will be dumped by the third brother.

The fourth childe couldn't help sighing:

It's hard to be a brother these days.

Several boys followed him, deeply worried My Marquis has become more and more worried recently. He is not interested in teasing when he sees the beauty. In the future, he will not become as serious and serious as the chief assistant.

The master and servants had just crossed the long street and came to the corner. A young woman in pink and gauze went straight to Xie Wanjin, blessed her body, smiled and said, "my master asked the Marquis to go upstairs for a chat."

She said and motioned the fourth childe to look at the second floor of the restaurant not far away.

The gauze flying in the window on the second floor, there was a Slim Beauty standing behind the gauze curtain, but she didn't show her true face. She only gently opened a few gauze curtains and gave Xie Wanjin a gentle hook as a sign.

The fourth childe took out the white fan pinned to his waist, opened it with a "brush", shook it lightly, and said with a smile: "your skin is like fat, and your master must be a beauty."

Several accompanying boys looked at their Marquis and wrote "you can see it so far away. Marquis is really God!"

The young woman smiled and made a "please" gesture. Her voice was charming Judo: "please, Lord."

Xie Wanjin shook a folding fan and walked into the restaurant without delay. On the second floor, two beautiful maids guarded the door of Yajian.

"What a good day today, there are beautiful people waiting here."

He entered the door with a smile, and the young man behind him was stopped by the maid guarding the door.

Naturally, the young man was not happy, so he hurriedly called the marquis.

Xie Wanjin turned to look, and heard the maid Gong say, "my master is waiting alone in the elegant room. Please hold back."

"You go down and wait." Xie Wanjin said casually and walked in.

In the elegant room, the fragrance is ethereal, and the furnishings are quite exquisite. The Royal dress woman who just stood by the window and hooked up with the fourth childe sat behind the bead curtain, making tea and behaved elegantly 。

Xie Wanjin went over and opened the bead curtain with a folding fan. At a glance, he saw the six Princess Murong Yu.

He raised his lips and smiled, "I said which beauty specially waited here. It turned out to be the sixth princess. Xie Yu was really flattered."

Although the fourth childe said so, he didn't look flattered.

"Lord, please take your seat."

Murong Yusheng made up his royal clothes. He didn't wear a veil today. He exposed his beautiful appearance in front of people and smiled more and more beautiful.

Although Xie Wanjin didn't know what the six princesses wanted him to do, he didn't reach out and hit the smiling face of the beauty. He still had this demeanor.

Murong Yu personally presented the tea to Xie Wanjin and said softly, "Lord Hou has been in the capital of Western Chu for some time , The host of this palace has never given a special banquet for the marquis. I'm really ashamed. "

Hearing this, the fourth childe suddenly felt a little strange. He thought that the six princesses had taken the wrong medicine and even made an idea on me.

There was nothing on his face, He only smiled and tasted a mouthful of tea. He could say hello: "what did the princess say? I came to the capital of Western Chu. There were no fewer banquets, and beauties were not rare. I was very happy."

Murong Yu looked at him for a long time. Hearing this, he suddenly asked, "are you really happy?"

It's really puzzling to ask.

Rao, who has been smiling for years like Xie Wanjin, had to put on a face of "what are you talking about" and asked, "what does the princess mean?"

"I heard the name of the Lord in the past because of his two brothers. When people mention the Lord, they are often the brother of Emperor Yan or the brother of Da Yan's chief assistant. Few people will mention the name of the Lord." Murong Yu paused, "If the palace had not had the chance to see the LORD with his own eyes and know his talent, I'm afraid it would be the same as most people in the world. I think the Lord has today's glory through two brothers."

Xie Wanjin drank tea slowly, lowered his eyes to cover all his emotions, and didn't speak for a moment.

Murong Yu seemed to have expected that he would be silent. In a soft voice, he continued: "obviously, the Marquis is also a rare talent in the world, but he has to be subdued by two brothers. He can only be a marquis in royal clothes with empty name but no real power. I'm sorry for you."

"What did the princess say?" Xie Wanjin slightly raised his eyebrows, put down the tea lamp, half seriously and half jokingly said to Murong Yu: "the princes and generals are hereditary, and many people can't ask for wealth and glory. I'm too happy. What can I regret 。”

Murong Yu carried the pot and served him half a cup of tea. His voice was delicate Judo: "Xie Heng, the same son of the Xie family, rebelled and became a dragon. He became the head of Dayan. Xie Yu, who was originally just a son of a common man, has now become the chief assistant of Dayan's ten thousand people. The officials are in awe and the three gongs and nine Qing have to avoid his edge. And the Marquis, if he hadn't been sent to the Western Chu this time, I'm afraid he wouldn't even have the empty name of the Royal marquis."

Xie Wanjin heard something. The six princesses came to stir up discord.


I haven't seen anyone who dared to provoke their Xie brothers for many years.

Rare, rare.

The fourth childe's face was slightly sluggish and pretended to be angry. "The sixth princess came to me today. Is it difficult to expose Xie Yu's scar? If so, I'll excuse you!"

He said, got up and left.

"Wait a minute, Lord!" Murong Yu didn't expect Xie Wanjin to react so much. He quickly stretched out his hand and pressed his right shoulder to fix the man in place.

Xie Wanjin looked at her unhappily and didn't hurry to go any more.

Murong Yu bypassed the table and went to the side of the fourth childe. He brushed his hand on his shoulder. His voice became softer and softer. Judo said, "don't be angry, sir Hou. This palace is looking for you today because it is a good business for you and the palace. If this matter is successful, sir Hou will be famous in the future, better than Xie Heng and Xie Xuan."

"Oh?" Xie Wanjin raised his eyebrows. "I don't know what the princess said?"

Murong Yu hooked up with the fourth childe and motioned him to listen.

Xie Wanjin came forward with a smile and whispered, "please tell the princess."

Murong Yu put his hand on the fourth childe's shoulder, leaned over to his ear and whispered: "the father emperor suddenly agreed to the marriage between Emperor Yan and his highness eight in order to let Emperor Yan relax his vigilance, so that he can take the opportunity to kill Emperor Yan and send troops to annex Da Yan..."

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