Xie Wanjin smelled the speech, his eyes moved slightly, but his lips smiled more and more deeply. "The princess just drank tea, not a bar? Why did she start talking nonsense?"

Murong Yu heard the speech and couldn't help but get a slight pause.

She never thought that Xie Wanjin would react like this when she heard this.

After a while.

Murong Yucai calmed down and asked him in a low voice, "do you believe this palace?"

"It's not that you don't believe the princess." Xie Wanjin leaned back slightly and pretended not to understand: "It's just that since the emperor has made a decree to marry, how can we say that the two countries have been married for a hundred years? The emperor is not a three-year-old child. How can we think of one thing? Moreover, no matter how valuable the princess is, she is just one of the Emperor's many children. It's really not a wise move to keep her and make friends with me."

Murong Yu's eyes flashed a look of disgust. He soon covered up the past and continued to say softly, "the emperor's mind can't be guessed with common sense. Since we have been honest with the Marquis, we are not afraid to speak more clearly."

She looked straight at the fourth childe and said clearly: "Murong Jiu is the only legitimate princess in the Western Chu Dynasty. If she married Da Yan or died young, it would be beneficial to the palace. As for the Emperor Yan, it depends on whether the Marquis wants to take this opportunity to protect the Lord and earn credit and stabilize his current position, or take the opportunity to fight and sit in the supreme position."

Xie Wanjin held back his smile and pretended to think about it seriously for a long time. Then he wondered, "it sounds good, but the princess is the princess of Western Chu. Why do you want to dismantle the platform of the emperor of Western Chu and tell me such a secret?"

It is well known that in the Western Chu Dynasty, women's status is superior to men. Most of the court officials are women, and the fourth childe doesn't think it's bad.

However, Murong Yu has too many thoughts and always regards others as people who forget righteousness for profit, which inevitably makes people bored.

But Murong Yu was not aware of Xie Wanjin's dislike at all. Instead, he became more and more tender and said, "because this palace, like the Marquis, doesn't want to be covered up. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Marquis, as well as for this palace."

Speaking of this, Xie Wanjin couldn't pretend to be stupid anymore. He met Murong Yu's line of sight, looked at him for a moment, then nodded and showed a clear smile. "What the princess said is very true. In that case, I'm sorry if I don't appreciate it. It's a good time."

He gently shook his fan, but thought to himself: how can he be a father with ah Jiu for such goods?

It's a world apart.

Murong Yu smiled at the speech. "In fact, when he first met the Duke in the palace, he was impressed by the Duke's demeanor. It's a pity that you and I are all involuntarily people. We can only sigh in vain if we meet each other. If things are done now..."

She pressed her hand on the fourth childe's shoulder all the way down, then took his hand shaking the fan and said softly, "I really want to go to the happy tent with the marquis."


Xie Wanjin's peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly. He hated the touch of this man in his heart, but the radian of his lips rose more and more.

The fourth childe smiled with a graceful, romantic and dissolute appearance. He raised his hand and provoked Murong Yu's jaw. He got up slightly, leaned close to her neck, sniffed deeply, and whispered with a smile: "the beauty is affectionate. How can I live up to it?"

Seeing this, Murong Yu quickly stretched out his hand and gently touched his heart, "Marquis, you and I need to wait until it's done..."

Xie Wanjin sat back to the banquet with a disappointed face. He shook his fan hand and became completely uninterested. He got up and wanted to go. He said, "let's do this today. If the princess wants to find me next time, she will replace the lantern at the door of the wine shop with a Hibiscus lantern."

He said, turned back and threw a romantic and affectionate look at Murong Yu, smiled and said, "I will come."

"OK. As soon as there is news from the palace, I will inform the Marquis immediately." Murong Yu said, got up and took him to the Pearl curtain, and said softly, "Marquis, go slowly."

Xie Wanjin shook the folding fan gently, said "don't send it", and turned and left.

Murong Yu stood beside the bead curtain and looked at Xie Wanjin's back swaggering into the street. He couldn't help falling into deep thought.

"Does the princess really think Xie Yu will take the opportunity to do something? ” Meng Chengyun walked out of the dark and said with worry: "this man has a deep mind. He has never left anyone to handle his words and things. Today, he is so anxious and profitable in front of the princess..."

Murong Yu gently raised his hand and interrupted Meng Chengyun's words. He smiled and said, "he had never left a handle on anyone before. I can only say that he hid deep enough. This time, the palace gave him such a good opportunity. I'm not afraid he won't take the bait."

Meng Chengyun was still worried, slightly frowned and said, "I still think Xie Wanjin's reaction is not quite right. He has always been in deep love with Xie Heng and Xie Yu. He may not get on a boat with the princess. The princess's move today is really too risky."

"Chengyun, aren't you jealous?" Murong Yu suddenly asked when he looked at Meng Chengyun for a long time.

The latter was stunned in his eyes. Fortunately, he covered up very quickly. He bowed his head and said nothing.

"You still think people are too simple." Murong Yu reached out and touched his cheek and said with a smile: "the emperor's heavenly family, how can there be any brotherhood? It's just a clever hypocrisy."

Meng Chengyun looked out of the window and was speechless for a moment.


Capital of Western Chu, Princess mansion.

Xie Wanjin smiled all the way back to his house. On the way, many young women smashed him with flowers to show their love.

As a result, the smile on the fourth childe's face collapsed all the way. He threw the folding fan to the ground, raised his hands, walked quickly and shouted, "bring water, childe, clean your hands! Come on!"

The maid and the accompanying boys were stunned and stunned by him for a moment.

"Take water!" Xie Wanjin ordered the crowd as he hurried to find Xie Heng.

Now he felt uncomfortable at the thought that Murong Yu had touched his hand.

The waitresses hurriedly answered and went to fetch water. The remaining boys trotted to keep up with the fourth childe.

Xie Wanjin tried to bear the pain in his heart and rushed to the warm wine bedroom. As soon as he looked up, he saw Xie Heng standing under the peach blossom tree, staring and thinking.

"Elder brother!" the fourth childe shouted, hurried to Xie Heng, raised his hand and said, "help me clean my hands..."

The waitresses just came this way with water basins, square towels and other things.

Xie Heng saw the fourth childe like this and didn't ask much. He directly took his hand into the basin and wiped it with soap horn and other things for several times.

The fourth childe's complexion looks better.

All the young ladies around looked at this scene with a very delicate complexion.

Some people, on the surface There are countless elegant and romantic reading women. In fact, he is a little brother who goes home after being touched and cries for his brother to help wash his hands.

Xie Heng picked up the brocade handkerchief and threw it to Xie Wanjin to wipe it clean. He took another brocade handkerchief and wiped the water color on his fingertips carefully. He slowly asked, "who has defiled our fourth childe's hand?"

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