Warm wine smell speech, the brain has a moment of blank.

After a while, she calmed down and felt as if she had an illusion in her ear.

Did Xie Heng put some strange poison on his food?

She was thinking in a mess and asked Xie Heng with her apricot eyes, "what did you just... Say?"

Xie Heng looked at her with a smile and repeated it very seriously: "Ah Jiu, let's round the house."

Wenjiu took a cold breath and suddenly wanted to ask him if he had taken the wrong medicine.

The wedding date is more than ten days later. Even if you are in a hurry to round the house, it's not bad for these days.

She stared at Xie Heng for a long time, pondering many possibilities in her heart, and couldn't help asking, "is this palace... Less than half a month later?"

"Nonsense!" Xie Heng smelled the speech and his eyes suddenly changed. Even if he refuted her words, "you're good. Don't say such words."

Seeing the warm wine, he said angrily, "what's your hurry? I'm not in a hurry..."

That is, the little maids were sent to wait outside the door, otherwise they would faint with laughter on the spot when they heard his highness say such words.

Xie Heng looked at his sweetheart and his eyes were full of helplessness.

Whether it is the former ah wine or the present ah wine, the appearance of incomprehensible customs has not changed at all.

He didn't speak, so he looked at her with burning eyes.

Rao Shiwen, no matter how slow he was, he saw that his cheeks were hot and his heart understood something.

She was a little unnatural. Don't open her eyes. Looking at the night outside the window, she slowly said to him, "the spring breeze is warm and everything recovers. What do you have and what do you have in mind?"

"What's your highness talking about?" Xie Heng didn't allow her to muddle through this time. He held her hand in the palm and gently rubbed it. "Heng is stupid and didn't understand."

The man's ability to pretend to be stupid is also first-class.

It's very natural to say such words, and tell the lies as if they were true.

Wenjiu would have been cheated if he hadn't caught a glimpse of the smile in his eyes.

She raised her right hand, stretched out her index finger and gently touched the tip of Xie Heng's nose. "The Palace said you were excited in spring, anxious and greedy! Is that clear enough? Do you understand?"

Xie Heng was not angry either. His palms were closed and he held the warm wine more tightly. He slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "Your Highness, this is not an injustice to me."

Warm wine smell speech, immediately: "..."

I really underestimated Xie Heng's cheekiness.

Thanks to her just finished that sentence, she was still a little tangled. She felt that the word was too heavy. She was worried that Xie Heng was unhappy.

As a result... She thought too much.


Xie Heng said, suddenly turned a corner and looked at the place where his hands held each other. It looked a little wronged.

It's just that he didn't say the following.

Wenjiu waited for a long time, but he didn't wait until he continued. He couldn't help asking, "what's the matter?"

Xie Heng waited for her to ask. He didn't lift his head. He said with some disappointment: "I went to the National Teacher's house with Wan Jin two days ago. After a few moves with the National Teacher's people the same night, I felt something wrong. Today, I really can't hold it down. Let Qing Qi feel the pulse. Qing Qi said..."

"What did he say?" Wen Jiu also took a lot of Qingqi's medicine these days. He knew that this man was Xie Heng's accompanying medical officer. He heard that he didn't feel right until he came out of the National Teacher's house. He couldn't help worrying: "can't you speak faster?"

Who wants to die in such a hurry?

"Qing Qi said that I was poisoned and that I had to have fun with my husband and wife." Xie Heng said this very smoothly.

Warm wine is bad at heart.

Got caught.

This guy clearly dug a hole and waited for her to jump.

She also wanted to ask. Now it's too late to hear anything.

Her lips were slightly stiff with a smile. She suddenly took her hand out of Xie Heng's palm, got up and left. Her action was done at one go. Red tea took the breeze and wanted to fly.

However, at the moment Wenjiu turned and wanted to go, Xie Heng raised his hand calmly and bent his fingers to hook her sleeve.

He moved his fingertips, warmed the wine, and the whole person was hooked for half a circle. In an instant, his sleeves and skirts flew over and sat down in Xie Heng's arms, facing his amber eyes with thousands of brilliance.

The heartbeat suddenly slowed down by half a beat.

Xie Heng endured a smile. His voice was very wronged. He asked in a low voice, "do you want to die? Your highness."

Spring breeze at night, the breeze blew over the windowsill and disordered a few strands of Xie Heng's hair. If there was something like nothing, it brushed the warm wine cheek.

It's a little itchy.

His heart was so confused that he couldn't even say a retort.

It happened that Xie Heng was still at this time, urging her with a smile in her voice, "young lady, huh?"

The ending tone rises slightly and is extremely provocative.

Warm wine is simply overwhelming.

Xie Heng took the opportunity to advance an inch, lowered his head and gently dropped a kiss on her ear, and called out "ah Jiu" in a low voice

The wind flickered the lights on the table.

Warm wine and color give the soul. Looking at the people in front of us, we can only throw away our armor and recognize them.

"OK, OK." she made great determination before she said, "don't shout, I know."

Who told her to open the door and let Xie Heng into the house.

Now she can only recognize what he wants to do.

Xie Heng's eyes were slightly raised. Seven points in his eyes were ecstatic and three points were extremely surprised, "you... Did you promise?"

"Otherwise, shall I ask you to do that with the woman next to you?" Wen Jiu grinned his teeth and said, "don't even think about it!"

Xie Heng was so happy that he smiled at the corners of his eyes and eyebrows. "I don't dare. I have you, so I don't want to look at the woman next to me any more. That is, the flying fairy in the nine days is not half as good as my wine."

Wen Jiuxin said: this guy didn't know what he did before. He just opened his mouth when talking about deceptive words.

She raised her eyes and looked at Xie Heng carefully for a long time. She couldn't help but doubt: "are you really poisoned by such a strange poison? Or... Let's call Qing Qi first?"

"That's not necessary." Xie Heng said without changing his face, "I've asked several times, and Qing Qi's answer is the same."

Wen Jiu actually didn't believe it, but seeing him like this, he couldn't bear to expose it. He hesitated and asked, "then... When is the best detoxification?"

Xie Heng's heart moved with his mind, and his eyes were faint and said, "it's better to hit the sun than to choose a day..."

He came to Wen Jiu's ear, and his voice was somewhat confused. He said in a low voice, "just today."

Wen Jiu's ear root was suddenly hot. He pushed Xie Heng away and suddenly stood up, "I think you owe family law to serve today!"

She can see clearly that Xie Heng can't believe what he said at all.

But Xie Heng didn't know how to write the words at all. His thin lips were lightly hooked, and he smiled more and more. He slowly said, "Your Highness, if you don't like today, you can wait another three or five days. Heng is still waiting. No matter how long... It will kill me."

Wen Jiu took a deep breath and said to the door, "come on, bring all the abacus in the house to the palace!"

The waiters outside didn't know what had happened to her hair, so they hurriedly thought it was.

Wen Jiu looked back at Xie Heng and said, "come to the palace tonight. The palace will let you know what real death is!"

She said that, heavily shook a sleeve, the wind on his face, immediately turned and went out.

Xie Heng leaned against the back of the chair with his sleeves full of fragrant wind facing him. He was very happy to see his sweetheart's angry face. He couldn't be unhappy at all.

Just a little helpless in my heart.

Ah Jiu forgot so many things. How can he remember that the abacus has so many uses?

It seems that tonight is destined to be difficult.

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