Emperor Dayan's capital, Moyu camp.

Zhou Minghao was tossing bows and crossbows in the barracks. He talked to several of his men about how to improve. He was talking about the key.

General he Yuhe rushed in quickly, "I said Jing'an Bo, why are you still here? Chief Fu sent people to cut off the ten thousand mile urgent letter sent to you by your majesty, and you are still stirring up these things!"

Zhou Minghao was stunned when he heard the speech.

He has been granted the title of Jing'an Bo for some time. No one calls him Shizi again. Most of his former friends call their names. His subordinates call general Zhou. Few people call him Jing'an Bo. At first glance, they feel a little uncomfortable.

The rest of the people didn't slow down. They looked at He Yu who suddenly broke in.

After a while.

Zhou Minghao threw away all the things he had in hand, strode to He Yu and asked anxiously, "what's the situation? Why did your majesty suddenly use thousands of miles to hurry up? Lord Shoufu also cut off the letter your Majesty gave me?"

On weekdays, they use a fast horse for 800 miles. Only the people under Zhou Minghao can use the improved flying lamp for thousands of miles a day.

Your Majesty Suddenly use these It's amazing that the expensive flying lanterns are used to deliver the message. The first assistant suddenly comes out and stabs in. Zhou Minghao's heart is scared.

"How do I know?" he Yu added Zhou Minghao whispered in his ear, "I happened to meet you when I left the city. You'd better ask Shoufu. By the way... Don't mention it in front of Shoufu. I told you."

Zhou Minghao and he Yu looked at each other and saw the fear of being dominated by Shoufu's iron and blood wrist in each other's eyes.

"OK, I'll go back to the city now." Zhou Minghao said no more, raised his hand and patted He Yu on the shoulder, "thank you, brother."

When the sound fell, he jumped back to the city.

In the afternoon, the sun was shining. Zhou Minghao passed through the busy long street and came to the palace gate. When he got off his horse and entered the palace gate, he happened to meet Ye Zhiqiu, an ink Hou who was wearing a strong suit of Xie Jian and handed in his gun 。

Zhou Minghao thought that she might have two words here. He hurriedly flew over and stopped in front of Ye Zhiqiu, hugged his fist and saluted, "Mo Yi Hou, haven't seen you for a long time. Why don't you say it when you go back to the imperial capital?"

"What do you call Moyi Hou? You and my brothers are divided." Ye Zhiqiu's eyes moved slightly, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder. He directly skipped his question and said with a smile: "isn't it that uncle has been in the imperial capital for a long time and likes others to call you titles? That's because ye doesn't understand the rules."

These two were also the upstarts of the current Dynasty after Xie Heng ascended the throne. They were appointed Marquis and barons, holding real power and each holding one side.

There have never been fewer princes and generals in the past dynasties, but it is really rare to hold heavy power at such a young age.

But now Dayan is full of talents and is in full bloom.

Ye Zhiqiu said and made a gesture to return a gift to Zhou Minghao.

The latter dared not accept it. He quickly stopped him and shouted "Lao Ye."

Ye Zhiqiu smiled, "that's just right. By the way, what are you doing in a hurry?"

She couldn't help thinking: Your Majesty is not in the palace. Now it is chief Fu Xie who oversees the country. Others try to appear less in front of chief Fu, but this guy is eager to move forward.

Isn't it... I'm also greedy for the beauty of my three strings?

Thinking of this, ye Zhiqiu couldn't help looking back at the bodyguard guarding the palace gate: where's my silver gun?

"Lao Ye." Zhou Minghao doesn't know that he has been included in the list of rival lovers. He has been thinking about the letter and is very familiar with Ye Zhiqiu, Whispered, "do you know what happened to chief Fu today? He suddenly called you back..."

Later, he had time to ask, and ye Zhiqiu said, "I don't know ” Interrupted.

Mo Yi Hou was upright and puzzled and said to him, "I've just been called back. I don't know anything. I'll wait to see chief Fu later and ask him to understand. ”

"You really don't know? ”

Zhou Minghao was suspicious. Looking at Ye Zhiqiu, he thought: you don't know anything. Did you solve the weapon so quickly just now?

All the civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty said that the Moyi Hou was frank and frank, didn't think carefully, and only knew about war, but he looked at it. Why didn't it seem like that?

"As soon as Lord Shoufu saw me, he was cold all over. It was difficult to get close within ten steps. On weekdays, it was even more difficult for me to run far. Think for yourself, how many days can I stay in the imperial capital in the past three years?" Ye Zhiqiu said, very disappointed: "Our chief assistant is quite polite with you, but he has never been kind to me. Can you expect him to tell me in advance?"

Zhou Minghao thought about it when he heard the speech. It seems to be true.

As he walked side by side with Ye Zhiqiu, he whispered, "I don't know what to say about this today... Lord Shoufu somehow withheld his Majesty's letter to me. Look at this..."

Ye Zhiqiu heard the speech and said with sympathy in his eyes, "it's really something like that."

After thinking for a moment, she immediately said, "why don't you slow down and wait outside the cabinet for a while. I'll go first to explore the limelight. If I can ask you something, I'll tell you."

Hearing the speech, Zhou Minghao seemed to have met the Savior. He immediately held Ye Zhiqiu's hands and thanked him again and again: "old Ye is really a brother. I will buy you a drink another day! You can choose Yongle square in Chunfeng building!"

Ye Zhiqiu was sweating on his forehead. He quickly took his hand back and said, "what's your brother's politeness? Go slowly and wait outside."

Zhou Minghao quickly replied, "OK."

God knows how much courage and determination it takes for Dayan to go around in front of Shoufu.

Lao Ye's move today can be said to be a friend of life and death!

Ye Zhiqiu turned and shook the red hand held by Zhou Minghao, He hurried to the cabinet.

She said in her heart: if you want to see Sanxian before me, don't even think about it.

The two walked together, each with his own thoughts, and no one knew what the other was thinking.

Ye Zhiqiu walked three steps at a time and hurried to the cabinet. Even the boy wanted to report, but she waved him out directly.

Abundant food and clothing, knowing that the Mo Yi Hou always had some uncontrollable behavior in front of his adults, he hurried forward to help push the door open.

Rao was so. They didn't have time to report that the Moyi Hou was coming.

Because as soon as ye Zhiqiu stepped into the threshold, he smiled and shouted, "what's the matter with Lord Shoufu calling me back to Beijing?"

The chief assistant behind the book case was dressed in a crimson crane robe. The white collar inside was neat without any creases. It was as cold as jade, but it added a bit of elegance.

She looked at it and really liked it.

It's a pity that I can't see it several times throughout the year.

Ye Zhiqiu was filled with emotion and didn't wait for Xie to speak.

She naturally added, "don't you miss me? It's rare."

Lord Shoufu raised his eyes to look at her, put the letter on the desk with an expressionless face, and motioned Ye Zhiqiu to read it himself.

"This is a letter from the Western Chu?" Ye Zhiqiu saw it, and the teasing on his face disappeared for a moment. He quickly took the letter and looked at it carefully.


As soon as she read two sentences, her mood was a little complicated. She couldn't help looking at Xie Yu and asked, "it doesn't seem to be your Majesty's handwriting?"

Xie Yu didn't speak. He looked at her and said, "isn't this nonsense?"

Ye Zhiqiu said with a smile, "what's written on it? Your majesty has become a burden in the Western Chu? I think it's so good... What do you mean? Your majesty is drunk and gentle in the Western Chu. He doesn't want to miss Shu? No matter how good the Western Chu is, how can we be as good as Yan!"

Xie Xuan held the white jade Paperweight on the case. The coolness in his palm made him calm again. His voice was cold and said, "this letter was written by Xie Wanjin."

"Oh, fourth childe."

Ye Zhiqiu suddenly understood.

These four CHILDES are different from others in writing letters. He never makes things clear and never says the key points. It's just bullshit. Let you guess.

So Xie Wanjin wrote a letter that only his own brother could understand.

Ye Zhiqiu decided not to embarrass himself. He immediately put the letter back on the table and asked Xie Yu, "what does the assistant Lord want to do when he called me back today?"

"Elder brother, I'm afraid I'll be in great trouble in the Western Chu Dynasty..." Xie Xuan said this. He couldn't help but give a slight meal. He was dressed in a red purple official robe and wrapped around a white jade belt. He was much heavier than before, and his responsibility was becoming greater and greater.

Many things can no longer be said and done as before.

Ye Zhiqiu knew that he had something to say behind him, so he looked at him with eyes like ink and waited patiently.

Xie Xuan pondered for a long time before he said, "I'm going to Dayan myself to pick up my eldest brother and ah Jiu. You go with me."

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned for a moment and couldn't help reminding: "you are now the head of the prison state. Your majesty and the Royal Marquis are already in the Western Chu state. You were crazy in the past..."

She almost couldn't hold back the rude words, but the face in front of her was her favorite. She forced her to hold back and put it another way, "you all go to the West Chu, then you have to collapse the sky? Does the West Chu deserve it?"

Xie Xuan smelled the speech and couldn't help looking up at her.

"Cough..." Ye Zhiqiu also felt that what he had just said was too much. He quickly coughed twice to ease his embarrassment, lowered his voice and said to Xie: "I'm not alarmist. Although all the people have returned to their hearts after your majesty ascended the throne these years, some people in the previous dynasty are walking everywhere. Your Majesty's throne is not coming from the right way. On the contrary... If even you go to the Western Chu, who will take the seat of the emperor capital?"

Xie Yu was silent.

He didn't know what ye Zhiqiu said.

Just confused, I couldn't help but want to go there myself.

"Well, you stay in Dijing and I'll go with Zhou Minghao." Ye Zhiqiu said, "I'll go with him. You should be more relieved?"

That's all.

Xie Yu suddenly frowned and said, "where's Zhou Minghao? Why haven't you come yet?"

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