Wen Jiu pondered what to say to Xie Heng on such a day Good to hear, he turned and went through the arch to the bathroom to bathe and change clothes.

The white mist in the bath room came, and the faint fragrance lingered. The little maids As soon as they saw her coming, they greeted her and waited on her.

Warm wine took off his clothes and stepped into the bath barrel. The warm water shook slightly under the candle, and the water was shining.

She washed slowly and tried to make herself look calm and calm.

However, the little maid was busy, putting petals on the warm wine, and blowing the aroma to her with a censer.

Although no one tells jokes with warm wine, there are many things.

I almost engraved on my forehead "I must be careful when I spoil my husband and son-in-law for the first time".

Warm wine, simply close your eyes and wash, just when your eyes are gone.

I don't know how long it was, the water temperature gradually receded, but Wenjiu didn't get up.

Several little maids looked at each other, and the leader Huan whispered in front of the sky:“ Your highness, the water is cold. You should change your clothes. "

The wine warming was ignored and delayed for a moment. When the little maids urged for the third time, it was really hard to pretend to be deaf and dumb, so they got up and changed clothes.

The waitresses are very observant. The clothes and skirts they have prepared are red, and the silk and satin are like water, shining brightly under the lights.

After Wenjiu changed his clothes, he stopped in front of the bronze mirror and looked at it for a moment.

"Your Highness..." the little maids were afraid that she would blame herself. They couldn't help but explain: "if you don't like to wear red, the maidservant will go and get something else immediately."

"It's not that I don't like it." Wen Jiu looked at himself in the mirror and whispered, "I just feel that I don't look as good as him in this red."

The little maids couldn't answer for a moment, "..."

One by one, they looked at each other and wrote in their eyes: am I deaf? Our highness feels that he is not as good-looking as his husband at this time?

Wen Jiu thought for a while and suddenly said, "go and get the big sleeve of Phoenix wearing peony."

He was stunned with joy and hurried to answer.

Wen Jiu reached for a phoenix hairpin and pulled up the green silk around his waist, seven at will and three elegant.

A moment later, he happily handed over the fiery red sleeved shirt embroidered with Phoenix and flying flowers.

Warm wine stretched out his hand to put it on. When he turned around, his clothes were floating, the green silk was floating slightly by the night wind, and the Phoenix hairpin tassels swayed. Not to mention his face, it was also bright and attractive, which was rare in the world.

The little maids standing beside couldn't help but praise: "I knew our highness was also a rare beauty in the world. This dress was sure!"

"According to the maidservant, your highness is more beautiful than the six princesses known as the first beauty of Western Chu!"

His highness Ba seldom goes out, and his clothes are extremely casual. He doesn't like bright colors. He always wears a face curtain on his makeup, and is often pulled by the six princesses known as the first beauty as a foil. It's inevitable that someone is speculating behind his back that his highness Ba is as ugly as salt.

The little maids listened so much that they were not convinced. They really wanted to ask those people to open their eyes and have a good look: our highness is very good-looking!

Wenjiu was embarrassed to be praised by them. She tried to keep her face unchanged and said, "all right, all right, you can't do without your reward."

When she finished, she hurried out of the door.

The crowd trotted along with the octagonal palace lantern and whispered, "Your Highness, slow down. It's urgent..."

"You haven't seen mammy yet! Your highness!"

"You must be careful!"

Wenjiu was already nervous. Listening to them talking all the time, she couldn't help getting more nervous.

Although it will come sooner or later, I said it myself today, and I can't go back on it.

Had to throw a sentence at the maid, "this palace doesn't need to teach mammy!"

The maids closed their mouths subtly.

Only Huan Tian had the greatest courage and asked softly, "will your highness?"

"My palace..." Wen Jiu connected the words without thinking about it. He felt it halfway through There seemed to be something wrong and suddenly stopped.

But the first ladies are waiting to listen.

She added another word, "yes!"

Ladies: "

As soon as Wen Jiu said this, the whole person threw himself out and went to bed with the heart of "early death and early rebirth".

The moonlight shone brightly on the corridor. She wore flowers all the way and brushed her red sleeves Wind.

The Eight maids offered lanterns and walked lightly to the bedroom door.

I don't know when the lights in front of the court were changed into red. The tassels in the Yingying lights swayed and hazy, covered with peaches, plums and flowers.

The moonlight passes through the shadow of the tree. When warm wine passes under the tree, the flowers fall slowly. Everything is as beautiful and tired as the scene in a dream.

"Congratulations, your highness!"

Ten little maids in front of the court were carrying lamps. When they saw the warm wine, they bowed down and wished with a smile.

Wenjiu was very flustered at first, but when he saw this battle, he thought more and more about maintaining the surface calm.

She raised her hand and touched the tip of her nose. She seemed calm and said, "OK, go down and receive the reward."

After that, Wenjiu stepped into the room. Before the waitresses came in, she bolted the door with her backhand.

The maids who were shut out of the door immediately: "

Your Highness's mind is too hard to guess.

Wenjiu took a deep breath and walked slowly to the inner room.

I don't know whether the little maids want to do things too much or Xie Heng. The room is full of damask red yarn. The night wind sneaks into the Xiaoxuan window and blows the light yarn flying.

Before Wen Jiu could figure out what to say when he saw Xie Heng, he was covered with flying red yarn.

I didn't think about what to say for a moment.

She opened the red gauze and walked in. Just about to ask Xie Heng what to do with so many red gauze, she just walked around the screen and saw

Xie Heng was dressed in red, leaning against the red tent, and his skirt was slightly open, which was extremely confusing.

One side of the dragon and Phoenix candle was burning high, and the flickering fire light shone on the gauze, which shrouded his whole person with a light red halo.

The young master is in his prime, and his face is incomparably beautiful. He flies his eyebrows into his temples, and his eyes are full of romantic. The stars in his amber eyes turn. Without words, he is called human color and soul.

Right now.

The night wind blew gently and blew the red yarn, which happened to fall on Xie Heng, half covering his face.

Like a bride's red cap.

It happened that Xie Heng looked at her through such a thin layer of red yarn before he opened it.

The eye color is more and more attractive.

Wen Jiu was stunned for a moment. He couldn't help coming forward and stretched out his hand to lift the gauze covering Xie Heng's head.

However, at the moment when the red yarn fell.

Xie Heng suddenly held the warm wine's hand, gently pulled it, hugged her in his arms, and said with a smile: "Your Highness, how can you tell me to wait."

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