Warm wine, breathe slightly, haven't had time to talk.

Suddenly, the red tent suddenly fell down and hung down slowly, isolating the candlelight and moonlight.

The tent was hazy and dark. Warm wine only saw the eyes and eyebrows of the people in front of us. There was a smile in the eyes. There was nothing else to see. The hearing became more and more sensitive, and even each other's breathing could be heard clearly.

Her heart was hot, her face was red, and her breath became disordered. She barely held up a bit of clarity, and whispered, "first, have a drink."

Xie Heng smiled gently, bowed his head and kissed her lips. In a low voice, he said, "with you, do I still need to drink?"

Warm wine long eyelashes tremble, I don't know what to say.

He was so close to her that his warm breath slowly rustled on his face, his eyes were opposite and his temperature was connected.

Warm wine can clearly feel the ups and downs of his heart when he smiles.

"Don't drink it." she crossed her heart, pushed Xie Heng to sit up and secretly took a deep breath, "then you untie your clothes."

Fortunately, the red tent was dark enough. Xie Heng couldn't see her. Her face looked like red clouds. She could barely pretend to be calm and atmospheric.

Xie Heng looked at her with burning eyes and said with a smile in his voice, "Your Highness, how dare you not obey."

Warm wine can't see him so shameless.

It happened that Xie Heng often forgot what Yan Huang's face was in front of her.

Wenjiu was helpless, but he was the one who wanted to die.

In addition to being spoiled, what else can we do?

She thought so, pretending to lean casually on the bedpost and watch him undress by himself.

Xie Heng's smiling eyes were full of stars. He took off his red sleeves and threw them out of the account. His actions were like clouds and flowing water at one go.

A little candle light penetrated into the account. His slender fingertips gently untied the lace on his waist, and forcibly turned the dark red tent into a bright glow.

Warm wine, heart beat like a drum, can't help getting more and more nervous.

Xie Heng leaned close to her and asked with a smile, "Your Highness, what else can I tell you?"

Warm wine gathered the in his sleeve and then closed it. Looking at him, he seemed to have thousands of amber eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Xie Heng, do I look good tonight?"

She thought for a long time in her heart and wanted to say a nice word with him, but she hated less when the book was used. She couldn't think of a suitable word, so she had to ask such a question.

Before Xie Heng came, she didn't like dressing up, and she didn't bother to look in the mirror. There were so many beautiful people in the Western Chu Dynasty. In addition to reincarnation, she could occupy the name of a legitimate princess. She really couldn't find anything else outstanding. It doesn't matter. Others said that she looked mediocre or ugly as if she had no salt.

But when Xie Heng came, the wine was warm I began to care a little, especially these days. With Xie Heng's unique pearl jade like Lang Yan in front, why didn't she feel ashamed.

"My wine looks good all the time." Xie Heng reached out his hand and stroked the corner of her eyes, smiling and whispering, "wearing this red dress tonight is even more bright and threatening, confusing my mind."

Warm wine drooped his eyes and didn't look at him, but the corners of his lips rose.

She said softly, "as long as you think I'm pretty."

There is no girl who doesn't like to be praised.

Especially Xie Heng is a A lot of sweet words can make you happy. I don't know what night it is.

But the one who deceived people suddenly felt distressed when he heard what Wen Jiu said. He couldn't help but say, "ah Jiu..."

She suddenly raised her head to face with his four eyes. In her eyes, there were waves of light and a shallow smile. She said in a warm voice, "may you still remember the peach blossom color tonight when he is dying."

As long as you can wait until the person you want to wait for has known him for a day and stayed with him for a while, what if there is not much time?

Even if her life ends on this day, she will have no regrets in this life.

As long as he really likes her now, like a pearl in his palm and blood in his heart, it will be difficult in this life Forget.

Even after she left, Xie Heng had three thousand harem beauties, and it didn't hurt that it was others who gave birth to his children and accompanied him to his old age.

He has only her in his eyes tonight.

And forget the bitterness of parting in the world, drunk and greedy for the joy of this night.

Xie Heng's eyes suddenly deepened when he heard the speech.

He gently picked up the warm wine cheek, kissed the tip of her nose, and said in a slightly hoarse voice:“ Don't say it's dusk. In my life, I won't forget you if I forget anything. "

Warm wine looked at him dimly, but the corners of his lips rose more and more.

At this time, she realized that all she wanted in her life was Xie Heng.

Contentment is nothing more than that.

"Ah Jiu." Xie Heng called her softly, touched her forehead, and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "I once thought that if you can't remember those things in the past all your life, you don't even remember that I hurt you deeply, and I don't know that I had calculated to keep you around."

He paused slightly, and then whispered, "you have forgotten the suffering you suffered in the past and become a noble princess of the Western Chu state. You think you have been spoiled and grown up... When we meet again, we are at the right age. Among thousands of people in various countries, only I am the best match for you."

It was dark in the tent. Wen Jiu couldn't see Xie Heng's face clearly, but his voice became more and more hoarse.

Xie Heng whispered in her ear: "You can't remember anything clearly, but when you meet me, you indulge in everything. You only have me in your eyes. It's good if you can always do this."

"But..." his warm lips gently rubbed the ear side of warm wine, which seemed to be a whisper and an oath. "My wine is a warm God of wealth who takes all the money in the world with one hand. It is a heroine who doesn't bow her head in front of the imperial power. There will be no second you in the world! How can I be willing to let my heart can't recover its elation all my life."

"Xie Heng."

Warm wine listened to him. The more he listened, the more he felt uneasy. He couldn't help calling him.

"I'm here." Xie Heng answered and whispered in her ear : "Ah Jiu, I will always be with you in the future. Don't leave me again, OK?"

When Wen Jiu suddenly heard these words, she was moved in a mess, but she knew that her promise didn't count. What God said counts.

If she could, she would.

Warm wine was a little uneasy. His eyes looked at Xie Heng like ink, "there are so many words at this time..."

Xie Heng suddenly lost his smile when he heard this. Inexplicably, he felt that she would not say anything good behind her.


The next moment, he heard the warm wine tone and asked subtly, "Xie Heng, won't you?"

Xie Heng was slightly stunned. Then he smiled and replied in a low voice: "yes, I won't."

He rubbed with her, and his voice became more and more low and confused: "ah Jiu, teach me how to make you comfortable."

Warm wine smell speech, instant face like fire.

But she asked this by herself. She must not be timid at this time.

"You... You wait."

Wenjiu's voice trembled. When the night wind gently brushed the red tent and the candle shook, he raised his hand and pulled out the Phoenix hairpin. Three thousand green silk was then spread on the jade pillow soft couch, and unconsciously dyed a beautiful color between his eyebrows and eyes.

She closed her eyes, raised her head and took the initiative to kiss Xie Heng's lips, like a golden wind and jade dew, forgetting countless people in the world.

The night wind made the candles jump and dazzle, and the weft of the flying gauze curtain flutter and sway, as if the people in the tent were tired and affectionate.

When it sounds greedy and happy, why should we worry about whether to wait for the clouds in the fairyland or the abyss of the bitter sea in the future.

Warm wine breathing disorder, tightly holding the bed column engraved with the words "Xie Dongfeng", memory flashed in my mind, happiness and pain.

She finally came up with the words she wanted to say to Xie Heng:

——I've been in the world of mortals in my two lives. I've seen three thousand floating worlds. I'm greedy for money and profit. I've shed blood and righteousness. I only love you.

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