The wind was clear and the clouds were gentle all night.

The maids outside the bedroom blushed and retreated again and again, guarding outside the court.

Qingqi and Xie Wanjin also stood under the peach blossom tree all night. They were afraid that something would happen to them suddenly and stayed outside just in case.

I didn't expect... Those two tossed for so long that even the maidens didn't mean to guard the door.

The fourth childe and Qing Qi didn't get married. They looked subtle all night. Until the sun rose, they didn't see the two people in the room. They didn't call the maids to serve. They couldn't help looking at each other and looked at each other. Their eyes were sad and subtle.

"Well, Qing Qi." Xie Wanjin couldn't help whispering, "are they really okay? Will my eldest brother..."

When the fourth childe was halfway there, he swallowed back his words.

Even if it was just a guess, he didn't want his eldest brother to be half in danger.

Qingqi was also very worried. He hesitated and said, "last night, I took Qingyuan pill for your Majesty in advance. It's reasonable to say... No matter how bad the situation is, it won't be poisoned just after the round of the room..."

"How can this be justified?" Xie Wanjin interrupted him and said, "why don't we go in and have a look?"

Hearing this, Qing Qi looked tangled and said, "isn't it good?"

He lowered his voice and said to the fourth childe, "what if your majesty and young lady just sleep late and don't wake up now?"

Xie Wanjin smelled the speech and felt that there seemed to be some truth. He raised his hand and touched his chin and said, "let the ladies go and have a look..."

He turned and looked at the little maids not far away, Before they spoke, they saw the little maids whispering. They didn't know what had happened. They just became the master. They didn't have sense of joy for the first time. They couldn't afford it at the moment. The more they said, their cheeks became more and more red.

The fourth childe immediately: "

"These maidens are afraid to go, and they are embarrassed to go." Qing Qi said, "Lord Hou, this matter..."

Before he finished saying this, he heard Xie Wanjin sigh gently and said helplessly, "it's all right. No one else can do such a thing except this childe."

I didn't know what to say on July 1. I was full of: the Marquis is really brotherly to his majesty.

The next moment.

Xie Wanjin walked to the window with light hands and feet, stretched out his index finger, punctured the window paper, lay on the top and looked in secretly.

Qing Qi didn't know whether to stop him or not. He could only follow him silently and whispered, "Marquis, isn't it good for you?"

"The inside tent hasn't been opened. It's half hidden. I can't see anything. I just want to see if something has happened to them. What's wrong?" Xie Wanjin lowered his voice and said to Qingqi, "why don't you come?"

Qing Qi was a little skinny after all. He couldn't compare it with the fourth childe. He hurriedly said, "no, no, no, subordinates don't dare. It's better for the Marquis to come."

"Don't talk if you don't dare." Xie Wanjin kept aiming at the house. He couldn't see the movement of the two people. He couldn't help being anxious. "The window is too far away. If he opened two tiles on the roof and looked down, it must be much clearer."

Green seven pondered around him for a long time before he asked him, "Hou ye... Aren't you afraid of height?"


Xie Wanjin suddenly heard this and couldn't react.

After a while, he remembered how high the roof was, and then he was afraid, "I'm really confused. Fortunately, I didn't go up. All right, stop talking and listen to the movement inside."

Qing Qixin said: it's always the marquis. Are you talking?

He didn't answer. Xie Wanjin climbed to the window edge to listen to the movement in the house. The little maids were far away again. The whole bedroom was quiet.

The fourth childe felt that his ear strength was really not good enough. He couldn't help but stretch out his hand and gently push the porch window inward. As a result, as soon as he moved, he knocked down the vase beside the window.

With a bang, the porcelain vase fell apart.

The man in the tent suddenly woke up and asked in a dumb voice, "who?"

Xie Wanjin was so frightened that he hurried back, took Qing Qi and ran out of the court. He stopped all the little maids who heard the sound, "it's okay. Wait outside first, and it's not too late to go in when you're called."

The little maids didn't quite understand, but it was good not to go at this time. They listened to the Royal Marquis and waited outside the door.

And now in the house.

Wen Jiu, who fell into a dream for two generations, was suddenly woken up and sat up. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Junrong near Chi Chi, and his brain was blank for a moment.

Xie Heng was still sleeping peacefully by her pillow. His sword eyebrows were stretched, his thin lips rose slightly, and his left hand was clasped with her right hand.

The most important thing is... He didn't wear an inch under the brocade quilt.

Wen Jiu didn't even dare to raise his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead, and his breathing was much lighter.

She stared at Xie Heng in a daze. The confused memories of previous lives and this life in her dream overlapped with the memories of his palace one by one when he got along with him in the Princess House of Western Chu, from vague to gradually clear.

Her former enemy, the attachment of this life, traveled thousands of miles, and finally could sleep in the same bed.

Warm wine, wet eyes, bent over and gently called him, "Xie Dongfeng."

All things are no longer important. Only Xie Heng's appearance is engraved into her bones and blood. It's hard to forget half a minute.

But Xie Heng still closed his eyes as if he hadn't heard at all.

I don't know how to warm wine. I suddenly feel uneasy.

She stretched out her hand, gently brushed Xie Heng's eyebrows and eyes, and said in a dumb voice, "Xie Dongfeng, open your eyes and look at me. I really... Miss you so much."

Rongsheng Mingming said that there was no solution to the poison of hating bones. It took him three years to make her completely better.

Wen Jiu didn't know what Xie Heng had done to remind her of the past, but she didn't have a headache and pain.

She only knew that she looked at Xie Heng with her eyes closed. She was inexplicably flustered. The unspeakable feeling made people uneasy.

The spring breeze blows, and the red curtain is flying , A little sunshine came in, covering Xie Heng's eyebrows and eyes.

Wen Jiu could not help but bow his head and gently kissed his eyebrows.

She couldn't bear to touch it and was greedy for his eyebrows It was warm and didn't get up.

In this moment.

Xie Heng clenched her hand, thin lips light hook, said with a smile: "ah Jiu, what is this?"

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