Warm wine breathed slightly, and his eyes looked at the people in front of him like ink.

She was surprised and happy, and asked with some worry, "Xie Dongfeng, are you okay?"

"That's a good question..." Xie Dongfeng was helpless, but the corners of his lips rose slightly. "Ah Jiu, do you have any misunderstanding about my physical strength?"

Warm wine suddenly: "..."

She was just worried about what Xie Heng had done quietly, so she suddenly remembered many things before, for fear that he would do things recklessly.

But a good word, to Xie Heng's ear, seems to have no meaning at all.

The two are close at hand, with only each other in their eyes.

There was a moment of silence.

Warm wine on the surface of the heat, some unstable, one hand on the bed column, you have to sit up.

As a result, she was hugged by Xie Heng as soon as she moved, and the whole person was in his arms.

"Xie Dongfeng?" Xie Heng nibbled her earlobe and smiled in his voice. "You really think of me. Last night... I wasn't dreaming. It's good."

Last night, Wen wine suddenly called him "Xie Dongfeng" as before. He was ecstatic and coaxed her to call his name again and again, as if he could mix his name with his blood and never forget it.

Wenjiu originally wanted to push him, but when he heard him say "it's not good to dream", his heart trembled, and suddenly he was reluctant to push him.

"Xie Dongfeng." she stretched out her hand to hold him and said in a warm voice, "tell me the truth, what did you do? I called you several times just now, but you didn't answer..."

He just looked like he was asleep and couldn't hear the sound of the outside world.

Warm wine is inevitably a little flustered.

"Who said I didn't answer?" Xie Heng took her hand and put it under the brocade quilt. His sword eyebrow was slightly picked and said with a smile: "should I? Or... Let's review last night?"

"You..." the warm wine suddenly took back as if it had been burned, and suddenly his skin turned red and his face looked like Peach blossom.

She remembered many things in the past, but she recalled the memory of two lives. She didn't know how Xie Heng became so shameless.

"Ah Jiu." Xie Heng turned over and hugged her and fell to the side of the soft couch. With a breeze blowing, the Red Veil fluttered.

He bowed his head, kissed ah Jiu on the side of his neck and said in a dumb voice, "if I hadn't taken care of your body, I wouldn't have stopped so easily. Since you woke up earlier than me, go on..."

"Xie Heng!"

Warm wine is really unbearable. He looks like a wolf like a tiger. He drinks with a red face and a soft voice.

Early in the morning, so beautiful among people pestering you, what

Who can bear it?

When Xie Heng saw that ah Jiumian was like a peach blossom, he knew it was not good to tease her again. He hugged the person with one hand and said with a smile in his voice: "well, good, young lady wants to rest. I dare not move rashly. I listen to young lady."

Wenjiu had a lot to ask. Seeing him like this, he couldn't ask again.

She had to look at Xie Heng's eyes and want to see something from his eyes.

However, the latter was full of laughter and did not show any flaws.

Wen Jiu held Xie Heng's hand and said to him seriously: "although I don't know what you did, you don't want to tell me, there must be your reason. So I won't ask. Anyway, you will tell me sooner or later."

Xie Heng lowered his eyes, smiled and said softly, "my wine."

On his face, he was seven points helpless and three points happy. He was full of emotions. For a moment, he couldn't tell the truth.

Ah Jiu looked at him and said in a warm voice, "I'm waiting for you to speak to me."

"OK. ” Xie Heng answered, reached out and held ah Jiu's right hand, gently stroking the third bed column with his fingertips.

The "Xie Dongfeng" engraved on the top is a little crooked. Maybe it's because of frequent rubbing. The handwriting has been integrated into the bed column, as if it should have existed in this place.

I was in a mess last night , Xie Heng once asked her why she engraved his name here.

At that time, the warm wine had no extra thoughts to think about anything else, so he told him the truth.

Ah Jiu said, "I'm afraid I'll forget you."

She stroked his eyebrows and eyes. Her eyes were like autumn water. She said in a dumb voice, "I can forget all the things in the world, but I can't bear to forget you."

If ah Jiu was sober as usual, he would never say that to him.

Only last night, I answered whatever I asked.

Very good.

People can't help but want to like her more and like her more.

Want to give her the whole heart.

The sight of warm wine fell on the bed column with the overlapping fingertips of the two people. When they thought of those words last night, they couldn't help burning their faces.

At this time, Xie Heng's warm breath was still slowly fluttering on the side of her neck.

It made her whole body hot.

The warm sun was shining outside, and the bright sun penetrated through the windowsill door, covering the whole red tent, which was half bright and half dark.

Each other's eyebrows and eyes are clearly presented in front of us, and many traces after the absurdity of last night are also clearly seen.

Xie Heng looked at her eyes and said in a low voice, "ah Jiu..."

"It's dawn!" Wen Jiu felt something bad when he looked at him. He quickly took the soft pillow on his side and stuffed it into his arms. He grabbed the lining on one side and put it on his body.

Xie Heng smiled with a soft pillow and said slowly, "I just want to ask you, do you want to help you dress?"

Wen jiuleng for a moment, wondering whether he had too much reaction or Xie Heng said it on purpose.

A moment later.

Wenjiu firmly felt that it must be the latter, and threw him a sentence "I can wear it myself."

then He put on his inner clothes, brushed open the red tent and got down. He went behind the screen and put on his new clothes.

Wen Jiu was used to stretching out her hand in the West Chu for so many days. The princess's clothes were much more complicated than she used to wear. Xie Heng kept staring at her.

Her hands didn't seem to be her own, and she was in a hurry to dress.

Xie Heng couldn't help laughing. He stretched out his hand to lift the red tent that would soon fall down, put on an outer shirt at will, and stayed and walked to the side of Wenjiu.

He naturally stretched out his hand to help Wen wine tie his clothes and said with a smile, "look, you still want it."

Warm wine: "

If it's good, why does Xie Heng's mouth taste bad?

Not long.

Xie Heng helped her put on her clothes and put on her inner clothes. When she put on her outer clothes, she bowed her head very naturally, gathered in front of warm wine, and slowly said, "young lady, help her husband."

The wine warming hand was already stretched out. At first, when I heard his voice of "being a husband", I couldn't help but pause.

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corner of his eyes and said with a smile in his voice, "am I wrong?"

Warm wine is speechless for a moment.

The next moment.

"Now it's time to change your name to Madam," Xie Heng said with a smile

He bowed his head, whispered a smile in his warm wine ear and said, "madam, come and help me."

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