Warm wine was agitated by his cry, and his cheeks were very hot.

It happened that she was a person who didn't want to lose in front of Xie Heng because of such a small matter. She pretended to be calm and calm, lowered her eyebrows and eyes gently, and stretched out her hand to help him smooth the folds on his skirt.

His heart beat through the thin cloth to her palm, hot and fast.

"How do you..." Wen Jiu couldn't help looking up at him and asked him in time.

Xie Heng suddenly bowed his head, kissed her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Mrs. Xie."

Warm the wine, and the hand moves slightly.

Somehow, she recognized the two meanings of "thank you madam" and "thank you madam" from the three words of Xie Heng.

Maybe every time he whispered to her with a smile, the ending sound rose slightly. It was so confusing that she was so confused that she didn't know what to do.

Xie Heng's eyes looked at her like stars, and his lips were full of smiles.

After a while.

Warm wine just slowed down. His fingertips gently nodded in his heart and said in a low voice, "don't hook me deliberately."

Then she turned and opened the bead curtain and walked out.

Xie Heng was slightly stunned when he heard the speech. He reacted a moment later and couldn't help laughing low.

Wen Jiu thought about how to keep his face as usual in front of the little maids, and walked to the closed door.

She stopped and took a deep breath before reaching out to open the door.

For a moment, the pale golden sunshine poured in, the spring breeze hit, and the fallen English lingered in front of the court.

The little maids not far away heard the news and trotted forward one after another. They saluted and said, "Your Highness, Wan An."

Wen Jiu stood in the door. Before he could open his mouth and let them get up, Xie Heng walked behind her in plain clothes.

He very naturally took ah Jiu's hand and said with a smile in his voice, "get up and go to prepare meals."

Xie Heng smiled and added, "Your Highness is hungry."

Warm wine, slight pick in the corner of the eye, "I..."

Prepare your meals!

Why say she's hungry in front of so many people?

I'm afraid others don't know that they consume too much at night?!

She wanted to refute Xie Heng, but as soon as she looked up, she bumped into his deep eyes and forgot what to say for a moment.

Wenjiu couldn't help thinking: forget it.

I'm really hungry, too.

Xie Heng understood a little from her eyes, couldn't help reaching out and touching her head, lowered his voice and said, "ah Jiu should be mended."

"Thank you Dongfeng..." Wen Jiu couldn't help but cry when he heard this Look more and more subtle.

She looked up at him, worried about the presence of many little maids in front of the door, and whispered to him, "be good."

Xie Heng nodded with a smile, and the ending tone rose slightly. He answered "OK", and slowly said, "listen to my wine."

Rao is as thick skinned as warm wine. He can't stand talking in such a spoiled tone in front of so many people.

Her eyes were slightly raised, and she couldn't hide her smile on her lips. She said in a warm voice, "if you don't eat anymore, you can only have a dinner today."

"That's not good." Xie Heng leaned over to ah Jiu's ear and whispered with a smile, "I want to add food after night."

Warm wine suddenly: "..."

She has no good intention of talking to this guy again.

Xie Heng was in a good mood. He walked side by side with her, walked through the flowers in the garden, and spoke to ah Jiu from time to time.

A group of maids followed them and bowed their heads and laughed.

With a happy look at each other, they all felt that their highness seemed very different from before.

Mingming's eyebrows are still those eyebrows. Now he is with Yan Huang. I don't know when his legs are clean, and even the bottom of his eyes have light.

Wen Jiu didn't care what the maid was thinking at the moment. While listening to what Xie Heng said, he thought he would go to Rong Sheng to ask if the poison on her would have a bad impact on her roommates.

However, as soon as she passed through the arch with Xie Heng, she saw Qin Mo coming in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, there is a letter from Lord Fu!" Lord Qin ran in a hurry, and the sweat came out on his forehead. When he saw Wen Jiu walking with Emperor Yan, he quickly bowed his hands and asked good-bye before continuing: "Weichen thought it should be something big happened to Dayan. The chief assistant would send a letter thousands of miles. All the accompanying officials have been waiting in the study of the princess's house. Please go there as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Xie Heng couldn't help looking up at Wen Jiu.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Wen Jiu was a little embarrassed by him and couldn't help saying, "since it's a state affair, it can't be delayed. Go and have a look. Come back for dinner after negotiation."

Xie Heng answered with a "OK", his fingertips gently pinched her palm, "then you go to eat some pads to cushion your stomach, and I'll come right away."

Warm wine nodded.

Xie Heng turned and stepped into the corridor. Seeing this, Qin Mo quickly saluted Wen wine and hurried up.

Wen Jiu stood where he was, looked at their backs and thought:

Qin Mo seems a little wrong.

Since there is a book written by Xie Heng, why not show it to Xie Heng directly, but call all the officials together?

The third childe treats his eldest brother completely different from others.

If the letter was written to Xie Heng and not read by the ministers, the content would be completely different, but Qin Mo's words just sounded urgent, but when you think about it carefully, they were all flaws.

Wenjiu thought for a while, then walked through the flowers and walked towards the middle and small road of the garden.

The maids behind him didn't know what had happened, so they trotted to keep up.

Wenjiu regained his consciousness, raised his hand and made a "stop" gesture to them, indicating that they didn't have to follow, and approached the road to the study by themselves.

When she came to the peach blossom tree, she just saw the Qingyi guard open the door of the study and ask Xie Heng to go in. Then she reached out and closed the door.

Qin Mo stayed at the door and spoke to Xie Wanjin who leaned against the corridor column.

Warm wine was a little far away, and I couldn't hear what they were talking about. The only thing I was sure was that the study was very quiet and there were no accompanying officials.

She stood under the peach blossom tree for a moment, then walked around to the window of her study and looked inside.

There are only two people in it.

Qing Qi and Xie Heng.

The former was concentrating on feeling Xie Heng's pulse. The room was quiet and there was no sound.

Warm wine stood quietly outside the window, and the worry in my heart became more and more serious at the moment.

"Ah Jiu?" Xie Wanjin's voice sounded behind her, full of surprise, "Why are you here?"

Wen Jiu paid too much attention to the man inside. He didn't even know when someone came behind her.

Just at this time, she didn't panic at all. She just turned back and shouted "fourth brother."

Xie Wanjin was slightly stunned. After several years, he heard the fourth brother again. His mood was a little complicated for the moment.

Then he listened to Wen Jiu and asked, "tell me the truth, what's the matter with him?"

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