Xie Wanjin was so excited by her fourth brother. Before he could say anything else, he listened to ah Jiu's question. Suddenly, he didn't know what to do.

He didn't understand the situation himself. He didn't dare to talk casually in front of ah Jiu.

Seeing the warm wine, he couldn't help getting worse and worse. His voice was slightly hoarse and said, "fourth brother..."

"I don't know." Xie Wanjin got nervous involuntarily. Soon after his elder brother came, ah Jiu stood by the window, obviously following him.

He doesn't know how much ah Jiu's memory has been restored, but the former ah Jiu won't be fooled by him.

Fourth childe thought of the this and couldn't help thinking of the his highness eight who lived in this palace one by one a few days ago. Girl's family is more simple and lovely. Ah Jiu is very good, but he really can't stand it.

Wen Jiu didn't want to think about what the fourth childe was thinking. He went to the window to listen to the two people inside.

Unfortunately, the study is too big, and Qingqi's voice is light. She can't really hear it.

"Ah Jiu. ” Xie Wanjin gently called her, but she didn't get a response for a long time.

He couldn't help walking to the other side of the warm wine and whispered to her, "well... Ah wine, the eldest brother said state affairs in it. It shouldn't be much. You haven't slept much this night. Why don't you go back and have a rest? The fourth brother helps you stare here. I'll tell you what's wrong right away."

Wen Jiu smelled his words and couldn't help looking at the fourth childe.

She did not speak, and her eyes were as black as ink. Xie Wanjin's eyes were completely different from the previous look.

Xie Wanjin Leng didn't dare to continue pulling. He could only say angrily: "ah Jiu, how can you look at the fourth brother like this?"

Wen Jiu turned and looked at the people in the window. Wen Sheng asked, "will the fourth brother really tell me?"

Her voice was soft as the spring breeze.

But Xie Wanjin felt a slight shock when he heard the speech.

Fortunately, the fourth childe used to be a liar. At present, he was stable and said slowly, "of course."

Wen Jiu's eyes kept falling in the study and asked him faintly, "why can't you tell me what you already know now?"

Xie Wanjin immediately choked: "..."

He tried to explain with warm wine with a smile. He didn't think that warm wine had turned away before he opened his mouth.

"Ah Jiu."

The fourth childe doesn't know if he should breathe a sigh of relief or continue to hang his heart.

But soon, he stopped worrying.

Because the next moment, Xie Wanjin saw Ah Jiu go around the peach blossom tree on the left side of the study and climb up with hands and feet.

"Ah Jiu!"

The fourth childe almost screamed. As soon as he opened his mouth, he was pressed down by a gesture from ah Jiu.

Xie Wanjin is afraid of height, and ah Jiu is more afraid than him.

Now, she's Close your eyes and climb hard.

The door of the green guards in the dark around saw that the young lady was climbing the tree, and her chin was almost falling off. They were all ready to fly out and stop. However, as soon as she showed her face, she looked at the warm wine and made a gesture of "all down, don't make a sound".

The people looked at each other. Your majesty only said that no one is allowed to come near, otherwise they will be killed. But now the person who wants to come near is Mrs. Shao, how can they stop?

Qing Yiqing and Qing Er, who once followed Wen Jiu, made a choice in the blink of an eye - listen to Mrs. Shao.

The first few hid in the dark, and the remaining individuals were also very insightful: Young lady, how can you be an idle person?

So they retreated quietly.

Only the remaining four CHILDES don't know what to do. Anyway, ah Jiu can't persuade him. As a brother, he can only help hold the tree. Qin Mo, who is not far away, was surprised and ran to help Xie Wanjin hold the tree together.

Both of them are the mainstays of Dayan. Now they are both the supporting people of the princess mansion of Western Chu. When they look at each other, they can't help feeling subtle.

Wenjiu is actually not very good at climbing trees. He is afraid of heights. He is afraid to die. He doesn't dare to look down.

Fortunately, she is not heavy, and the peach tree is enough to give face. When she climbs up, only With more than half of the fallen flowers, the branches are not broken.

She bit her teeth, jumped from the branches to the eaves, climbed over Xie Heng and Qing Qi hand and foot, opened two tiles and looked down.

And now, in the study.

Qing Qi just played with Xie Heng's pulse. He was surprised and happy. He said incoherently, "it's all right? Your majesty did this dangerous move... Didn't cause half damage to the dragon body? It's just..."

it is beyond logic and above reason.

I haven't finished yet.

Xie Heng then slightly picked up his sword eyebrows and glanced at the eaves with the rest of his eyes.

Rao Shiqing was so excited that he couldn't help himself and understood his Majesty's meaning. He calmed down quickly and raised his voice: "it must be your Majesty's true feelings that move the sky, so that he can relieve the poison on the young lady and get rid of the dragon's body. But now the time is still up, and I don't know what will happen in the future. Please allow your majesty to accompany you, so that you can diagnose every day, or take precautions."

Wenjiu was lying on the eaves and didn't dare to move. Hearing this, the manager was relieved for a long time, but he still didn't dare to relax. He continued to look at the man below with his eyes as black as ink.

Xie Heng nodded and asked slowly, "where's the wine?"

"Young lady..."

Mrs. Qing Qixin didn't let me feel the pulse. What can you say now?

But since your majesty asked.

As a subordinate, he must say why, "at present, this method is very useful. Mrs. Shao has recovered her memory, but..."

Qing Qi paused for a moment and then continued: "no one knows how much memory the young lady has recovered and how the bone hating poison can be cleared. Therefore, my subordinates think that your majesty should do more with the young lady last night..."

Wen Jiu got up suddenly when he heard this.

She wanted to go quietly, but she got up too quickly. As soon as her foot slipped, the whole person fell down.

Xie Heng, who was still listening to Qing Qi, immediately stood up, flew out of the window, held warm wine around his waist and landed on the ground with the flying peach petals.

Wenjiu was still in shock. Junrong, who was close at hand, wanted to dig a seam and drill in.

Xie Heng smiled and leaned over and slowly asked her, "madam, didn't you just say not to ask? Wait for me to tell you?"

Warm wine and say nothing for a moment: "...."

Xie Heng smiled brightly and said in a low voice, "what does that lady want to do when she climbs to the eaves and peeks at me?"

Warm wine was blocked by him.

I forgot my fear when I almost fell from the eaves just now, so I had to look at the person in front of me silently.

Xie Heng's warm breath slowly rustled on her face, and his thin lips almost stuck to her ears.

He said in a low voice, "if you don't talk, I'll kiss you."

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