Warm wine quickly held Xie Heng's lips with the palm of his hand. His mind was blank. His mind turned quickly. After a while, he said vaguely: "I'm not asking you..."

Xie Heng couldn't help picking his eyebrows when he heard the speech.

Wenjiu said the first sentence, and the words behind it seemed more natural.

She stood up slowly with her toes on the ground. Her eyes were as black as ink. She said softly, "I climbed so high just now just to hear clearly... I didn't let you talk to me right now."

Xie Wanjin and Qin Mo holding the peach blossom tree looked at each other.

The two young talents in Dayan Dynasty were so full of admiration for warm wine that they almost couldn't help bowing to her.

Among the nations, there is no second person who dares to make such strong arguments in front of Emperor Yan.

Xie Heng had few times in his life when he couldn't say who he was, but the person in front of him was his sweetheart. For a moment, he had no choice but to pick her up, wear flowers and walk through the carved corridor surrounded by light and shadow.

"Xie Heng!" Wen Jiu was not sure what he wanted to do for a moment. He couldn't help but stretch out his hand and grabbed his skirt. Due to the coming and going of the maid boys around, he lowered his voice and asked him, "what are you, what are you going to do?"

Xie Heng thin lips light hook, smiled and asked her: "did you hear what Qingqi said just now?"

When Wen Jiu thought about it, he thought of Qing Qi's sentence "Your Majesty should do more with Mrs. Shao last night". He immediately looked like a fire, and was forced to keep calm.

She lowered her head and nestled in Xie Heng's arms. Her voice was as low as a mosquito, "I didn't hear clearly..."

Xie Heng didn't even have to think about it. He also knew how much ah Jiu said against his heart.

"Really didn't you hear?" he asked ah Jiu with a smile, and the ending tone rose slightly. "Then I'll call Qing Qi over and let you say it clearly and plainly in front of you several times?"

"No, No."

Wen Jiu is really not Xie Heng's opponent in the shameless matter.

It's humiliating to climb a tree and fall off the eaves in front of many green guards just now. If he asks Qing Qi to come and ask that kind of question face to face, what's her face It's completely gone.

"Madam said no, then no, I'll listen to her." Xie Heng whispered in his ear, with a gentle tone.

However, the next moment.

He then changed his subject and asked ah Jiu in a low voice, "does that lady listen to the doctor?"

Warm wine suddenly: "..."

After such a circle, I was waiting for her here.

She looked up with apricot eyes The man in front of me, but he didn't speak.

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corner of his eyes and said with a smile in her ear, "in fact, it's the same for me to help my wife."

Warm wine was ashamed and angry. He lowered his voice and shouted "thank you Dongfeng!"

"For my husband."

Xie Heng answered very naturally.

Warm wine completely lost his temper. He put his face directly on Xie Heng's heart and listened to his heartbeat.

It's a little unusual to be fast.

It seems that when Xie Dongfeng doesn't want to be shameful and talkative, he just covers up on his face. Only this heart can't deceive people.

She lowered her head and couldn't help laughing.

Flowers bloom in the wind on both sides of the corridor, and the rain and dew between the stamens, branches and leaves are not dry, reflecting a bright light in the sun.

Xie Heng took her in his arms and went all the way to the back garden. The waitresses put their meals in the octagonal pavilion early. As soon as they saw them here, they quickly bowed their heads and walked back.

Even happy and Tuan Tuan Yuan and those who have been serving your highness closely, they didn't mean to stand in the pavilion and hinder their eyes. They very consciously retreated to more than ten steps away to wait.

Wen Jiu raised his hand and touched Xie Heng's shoulder, motioning him to put himself down.

The latter's understanding was very in place. He directly put ah Jiu on the stone stool, then sat down on her side and naturally began to serve her soup.

If everyone didn't know that he was the Lord of Dayan who could kill or kill, Ba Zhencheng would regard him as the little man in the princess's house who was thinking about how to compete for favor.

Warm wine sat with Xie Heng, his eyes involuntarily stayed on him, as if he couldn't move his eyes.

Suddenly, the memories in my heart are complex and chaotic. Only the person in front of me is incomparably real. He is close at hand and can be touched by hand.

She was content to do so.

Xie Heng didn't feel embarrassed when she looked at her like this. He put the soup bowl in front of her and asked with great interest, "ah Jiu, you finally found that I'm a beautiful person?"

Wenjiu's eyebrows jumped. He quickly stopped looking at him and pretended to appreciate the picturesque scenery in the garden.

Xie Heng also knew that his wine had a thin face in front of him. He couldn't help laughing and said, "his husband can see what he wants. Why are you embarrassed?"

Warm wine ignored him as if he didn't hear anything.

Xie Heng, sometimes he can't really talk too much.

Whenever she answers, he can tell you all the flowers in the tree.

Piansheng ah Jiu bowed his head and drank soup, which didn't suit his words.

Xie Heng could also come to her ear by himself and said leisurely, "it wasn't like this when you held me and said, 'I hope the world is really beautiful'."

Wenjiu almost choked on a mouthful of soup. He immediately put down his bowl and went to one side to hold the post and cough.

Xie Heng said jokingly. He quickly got up, walked to her side and stroked her back again and again.

After a while, she slowed down and glanced at Xie Heng with apricot eyes 。

The latter did not dare to speak more, but spoiled and smiled at her.

Warm wine leaned against the pillar to have a rest. When the corner of his eye was swept, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a strange little maid running towards Xie Wanjin.

After the little maid stopped the fourth childe, she didn't know what she said to him. She quietly took a ruby from her sleeve and put it into his hand, and then turned and hurried away.

Xie Wanjin stood in place, took the red jade pendant and looked at the sun for a moment, suddenly looked at Wen Jiu, smiled at Xie Heng, put the jade pendant in his sleeve, turned and left the house.

"That's Murong Yu's jade pendant." Wen Jiu looked back at Xie Heng and asked, "what's the fourth brother doing? Why is he involved with Murong Yu?"

The phoenix order of the Western Chu Dynasty is carved from blood jade. The royal family all flaunt their identity with blood jade. The six Princess Murong Yu likes to wear this jade pendant most.

Wenjiu had no memory before, but now as soon as he recovered, Xie Heng couldn't help being surprised by his good memory.

He listened to her question, but he didn't want to hide it. He said slightly: "Wanjin is flustered at leisure in the Western Chu. He wants to find something to do. Let him go. ”

As soon as Wen Jiu heard this, he knew that Xie Heng had known about it for a long time. He couldn't help worrying, "the identity of a woman in the Western Chu is valuable, the city government's mind is better than a man, Murong Yu is a simple person, and the fourth brother is mixed with her..."

Before she finished, she heard Xie Heng slowly say, "our fourth childe is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

Wenjiu was speechless for a moment: "...."

I don't know how the fourth childe will feel when he hears his eldest brother's words?

Xie Heng felt that as soon as ah Jiu recovered his memory, he was worried about it. It was very hard. He couldn't help holding ah Jiu back to the table and sat down. While giving her dishes, he said, "you don't have to worry about it. He has a sense of propriety."

Wen Jiu thought about it for a while, but he didn't remember when the fourth childe knew what excessive inch was.

Even Murong Yu is ready to move. The nine princes who still return to the capital, the national teachers who can't shut up, and the emperor who promised to marry Princess Di to Dayan and his relatives... What are you thinking about?

She became more and more worried. At present, the food was boring. She ate half a bowl and couldn't taste good or bad.

Seeing this, Xie Heng immediately put down the dishes and chopsticks, took her hand and gently rubbed it in the palm of her hand.

He was not in a hurry to speak, so he quietly accompanied her.

After a while.

After all, Wen Jiuxian couldn't help but ask, "you know that the emperor promised you my marriage is another plot. Why don't you go? It seems that there are many flowers in the princess's house , In fact, it's dangerous. I don't know how many eyes are staring at you and me in the dark... "

Xie Heng suddenly clenched her warm hand and interrupted her halfway, "I know."

Somehow, he suddenly felt some pity in his heart: the rumored insane, but actually innocent highness Ba disappeared after all.

With the memory back, not only the former ah Jiu, but also her worries after her mental clarity.

He said, "the emperor of Western Chu did have another plan, but the purpose of my first step into the land of Western Chu was you. Now I just take what I want by my ability."

"There are still many days before the wedding day. I'll find a way to send you Dayan. When you get out of danger, I'll think of another way to pick me up." Wen Jiu pondered for a long time and suddenly looked up at him. "The emperor's mind is deep and very human. You are now the Lord of Dayan. You are the people. You must not take such a risk."

Her fingertips were a little cold. She moved gently in Xie Heng's heart, and his heart trembled.

Xie Heng opened his mouth, but he couldn't help sighing, "ah Jiu, I'm three out of twenty this year."

Wen Jiu was slightly stunned at his words, but he didn't understand for a moment.

"Take a good look at me." Xie Heng's eyes were burning to her eyes, and his voice said in a low voice: "I've been the head of Dayan for three years. I don't have to be calculated and suppressed. I can do what the emperor wants and thunder means. I know what I should do, and I know what I shouldn't do."

His eyes turned red, as if he was trying to hold back something, and his voice suddenly became a lot hoarse. "Ah Jiu, you don't have to sacrifice yourself for me. I can protect myself and you. I can protect both Xie family and the world now."

Wen Jiu tried to say something several times, but he couldn't make a sound.

She calmed down and said to him in a warm voice for a long time, "I know."

"You have protected me so many times and wasted so many thoughts. This time... Let me protect you?" Xie Heng said in a dumb voice: "you don't care about anything. Don't think about anything. Just wait to be a new bride with joy."

The string in Wenjiu's heart seemed to break suddenly, and then the pain and emotion swept over her, and her sight became a little blurred.

Xie Heng said, "we don't sneak Come and go, and go according to the original wedding date and wedding ceremony. "

Warm wine, sour and astringent at the tip of the nose. I want to say something, but I can't say it now.

Xie Heng fiercely hugged the warm wine into his arms and said in a low voice, "I want to tell the world that you are the last."

He said in her ear, word by word, almost like an oath: "I want you to be Xie Heng's wife in good faith."

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