In a twinkling of an eye, it was March 26.

The spring breeze is warm, and the new swallow holds the mud.

It's time for marriage in the season of flowers.

Three days before the wedding, empress Ann suddenly called Wen wine into the palace, and all the women close to her also brought them to her. She said that she had not been close to her own daughter in recent years. She saw that she was going to marry to Dayan. In the future, she didn't know when to see her again. She was very reluctant to give up, so she had to take her daughter to see her more.

Let Wen wine marry from the Western Chu palace. At that time, the royal family, civil and military officials and the people all over the city will send each other, showing the dignity of the legitimate princess.

The words are very beautiful, and every word is for the sake of warming wine.

Rao was the one who wanted to go back to her mother daughter relationship with ANN, so she could only nod and enter the palace.

Xie Heng, with his big eyes, lived in the palace. Across a small half of the capital of Western Chu, he stood at the top of the palace and looked at the phoenix platform. He could only see some shadows.

Rao is so. Warm wine can stand on the phoenix platform for many hours a day.

The dusk is getting thicker and the evening wind is blowing gently.

"Your Highness, it's time to go back." several people came happily and whispered, "my mother is waiting for you to have dinner together."

Wen Jiu leaned against the railing of the white jade carving Phoenix and didn't want to move much. He smelled: "go and talk to my mother. I'll come later."

Having said that, she didn't even move her posture.

The little maids looked at each other and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Warm wine, quietly overlooking thousands of homes in the capital, gorgeous red clouds filled half the sky.

At the top of the palace in the distance, there is a man in red. He has a jade body, and his sleeves are floating in the wind, as if he were going to soar up to nine days.

Warm wine could not see his face clearly, but only saw a vague shadow, so he was happy.

If only I could get closer to the wine.

She thought like this, suddenly some footsteps of more than ten people came this way, and the little maids turned back and saluted, "see your mother."

"Get up." empress Ann's voice was soft and weak. She raised her hand and motioned the palace attendants to step back. She walked to the side of Wenjiu and asked with a smile, "what are Jiujiu looking at?"

Warm wine looked back and smiled faintly, "what you want to see."

The tone of voice is very soft, but the words are very meaningful and simple.

When she was delirious in the past, she was still in a trance when she looked at an hou. She thought that her mother must have lost her because it was very difficult. She didn't have the idea to find her back. It was also because of many calculations in the Western Chu royal family.

But the longer Wenjiu stayed with empress ANN, the more he felt that his life was very sparse. There was no rumor that he was still determined to marry to the Western Chu and relatives for the sake of Yan Wanmin. He was gentle and harmless like a vine only attached to the emperor.

It seems that she has no temper and no opinion at all. She is very gentle to ah Jiu. It seems that she takes care of everything, but it makes her feel very untrue.

Maybe I feel too guilty, but I don't know how to compensate, so I can only give her what I feel good.

But these are not what ah Jiu wants.

When she was in Changping County, she envied Ah Xiang next door. The girl was very naughty since childhood. She beat up all the teenagers of the same age in the whole village and often made her face black and blue. When Ah Xiang's parents saw it, they would take Ah Xiang out to find those smelly boys and call them back. They screamed at all the young boys and dared not fight with her girl again.

Then he took Ah Xiang home, closed the gate of the courtyard, folded wickers, smoked Ah Xiang and asked her if she knew her mistake?

Each other's little Ah Xiang cried earth shaking, and the young girls in the next few streets were all in a panic for her.

Ah Jiu was envious. Wen Wen and Meng Chengyun always laughed at her, "what do you envy ah Xiang?"

"Do you envy her parents for beating people?"

No one knows. When ah Jiu thinks of his parents, he always thinks that they can be the same as Ah Xiang's parents. His girl has been wronged outside. Without saying a word, he helps her, locks her up and teaches her children well. After beating and scolding, he is more uncomfortable than the one who was beaten and scolded.

It's a pity that ah Jiu doesn't have such a good fortune.

When she was young at Wen's house, no matter what happened, which was right or wrong, it was her fault. There was no shortage of beating and scolding.

Now in the Western Chu Imperial Palace, the emperors and empresses are all high-ranking people. Naturally, they will not do anything to beat and scold their children.

Many geniuses met and talked less. There were groups of palace attendants. They were different from ordinary people.

Warm wine only said a word, and my thoughts drifted away.

Ann looked at her for a long time before she said softly, "it's night, the wind is strong on the phoenix stage, and you're not well. Go back and have a rest."

Wen Jiu slowly regained his consciousness. Before he had time to speak, he heard an hou say, "tomorrow you're going to get married. My mother still wants to talk to you."

This words, grievance gentle let a wine can't refuse.

Wen Jiu nodded and said yes. He reached out and helped Ann down the phoenix platform.

Her eighth highness is a famous medicine pot, but Ann Hou's body is no better than her. She is easy to raise in the bedroom on weekdays, and can be blown away when the wind is stronger.

At ordinary times, the palace attendants are very natural to come forward and help.

Warm wine is quite easy to do this, but I don't want to talk to empress Ann.

Fortunately, when eating, she can bury her head in eating. Empress Ann whispered something in her ear. After listening to warm wine, she ate the meal directly without thinking much or remembering.

When she was halfway through the meal, Ann suddenly turned around and asked her sadly, "Jiujiu, are you hating her mother?"

If you ask this, you can't continue to eat warm wine.

She put down the dishes and chopsticks, raised her eyes and looked at an hou. Her eyes were mild and her tone was light and slow. She asked, "why did the empress mother say this?"

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