Empress Ann looked at the faint smile on Wenjiu's face, her face became more and more guilty, and her voice became lighter: "the palace originally wanted to keep you around and find a gentle and considerate son-in-law for you. He doesn't need to be amazing and powerful. As long as he can devote himself to you and spend the rest of his life with you in peace and happiness."

Warm wine didn't speak.

"Originally thought how to" is really useless, except that it can make the speaker feel better, which is no different from nonsense.

"But when you grow up, you don't seem to like the empress meddling in your affairs, and you don't want to stay in Xichu. I don't know how many things you've experienced in the past, but you should have something to do with Emperor Yan..."

When Ann said this, she became more and more sad. She gently held the warm wine hand and asked her softly, "Jiujiu, do you know how many beauties there will be in an emperor's harem?"

Warm wine blocked his throat and couldn't go up or down for a moment. He just fought with people in the business field for many years and practiced his kung fu very well.

Rao was unhappy in her heart. She still had a shallow smile on her lips. She only said in a warm voice, "all kings have their own interests. How can the beauty of the harem be accurate?"

"What about Xie Heng?" empress an said, "you can't remember the past. You forget that you suddenly left him and became a cinnabar mole in his heart. If you get along with him in the future, you will be sick and even chenghuan will be a problem, not to mention growing tired. Sooner or later, his love will be separated by successive young beauties around you …… You are young and beautiful now. You are dazzled by a moment of joy. Have you ever thought about what to do when you lose your lust and love? "

Every word after Ann was worried about warming wine.


Empress an was also the wife of the emperor of Western Chu who took great pains to marry. Murong yuan even gave up the great opportunity to attack Dayan for her, and even empress yuan quietly removed her.

But even if the emperor of Western Chu valued empress an so much, there were still many concubines in the Western Chu imperial palace. After warming the wine, there was a ninth prince.

It can be seen that the love of the emperor is difficult to give to one person after all.

Others say such words are painless. Only ah Jiu's mother, the emperor and Empress of Western Chu, say such words, which is the real lesson and heartfelt words.

But Wenjiu just drew his hand back without trace, smiled and said, "Lust fading and love relaxation?"

She tilted her head and looked a little confused, as if she couldn't understand it at all.

Ann looked at ah Jiu as if she was willing to think more. She hurriedly continued: "yes, people will be old..."

As a result, the conversation was interrupted by warm wine.

She smiled and said, "I may not live to that time."

The tone of voice fell gently, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Ann looked at ah Jiu and couldn't speak for a moment.

Wenjiu still doesn't like talking to people these days. She has been standing at fenghuangtai for several hours, but I don't know why. She suddenly has a light in her eyes. Although she speaks little, she always makes people unable to refute.

Even... Shocking.

The huge palace was quiet for a long time.

Warm wine raised her eyes and said in a warm voice, "empress mother, I'm full and want to go to the imperial garden."

Not a request, not a consultation.

Just calmly tell Ann about it.

Ann was slightly stunned, and then said softly, "my mother will go with you."

The sound did not fall.

Outside the door, the waiter Lang said, "the emperor is here!"

Wen Jiu said quietly, "the father emperor is coming. The mother should go and accompany him. The son ministers will come back after wandering in the imperial garden for a while."

She said this with a sigh of relief.

Maybe it's a natural six relatives.

After listening to Ann, ah Jiu worried about her. She didn't feel much moved and warm, but felt a burden in her heart.

What she wanted but couldn't get when she was a child, when she grew up, others forced her, but she didn't necessarily want it.

Empress Ann wanted to say something to her. The door of the temple was wide open. Murong yuan stepped in, and Wenjiu turned and went out directly from the side door, A group of maids quickly followed.

Ann can only come forward to meet the emperor. She saluted and asked Ann. She said softly, "how can the emperor come tonight? There are still many things to do tomorrow. Take care of the dragon body."

"Don't worry about it." Murong Yuan went up to the hall with an Hou and saw the palace people removing their dinner. In a gentle voice, Murong Yuan said, "where's Jiujiu? She's going to get married tomorrow, and she's still young Go to the phoenix stage to blow? "

Ann smiled helplessly and gently advised: "Jiujiu just likes to see the scenery on the phoenix stage. She is going to Dayan. She doesn't know whether she can see the beautiful scenery of Western Chu in the future. The emperor will indulge her more this time."

The emperor of the Western Chu held an Hou and sat down on the arhat bed. He didn't care much and said, "there will be opportunities to see it in the future."


Ann thought she had heard wrong for a moment.

Murong yuan didn't say anything more, but comforted: "it's all right. Everything will be settled tomorrow."

Ann was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a little uneasy in her heart.

Why is it tomorrow?

The marriage between Yan Huang and Jiu Jiu was long ago It's agreed. Is the emperor still planning something else?


West Chu imperial garden.

The whole palace is busy for the wedding of his highness and Emperor Yan on the 8th of tomorrow. They can't wait to run.

Warm wine is like nothing, with a group of little maids Walking through the peony bushes, I rewarded her unknown exotic flowers and plants.

Looking up, the moon is half hidden in the dark clouds. The sky is at the end of the night, and only the scattered stars are shining.

She looked up at the sky and whispered, "it seems to rain tomorrow."

The little maid chirped and said, "no, no, your Highness's wedding date with Emperor Yan is a good day for the emperor to choose. It's sunny for many days, and it won't rain tomorrow."

"Yes, your highness, the proud daughter of heaven, ordered by Emperor Yan Zhenlong, even if it was going to rain tomorrow, the two people will certainly take back the rain when you get married."

Each one's mouth seemed to be smeared with honey.

Wen Jiu couldn't help laughing. He stretched out his hand and pinched Huan Tian's little face. "Tonight, I didn't bring any silver with me. Even if you boasted about flowers, you didn't get a reward."

"Where are we? Your Highness's silver!" the little maids even said, "we're telling the truth!"

At night, the breeze brushed my face, warmed wine, closed my eyes and smiled. I raised my hand to signal the little maids not to follow up, and walked slowly to the rockery bamboo forest.

The little maid stood in the same place and didn't know what to do. So, it's a good boast. Why doesn't your highness let anyone follow?

The moment Wenjiu came to the bamboo forest, someone suddenly flew out of the dark and dragged her into the rockery Cave

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