The stone cave is narrow and covered with green vines. Only a little moonlight penetrates the dark gap, with mottled bamboo shadows in front and slow running water behind.

The warm wine was dragged by the man, and he was caught off guard and bumped into a warm embrace, with a faint smell of peach blossom.

She didn't look up and knew who the man was. The corners of her lips rose involuntarily. She didn't have time to ask "Why are you here".

He heard a voice above his head, "Your Highness, don't panic. I only rob sex, don't seek money, and don't kill people." his voice was smiling. He heard that his wine heart jumped faster and faster.

She raised her eyes and saw Xie Heng under the hazy moonlight. She didn't look like Yan Huang, who was afraid of thousands of people. It seemed that she was just a romantic young master who came to see the people she wanted to see at night.

Warm wine thinking like this, I can't help being a little distracted.

No wonder those talented women and beauties in the script met thousands of times on the stage, which can still make those golden ladies envy and sigh with thousands of feelings.

If you can meet such a person in your dream, how can you not indulge?

Xie Heng leaned over slightly to see ah Jiu. Seeing that she hadn't made a sound for a while, he thought he had frightened her.

"As soon as I came here, I saw you strolling in the imperial garden, so I thought..." he said, quickly reached out and touched ah Jiu's forehead, pressed his voice and said, "I'm not afraid. My eldest brother is here, ah Jiu is not afraid!"

Ah Jiu couldn't help laughing when he heard the speech. "Which little girl are you coaxing?"

Xie Heng was stunned.

A moment later, he reacted, took ah Jiu into his arms, smiled and said, "it's me. I said the wrong thing, madam. Don't blame me."

Wen Jiu was used to it. He always admitted his mistake. At present, he just looked up at him quietly, "huh?"

"It should be..." Xie Heng said, the ending tone gently lengthened, with an undisguised smile, "for my husband, ah Jiu is not afraid."

Warm wine suddenly: "..."

This man can burst out speechless words at any time.

At the moment, the little maids were waiting not far away. It was quiet all around. The breeze brushed the flowers and leaves, making a rustling sound, and the sound of slowly converging water was heard by her The sound of breathing was drowned out.

Warm wine nestled in Xie Heng's arms in the dark cave. Unconsciously, the whole person gradually began to get hot.

Xie Heng seemed to have nothing at all. He held her in his arms and said in a stuffy voice, "call you into the palace before the wedding and don't let me see you. Don't the emperor of Western Chu want to kill me?"

Wen Jiu chuckled, "what nonsense?"

Although she also felt that the emperor's promise to her marriage with Xie Heng should be another plot, there was no movement after so much tim. She couldn't help feeling more uneasy, but it wouldn't be so simple to die Xie Heng.

There is also this person who can say complex things so simply, as if all the conspiracies in the world are just small tricks that make people laugh.

Xie Heng hugged ah Jiu, his chin gently rested on her shoulder, and his thin lip gently wiped her ear. If there was a touch like nothing, it would be like a fire burning in the dark.

Warm wine body is a little rigid, but the heart is hot. Those happy and unspeakable emotions seem to be about to burst out at any time.

Rao Shi was full of changes in her heart, but she was still calm on her face. She said in a warm voice, "Lord of great Yan, break in at night The Western Chu imperial palace is not afraid of being laughed at? "

Strange to say.

When Xie Heng ascended the throne at such a young age and looked down upon the emperors in the world, he was born handsome and unmarried. He should have been a regular guest on the romantic list of other countries, but he didn't even have a maid to serve closely around him. As a result, those literati and poets had no romantic affairs to write. They could only write that Emperor Yan was bloodthirsty and fond of killing people. There were many books suggesting that he was good at Longyang.

However, there are countless civil and military young talents in the Manchu Dynasty, such as Qin Mo Ye Zhiqiu and others. They are all Fenghua, who are just in a high position. They have to be arranged by others. They are the favorite ministers in the account of the emperor.

Xie Heng didn't know that ah Jiu's thoughts had drifted thousands of miles away. Wen Xiang nephrite was full of joy and said with more and more smile: "I'm not afraid."

He took it for granted: "I've come to see my wife. What can others joke about? Who hasn't tossed and tossed for his sweetheart and couldn't sleep alone?"

warm up wine There was also some trance. I was stunned when I heard the speech.

Xie Heng did not need her to answer, but added, "if they don't, they can only be regarded as poor."

His majesty Yan Huang smiled happily and wrote: "I have a wine, I'm proud".

Wen Jiu didn't know what to say. He had to look outside the cave quietly. There were busy palace servants coming and going not far away. The patrolling bodyguard was coming from the imperial garden.

She turned back, lowered her voice and said to him, "it's getting late. Go back quickly. Tomorrow..."

"How about tomorrow?" Xie Heng didn't see ah Jiu for three days. Now his sweetheart is close at hand and doesn't want to drop a word.

I wish I could hear it.

Wenjiu was interrupted by him and suddenly forgot what he was going to say.

But the other party's eyes have been falling on her face. Even in the dark small cave, it is difficult to ignore.

Wen Jiu took a deep breath, pretended to be very calm and calm, and said to him, "tomorrow you and I will be married. Go to bed early, so as not to look bad tomorrow. My what, that... People who don't know still think you are in bad health..."

Before she finished saying this, she was pushed gently by Xie Heng and pressed on the stone wall full of green vines, "what did madam just say?"

He was still warm with the spring breeze and the fragrance of peach blossoms. He suddenly leaned down and approached, and his voice was much lower. "I'm not well? Madam, tell me, where can I make my wife feel bad, huh?"

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