Warm wine backed by green vines, Xie Heng's warm breath slowly came to his face, and his hands under his sleeves quietly closed.

Her forehead gradually exuded some fine sweat, and her voice softened for a long time, "I, I'm not in good health, isn't it?"

A Jiu actually wants to say that he is in bad health. After all, people in the capital of Western Chu know that his highness Ba is a delirious medicine jar. I don't know when he will die.

The more he knew about it, the more he wanted to marry Xie Heng with his best appearance at the time of his wedding.

But just now Xie Heng confused people and didn't know it. Gou was so fascinated that she couldn't even speak quickly. But he still had to hold on to this and took the opportunity to "bully" her.

Xie Heng's eyes were a little dark, like waves in the deep-sea secluded pool, but he didn't want to show half a sad color in front of ah Jiu.

He lowered his eyes and kissed her forehead. "What are you talking about? My wine is very good, especially good."

Warm wine and stagnation of breath.

I don't know whether this is comforting her or deliberately laughing at her.

Such indistinguishable things, warm wine all belong to "forget it, Xie Dongfeng is happy".

While talking, Xie Dongfeng wrapped her in his arms. Her breathing was much heavier than usual, but she didn't do anything too much.

After waiting for a long time, the little maid nearby came forward quickly and whispered, "Your Highness? Where have you been, your highness? Your mother sent someone to find you back!"

It's the sound of Huantian.

Listen, I'm in a hurry.

Wen Jiu raised his hand, put his palm on Xie Heng's heart and whispered, "don't make trouble, it's time to go back."

I don't know if anyone saw her coming this way just now. If so, I must think she's doing something invisible in this cave.

Xie Heng sighed softly in her ear and whispered, "I don't want to sleep alone."

Every time he lowered his eyes and whispered, he was like a coquettish.

After listening to Wen Jiu many times, he still can't bear it and wants to stay with him for a while, but the little maids are looking for him here. The footsteps are getting closer and closer, and the "Your Highness" sound after sound overlaps with each other, just like summoning souls.

She suddenly felt a little flustered.

I didn't do anything just now, but I feel guilty for no reason.

The hand under Wenjiu's sleeve gently closed into a fist, suddenly stood on tiptoe, kissed Xie Heng's lips like a dragonfly, and whispered, "good boy, go back to sleep and pick me up early tomorrow."

Xie Heng Weidun, the whole person seemed to be pointed and motionless.

Wen Jiu stooped down from his arm and drilled out, quickly walked out of the cave and led away a group of little maids who were constantly facing the rockery.

Xie Heng stood in place for a long time. He couldn't help reaching out and touching the thin lip kissed by ah Jiu just now. He was angry and wanted to laugh.

Who can sleep here?

Outside the rockery, Wenjiu quickly walked through the imperial garden, almost generating wind at his feet. A group of little maids had no time to ask where they were at the bottom of the hall. They ran out of breath just to keep up with her steps.

Wenjiu returned to the side hall of the anhou palace. After absentmindedly bathing and dressing, he asked the little maids to turn off the lights and get ready to sleep for a few hours.

Tomorrow's wedding day will be up before dawn. She has to dress up and change clothes for the royal wedding. Ann Hou is afraid that her body can't bear it. She asked the maids to wait on her and rest early. She gave thousands of instructions. Finally, she warmed wine and yawned for several times before Ann Hou refused to leave.

Strangely, Wenjiu was very sleepy when she listened to Ann. As soon as the man left, she lay alone on the couch, but suddenly she couldn't sleep.

The side hall was very big, and the maids all guarded outside the hall. At the moment, the night wind blew the tent, and the moonlight was shining in. Wenjiu suddenly remembered Xie Heng's grievance in her ear and said, "I don't want to sleep alone."

It's a coincidence.

She doesn't want to sleep alone now.

Just when ah Jiu tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, someone stabbed the window paper in the dark and quietly blew smoke into it.

She was not used to smelling the incense in the hall. Now she just wanted to open the curtain and ask the maid to remove it. As soon as she raised her hand, she was stopped.

The visitor came quietly, took her wrist, covered her mouth and nose again, and whispered, "don't make a noise."

Warm wine: "

She listened to such words twice a night, and her mood was quite subtle.

Unfortunately, this one back here is completely different from Xie Heng.

His tone was hard, as if he had been hostile to her for eight lives.

Wen Jiu's mouth and nose were covered, and he couldn't make a sound. He simply looked at each other quietly.

There was only a little light in the tent. She couldn't see each other's face clearly, so she had to half squint her apricot eyes and look closely.

The latter was so surprised by her sudden action that she almost jumped up from the couch. With a slight move, she opened some accounts. Warm wine saw the visitor's face through the faint moonlight and was at a loss.

It was Wen Wen who sneaked into the side hall to look for her in the middle of the night.

The latter obviously didn't expect to be exposed so soon. There was a flash of amazement on his face, but he soon returned to a cold face.

I don't like warm wine.

Warm wine and low eyes, pondering what kind words to say.

Just then, someone quietly turned over the window and went straight to the couch.

Warm wine frowned, silent for a moment: "..."

What day is tonight? Why do so many people come to her in the evening?

In the twinkling of an eye, the visitor came to his bed and stretched out his hand to lift the tent.

In the night breeze, Wen Wen suddenly let go of Wen Jiu's hand, put his fingers together, and quickly lit the visitor's acupoints.

As soon as the other party opened it, he didn't even have time to see what was on the couch, so he opened his eyes and fell back.

Wen Jiu raised his eyes and looked at it. He was so frightened that his heart rate was out of balance.

In the middle of the night, I suddenly felt a man in black. He was not only similar to her body shape, but also had seven or eight points of her face.

If Wen Wen wasn't around, she would think she was having a strange nightmare.

The latter quickly turned over and stayed. Before the man in black who was seven or eight points like warm wine fell to the ground, he raised his feet and asked her to land slowly to avoid making a loud noise to disturb those outside the door.

Warm wine sat on the couch, silent all the time.

Wen Wen glanced at her with some disgust, turned and squatted in front of the man in black.

He stretched out his hand and touched his face in black. Then he got up and said casually, "it's easy to look, not a ghost."

Wen Jiu immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

A moment later, she suddenly noticed Wenwen's subtle emotion. When she looked up at him, her apricot eyes were slightly bright.

A little starlight flows in the eyes, especially clear in the night.

Warm wine used to be fearless. When I was a child, I could fight with eccentric grandparents and aunts who eat free food all day. I was very afraid of ghosts.

In fact, she was used to the cold and dangerous world in her previous life for more than ten years. She had long felt that ghosts were no longer terrible. She had forgotten her childhood preferences and fears.

Wen Wen remembers.

However, Wen Wen not only didn't want to talk when he saw her eyes, but his handsome face became colder and colder.

Just as Wen Jiu was about to speak to him, he heard someone pasted outside the window and whispered, "what's the delay? Get the people out quickly!"

She looked sideways and couldn't help feeling dignified.

Yi Rong, the man in black who was just put down by Wen Wen, looked like her. He didn't come to visit the palace at night. He wanted to confuse fish with eyes and destroy her wedding with Xie Heng?

Wen Jiuxin said: how come there are so many people who are tired of living in this world?

Her eyes were slightly heavy, and she immediately brushed her sleeves and got up

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