Wen Wen saw this and did not want to, so he stretched out his hand and pressed her, "what are you doing?"

Warm wine stared at him, smiled and said, "I'm just going to meet guests in the middle of the night. What are you flustered about?"

"I'm in a panic?" Wen Wen Wen is not a jade statue with a cold face like the third childe. At present, he can't maintain his smelly face. He sneered: "look at others who are addicted to smoke and easy to look. They can cross the heavy palace ban and sneak into the Empress's bedroom in the middle of the night. Obviously, they are not ordinary people. You can run away with a thin wind..."

As he spoke, he suddenly felt that there was something wrong with what he said to her. Immediately, the conversation changed: "are you a useless man who can't do anything in a hurry to die?"

Wen Jiu was not angry at this, but wanted to laugh.

The corners of the lips rose slightly involuntarily, but the heart was suddenly sour and difficult to describe.

She didn't speak.

The accomplice of the man in black posted outside the window couldn't wait. He lowered his voice and said, "what's the matter with you tonight? Another person is so dawdling?" he propped up on the window lattice and planned to turn in.

Wen wine smell speech, immediately turned over to stay, specially pinched his throat, gently replied: "wait a minute, right away."

"Hurry up!" the accomplice outside didn't seem to know the woman in black very well. He didn't recognize the difference in voice.

Warm wine didn't bother to rejoice. He immediately picked up the fallen woman in black and didn't even leave her underwear.

Wen Wen looked on, his face turned red and white, and his face was full of doubts and puzzlement about "what the hell is she doing".

"Don't just look at it, come and help." Wen Jiu said, reaching out from the bedside, took out his long shirt, wrapped it around the woman, directly pushed it into Wen Wen's arms, and naturally began to command: "pick her up and throw her out of the window over there."

Wen Wen's action was slightly stiff. He didn't want to understand why he just listened to Wen wine so much?

She said come and help, and he stretched out his hand?

Where's the brain?

Wen Jiu looked out of the window for fear that those people couldn't wait to turn the window in. He couldn't help but say, "don't be stunned, throw it out!"

Wen Wen struggled for a long time "why do I listen to her" and didn't come up with a reason. As soon as he heard this, he picked up the unconscious woman, walked to the window, raised his hand and threw it out.

The man outside quickly reached out to catch it and complained in a low voice, "what are you doing? At least it's your highness. Who can afford to bear the damage?"

Wen Wen standing by the window: "

A moment later, the man's voice outside the window was dispersed by the night wind.

Wen Wen was still standing in place, with his back to warm wine, and his broken hair in front of his forehead was blown disorderly, as if venting the mess in his heart.

Why did you listen to her again?!

Wen Jiu suddenly wanted to laugh. He stepped back and sat cross legged on the ground with his back against the soft couch.

The tent moved by the night wind gently rubbed his shoulder. After a terrible scene in the middle of the night, he was full of thrilling happiness, and his long backlog of thoughts became clear.

She bent her lips secretly.

Wen Wen, who was not far away, seemed to feel something. Turning around, he stared at her and asked, "what are you laughing at?"

Before Wenjiu could answer, Wen Wen continued, "I'm here tonight to act under orders."

The young man had a clear voice and said coldly, "I didn't want to help you just now!"

"Well." Wen Jiu nodded and said, "you come to assassinate me first. I'm also under orders. It's not your intention. I know. You don't have to explain."

Wen Wen looked at her and there was an emotion called "extremely confused".

He frowned and almost engraved "where's your face?" on his forehead.

After being suppressed by Xie Dongfeng's "shameless is invincible" Dharma for a long time, I don't know how to turn over the warm wine. Suddenly, at this time, I realized the beauty of this unique skill and thought of going out.

Ah Jiu leaned on the tent at will. His right hand took a night pearl from the collapsed eight treasure box and put it on the ground as a light. Then his left hand lifted it gently and patted it in the open space beside him, "ah Wen, come and sit down."

Wen Wen looked down at the priceless night pearl rolling on the ground, his eyebrows wrinkled into Sichuan characters, but his thoughts were carried away by the burning pearls.

When he was young, Wen's family was rich enough to afford to go to school and raise some food and drink at home. Later, his father fell and broke the backbone of the family. It took money to treat diseases, eat and drink, and the family gradually couldn't make ends meet.

The quarrel also became more and more. My aunt began to ask my grandparents not to read. There are thousands of readers in the world. Only a few people can pass the exam. The paper is so expensive. It costs money to light the oil lamp every night... Much more. My grandparents who originally wanted to make their grandson stand out in reading began to waver.

My cousin Li Yun, who lives at home, quarreled with him once. From the money for pen, ink, paper and inkstone on weekdays to the money of the schoolmaster, "Wen Wen, you're not smart. You're born to work in agriculture. Why spend money to have such a spring and autumn dream? I can't recite a few words about lighting lights and endorsements all night. My cousin loves the money for light oil for you!"

Wen Wen is really not the material for reading. He knows that he secretly told his parents that he didn't want to read. His family is so short of money that he might as well find a job to earn some money earlier to make the family feel better.

But that day, his elder sister came back from setting up a tea stall outside and happened to hear this. Then she raised her foot basin and poured Li Yun into a drowned chicken. She said in a cold voice, "it's not your surname Li's turn to tell you whether you want to study or farm! Don't light an oil lamp at night, even if it's a star in the sky, I'll take it off for him as a light!"

Wen Wen thought at that time that his elder sister was the best elder sister in the world.

Later, he was often laughed at by his classmates because he was poor in school. Once he couldn't help running home all night. He sat on the roof of the thatched house with his elder sister, looked at the stars, and said timidly to her, "elder sister, I really don't want to read..."

Wenjiu sat in the thatch pile and asked him, "do you want to continue reading and literacy? Or do you want to go because of family constraints and don't want to be laughed at by your classmates?"

Wen Wen was tangled in his heart. He suddenly said he was not reading material and didn't want to waste the money at home. He suddenly said he wanted to help sister a Niang share some. He hesitated and tossed around. In the end, he didn't know what he was talking about. He just wanted to cry.

Sister scolded him for half an hour, and then enlightened him all night: people can be poor, but they can't be short.

——You are responsible for studying well. I will earn money to support my family.

——You should be angry and learn more words. Come back and teach me. If my business becomes big and prosperous in the future, if I can't understand the ledger, I don't know if I've been cheated by people? That's not feasible!

——When I make a lot of money, I'll buy you a hundred lamps... No! A thousand! Isn't that night pearl as bright as day and invaluable? I'll get you a light, too.

I can remember the past.

What Wen Wen thought he had forgotten quietly surfaced in his mind at the moment.

He looked at the night pearl rolled on the ground by his master, and involuntarily raised his eyes to warm wine.

She only wore a white lining, and her black hair fell like a waterfall. She casually sat on the ground and leaned lazily on the bed. She was not like the Royal Princess of Western Chu in the daytime.

But gradually overlapped with his dusty sister in the past.

After five years of wandering the ends of the earth, they escaped from death and fled to other countries. They suffered day after day in the pile of dead people. Their hatred piled up into a high wall, but they were smashed by her sentence "ah Wen, come and sit".

The heart wall collapsed, and the moonlight and starlight leaned in with the warm voice of his wine.

Wen Wen walked lightly to warm wine and sat on the ground beside her.

It was quiet in the middle of the night.

Ah Jiu looked at him sideways and tangled in his heart for a long time. Then he asked in a warm voice, "do you want to kill me or marry me to Dayan?"

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