Wen Wen immediately glared at her when he heard the speech. He thought carelessly: warming wine is really a good skill now. A sentence reminds him of things that have forgotten the horizon and gives birth to a few threads of warmth.

The next sentence made him angry and wanted to kill her on the spot.

"Don't do it yet? It seems that I don't want to marry to Dayan." Wenjiu actually doesn't need his answer. He thought about it all by himself.

She bent her fingers and gently knocked on the edge of the bed. Apricot eyes narrowed slightly. Suddenly, the conversation turned and asked softly, "what do Murong yu want you to do this time?"

Wen Wen suddenly changed his look, frowned and remained silent for a long time before he asked, "how do you know..." it was Murong Yu.

His words stopped abruptly when he was only half asked. Instead, he smiled and said sarcastically, "it's not bad that it's your highness eight of Western Chu. Even who is behind me can find out so clearly."

Warm wine was speechless for a moment, and the smile on his face couldn't be maintained: "..."

She thought in her heart, "Arvin has grown up, why is it so difficult to speak", and wondered how to continue this sentence.

After all, her last meeting with Arvin was not a good thing. He came suddenly and left more suddenly.

Wenjiu later asked someone to check Wenwen's whereabouts. She learned that she is now one of the killers secretly kept by Murong Yu. She seems to be a leader. She sent someone to find him. Unfortunately, Wenwen is too determined to have any more contact with her. All the people sent have failed.

After knowing this, Xie Heng asked the Qingyi guards under his command to find out the context of Wen Wen and Meng Chengyun:

When he was in Changping County, Xie's servants broke Meng Chengyun's leg and threw it into the firewood house for several days. Wen Wen was still living in Xie's house at that time. When he passed by the firewood house, he accidentally ran into him. The young boy was just innocent and kind-hearted. He thought Xie Heng was joking about breaking his leg and cutting his tongue. I didn't know to see his old neighbor again, It was such a bloody broken leg.

Wen Wen at that time immediately lied about going back to the academy to study. Secretly, he carried Meng Chengyun, who was seriously injured, out of Changping County for medical treatment all night. It seemed that Xie Heng suddenly remembered that Meng Chengyun wanted to cut his tongue and kill people.

It's also a mistake to avoid the great disaster of slaughtering the city. As for how they wandered to the Western Chu, how much they suffered and how many crimes they suffered, they became what they are today. They were all covered by the two words returned by the green guards.

The Qingyi guard said: "Young master Wen and Meng Chengyun walked thousands of miles. They were very short of money. They endured cold and hunger for a long time. They often worried about their lives. Later, they were sold to the waiter's house in Western Chu. After several lives and deaths, they were cared by the six princesses of Western Chu and became the dark man in her hands. Meng Chengyun was full of poetry and books, so Murong Yu gave him a new identity and embarked on an official career, while Wen Wen... Was thrown into the dark Pavilion specially trained killers , there are two or three survivors among the thousand people, and childe Wen is one of them. "

Wenjiu thought of this, and his heart stagnated. He couldn't help asking Wenwen, "how have you lived these years?"

Wen Wen thought to herself that she really asked the exit, which pot didn't open and which pot didn't open. Her face became more and more ugly. She sneered and said, "can't you find out everything? What else do you ask me to do?"

Wen Jiu did not deny it, but whispered, "speaking out of others' mouth is different from what you said yourself."

"I have to tell you, don't I?" Wen Wen smiled colder on his lips, looked at ah Jiu with frosty eyes, and said clearly: "I took brother Meng, whose leg was broken by Xie's family, to go out for medical treatment. All my money was exhausted by quacks. I wanted to go home, but I was attacked by bandits. I was exiled without money. It was difficult to cover my body with clothes. I didn't continue to eat three meals. In order to pick up a steamed bread thrown on the ground by others, I beat my head and blood with a beggar..."

Wen Jiu listened quietly and suddenly thought of himself in his previous life.

How familiar all this was, but her changed fate became a gentle nightmare.

He went the wrong way in her previous life and ate so many roads she still dare not recall.

"Elder sister." Wen Wen smiled coldly, suddenly called her out, lowered his voice and said, "it's so difficult to kill. I can't learn how to kill. Until one day, the pavilion Lord locked us together with the same batch of people who entered the dark Pavilion. There are only three hundred people, and only one can live. I don't want to kill, but I don't want to be killed by them, so I can only stab the people who came to me one by one."

Warm wine smell speech, limbs cold, temporarily speechless.

Wen Wen said in her ear, "when I killed the first one, my hands shook violently. The sword pierced his body, but he didn't die. He could raise his sword to cut me. I'm so afraid. I stabbed him thirteen swords, stabbing all the blood holes in his upper body, bleeding all over the ground, and then I stopped breathing. Later, I'm not afraid."

The colder his voice became, the more casual his tone was. "If you kill more, you'll get used to it."

"Ah Wen..." Wen Jiu couldn't help but stretch out his hand and press Wen Wen's shoulder. He said in a dumb voice, "stop talking."

Her little brother has always been so timid that he didn't even dare to kill a chicken.

Now he has become a killer raised in the dark.

"Mrs. Xie Shao, shopkeeper Wen... Your highness eight!" Wen Wen looked at ah Jiu's eyes getting darker and darker, and called her to walk higher and higher. Her eyes were cold and almost relieved "You didn't think of me when you walked up to the height step by step and took good care of Xie's family. Why did you come to ask me how I've been these years? Pity me? Or do you think I'm still useful now and want to take advantage of me?"

"No... no... what do I do with you? No... I never thought of using you, really! Ah Wen, you are still alive. Sister a is very happy. Sister a knows that you must have suffered a lot these years. Will you go back to Dayan with sister a? You won't kill anyone again in the future. No one will force you to do what you don't want to do. We'll be fine..."

Wen Jiu had never been so flustered towards Xie Heng and the third childe in his life.

But she looked at her little brother, but she lost everything.

Wen Wen's sneer on his lips gradually disappeared, but his eyes were red.

He suddenly found that as long as he warmed the wine and said "no" and "no", there were even some vague words.

He was relieved.

It's really worthless.

Wen Wen couldn't help spitting on himself for fear that he would lose without fighting. He immediately interrupted in a cold voice, "enough, you don't have to cover my words with such hypocrisy."

The warm wine was suddenly interrupted and could not help but be slightly stunned.

"I can tell you clearly." Wen Wen suddenly got up and looked down at her, "if you set foot on the Dragon Boat returning to Yan tomorrow, you will be dead!"

Warm wine looked at him, but he was silent and didn't say a word.

Wen Wen seemed to be afraid that she wouldn't understand. He said again, "you will die if you marry Xie Heng! What kind person do you think the emperor of Western Chu is? Is he flustered when he is full? He wants to make an exception to let the princess marry outside! He made it clear that he wants to use this marriage to let Xie Heng relax his vigilance and kill his current enemy in order to unify the world in the future!"

"I know." Wen Jiu heard this, but his face became more and more calm.

She looked up at the little brother who had been wronged and would only be bored by herself, and thought: it's really different from before.

Wen Wen was angry with her three words and was about to smoke. He suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the skirt of Wen wine and picked her up, "in this western Chu, no one cares whether you are dead or alive, Wen wine!"

His voice suddenly sank down and roared, "you know you're just a chess piece buried with Xie Heng, and you want to marry him! Has your brain been eaten by a dog?"

Warm wine has not been carried like this for many years. The skirt of the clothes stuck around the neck. It was almost out of breath, and the ears were numb with the roar of the youth.

But that's true.

She looked at him, her eyes still like ink and stars, but when she opened her mouth, her voice was a little hoarse, "how can you say that no one in Xichu cares about my life or death? Don't you care very much... Cough."

"Warm wine, you..."

Wenwen was almost mad at her.

"Xie Heng won't die here." Wen Jiu interrupted him with a very positive tone and a calm face: "neither will I."

"I don't care if you will! You love it!"

Wen Wen didn't know what to say. He pushed her away, turned and left.

Wen Jiu chased him for two steps and whispered, "ah Wen."

The boy heard the sound, his steps were slightly paused, but he didn't look back.

Wen Jiu stood four or five steps behind him. Wen Sheng charged: "whatever Murong Yu tells you to do tomorrow, you just go down and find a safe place to stay. No matter what happens, you don't come to me. When things settle down completely in a few days, I'll send someone to pick you up and go back to Dayan..."

Before she finished, Wen Wen turned the window and left.

Wen Jiu stood in place for a long time, couldn't help sighing, and looked at the wide open window not far away in a daze.

After tossing about in the middle of the night, the morning light is faintly outside the window, and the dawn is coming.

The little maid outside the hall gently knocked on the door and reminded, "Your Highness, it's time to get up and dress up!"

The morning wind rises, the dew touches the new leaves, and the peach blossoms are burning.

This day, March 29, is the wedding day of Xie Heng, the Lord of Dayan, and Murong Jiu, the direct Princess of Western Chu.

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