Xie Heng lowered his voice and said, "shut up and go!"

Xie Wanjin immediately: "

The fourth childe looked at his eldest brother and the ah Jiuwei on the happy sedan chair. He went to the wronged side.

Xie Heng took his hand and looked up at the wedding sedan. His eyes fixed on his beloved who was like a fire in his wedding dress. His thin lips were slightly hooked, and he couldn't help taking a step forward.

"Your majesty!" seeing the sweat coming out, the ritual officer of the West Chu quickly braved himself to stop, "Your Majesty, wait a minute! The ritual officer hasn't sung yet. Please wait a moment."

Just now, Xie Wanjin began to shout as soon as he saw the wedding sedan coming here. At this moment, the sedan had not been lifted to the original position or put down. The Yan Emperor was anxious to go there. It was really hard to say anything.

Xie Heng smelled the speech and smiled low. He was no longer in a hurry.

He waited too long for a day.

Now wait a moment, and you'll feel so uncomfortable.

Fortunately, he waited.

Behind him, Xie Wanjin and Qin Mo whispered, "my elder brother is very angry with everyone, but when he came to ah Jiu, he was soft and obedient, tut tut......"

The latter gently "shush" and whispered, "be careful to be heard by your majesty. The Marquis is not afraid of death. The lower officer is very terrible!"

Xie Wanjin laughed more and more when he heard the speech.

The wedding day was full of joy. Xie Heng was all tied to ah Jiu. The fourth childe became more and more unscrupulous and said with a smile: "I'm not afraid. In the future, your majesty will lose his temper and cut people. We don't have to cry. With ah Jiu, the future will be easier!"

Hearing this, all the greeting envoys nodded in agreement. They looked at the slowly approaching wedding sedan as if they saw Shengming, and their eyes were bright.

Wen Jiuduan sat in the sedan chair, his heart beating like a drum.

She raised her head slightly and looked at the Red Prince not far away through the golden curtain and the sun.

The fallen petals were flying all over the sky like rain, and hundreds of Phoenix kites were flying in the air around. The long red tail fluttered and danced. Xie Heng stood in the light golden halo, standing tall and standing in front of the spring wind, and the flying phoenix tail gently brushed the corners of his eyes.

Xie Heng just raised his eyes. It seemed that the corners of his eyes and the tips of his eyebrows were all smiling. The beauty of the world and the spring in March seemed to be all gathered in him, becoming more and more beautiful and soul stirring.

Twelve greeting envoys stood in a whole row behind him, all young talents, Langlang and excellent looks.

When the wedding sedan landed, dozens of maidens around stopped one after another, and the ritual officer loudly sang "Your Highness, eight!"

"I'd like to welcome the empress! The empress is a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old!"

Qi Qi, the twelve greeting envoys led by Xie Wanjin and Qin Mo, bowed their hands and shouted for a thousand years. A group of handsome young people bowed and nodded, showing the posture of the feast.

Hundreds of people in the palace bowed down and raised the rare treasures on the red sandalwood to their heads, congratulating the empress on her millennium.

The echo of such a large phoenix platform has been lingering for a long time.

For a moment, countless falling flowers blew to the warm wine while the music fell.

She stretched out her hand, caught one and gently held it in the palm of her hand.

Xie Heng walked to the wedding sedan chair with his clothes in the sunshine and falling flowers all over the ground.

The people in the left and right palaces bowed back one after another, and the ritual officials on both sides sang loudly: "a hundred birds laugh in the spring, and the Phoenix flies with wings. Sing a song of ten thousand years together and enjoy the millennium."

Warm wine held the palm of falling flowers and looked at the lover coming closer and closer to himself with the sound of rites and music.

There are only five or six steps left, and then three or two

Finally, it's half a step away.

The attendant happily stretched out his hand, lifted the red curtain on the wedding sedan and retreated to one side.

Xie Heng leaned over slightly, stretched out his right hand to ah Jiu, said in a burning voice and said with a smile: "look at the peach and plum spring breeze going to a good time today, Hehuan knocking on the pillow, the wine has been warm, and invite Qing to be my palm man."

The noise around warm wine suddenly faded away at this moment.

In her eyes, there was only the person in front of her, and his smiling "invite Qing to be my palm man" echoed in her ears.

All things in heaven and earth are eclipsed in an instant, and unknown dangers and lost ways become irrelevant at this moment.

Warm wine reached out and gently put it in Xie Heng's palm.

Then in his palm was the peach blossom she had been holding for a long time.

Touching Xie Heng's palm with a little sweat and warm petals, it was itchy.

He picked slightly from the corners of his eyes and looked at ah Jiu with a smile. While holding her up and slowly getting off the sedan, he said with a smile: "ah Jiu, my wife."

Warm wine smell speech, heart missed a beat.

She suddenly became a little nervous. After stepping out of the wedding sedan, she opened her mouth to Xie Heng and explained in a low voice: "other things are dowry given by emperor and Empress of Western Chu. Only this peach blossom is for you."

After warming the wine, she suddenly found that she didn't understand what she wanted to say.

It turns out that when you are too nervous, you will not only be clumsy in your mouth, but also your brain will become stupid.

With so many people around her, she couldn't speak to Xie Heng again. When she was about to give up, Xie Heng said with a smile: "it's not just this flower."

Warm wine suddenly looked up at her. The Phoenix crown tassel and the face curtain shook together, and the streamer floated. Her apricot eyes were clear and bright, more and more like ink and stars.

"From today on, you'll be mine." Xie Heng leaned over and said in her ear, "what's the dowry of gold, silver and treasures? I've married you, the little god of wealth. How can I care about those things outside my body?"

Wen Jiu couldn't help but bow his head and smile.

She was trapped in the Western Chu for too long. Her memory was confused and her wings were broken. It was not easy to support people in the Princess House for a few months. Usually, she had to rely on the emperor to fill in some more. Eight out of ten of the private money in the wine chest was given to her by Xie Heng when she entered the princess house last time.

It's probably warm wine. Now I'm too clear in my mind. I think that no matter how much western Chu marries the legitimate princess, it's also a matter of the marriage between the two countries.

She has been the richest woman for so many years in her previous life and has been called the little god of wealth for several years in this life. Now she is serious about marrying her lover. She can't even take out a decent dowry. She is really mixed and unspeakable.

But no matter how much you think in Wenjiu's heart, no matter how complicated your thoughts are, you only need Xie Heng's word to break the cloud and break the sun, full of joy.

But Xie Heng was overjoyed and said, "last time you broke a peach blossom and handed it to me, you said you wanted to raise me, so that I could hold my heart in this painting. This time... Ah Jiu, my wife, do you still have a word less from me?"

Wen Jiuwei was stunned, then slowly opened his lips and said very seriously: "listen, Xie Dongfeng, from now on, you and I will... Hold hands, sleep together, die together, and be buried in one grave in a hundred years. There are countless beauties in the world. As long as I am still in the world for a day, I will monopolize three palaces and six courtyards, love me and enjoy me alone. You are not allowed to look at others more!"

Xie Heng lowered his eyebrows and smiled: "please follow the holy metaphor."

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