Seeing this, the palace attendants around, as well as all the important officials and family members of the Western Chu who were present, looked at each other and said: what's the matter with the Lord of Dayan? Why do you listen to your highness BA in front of so many people?

Xie Wanjin and Dayan officials had prepared themselves early, but they still didn't see it at the moment.

Your majesty really doesn't want any face in front of his sweetheart. He used to carry one or two points in front of others. Now he has been thrown thousands of miles away.

No one dared to make a sound to urge. The empress of the emperor on the phoenix stage and the royal family of the Western Chu Dynasty were waiting for smoke on their heads, so they had to ask the great internal attendant to come forward and shout, "the auspicious hour has arrived!"

The waiter's mind turned very fast, and he quickly added: "please Emperor Yan and his highness eight come to the stage to worship heaven and earth, and pray for the four sides to celebrate this heavenly marriage. The world is very happy!"

The officials of the Ministry of rites quickly presented the prepared Hydrangea red silk, handed one end to Emperor Yan and the other to his highness Ba, bowed down and reminded him, "please go parallel with your highness."

Xie Heng gave a "um".

Wen said, "OK."

She raised her eyes and looked at Xie Heng. The latter's eyes had always fallen on her. For a time, her eyes were opposite, deep as the sea, and waves in her eyes.

Xie Heng raised his hand to stir up the red Hydrangea slightly. A pair of amber eyes smiled and nodded slightly. Only the two of them could hear the voice and said, "madam, please."

The palm of warm wine and sweat clenched the red silk in his hand, but his voice unconsciously smiled, nodded and saluted: "please, husband."

The bright light golden sunshine poured down from the sky, shrouded the mountains, rivers and earth, and fell all over them. The Phoenix crown was shining, and the imperial crown was floating slightly. Wen Jiu and Xie Heng were looking up and facing each other. At a glance, they were like hand in hand for a hundred years.

In my last life, I reluctantly depended on each other when the country was in trouble. Unfortunately, a stranger made an enemy on a different road.

How much review of the previous life, only this life is perfect.

In the warm spring season, a pair of beautiful people finally walked on the white jade steps with red clothes and climbed the phoenix platform, the highest place in Western Chu. Under the witness of the heavenly Father, the king of Western Chu and the dignitaries of the Manchu Dynasty of Western Chu, they made great gifts and officially married.

The ritual officer of the Western Chu Dynasty sang loudly: "worship heaven and earth."

The people of Dayan, led by Xie Wanjin, congratulated in unison, "empress emperor Yongchang."

The ritual officials of Western Chu paused and couldn't help glancing at the emperor and Empress of Western Chu, Emperor Dayan and empress Yongchang not far away. What should they do after the emperor of Western Chu?

The emperor of the Western Chu Dynasty and an sat on the back end, their faces unchanged.

Wen Jiu couldn't help laughing. With curved eyebrows and eyes, Xie Heng worshipped at the fiery place of the Oriental Sunrise.

The ritual officials sang "worship the queen twice!" thinking that you Dayan could not say anything to the queen emperor.

The next moment.

Xie wanjinli raised his neck and shouted with the crowd, "the hall is full of children and grandchildren!"

The twelve greeting envoys were at their right age and full of spirit. As soon as they opened their mouth, they completely overtook the ritual officials of the Western Chu, and their absolute momentum was extraordinary.

West Chu people: "

After many years of love, the emperor had only one daughter and was married to Dayan by Emperor Yan. You are still shouting for children and grandchildren here. Don't you really mean to stimulate people?

Hearing this, the emperor and Empress of Western Chu couldn't help looking subtle.

The warm wine looked down at the pearl inlaid on the tip of the shoe, but the cheeks were unconsciously crimson like Xia.

Xie Heng turned around slowly with her, and the two men who condescended to be expensive nodded slightly. They just warmed the wine and the Phoenix crown was very heavy, and they couldn't worship too much. Even if she wanted to worship, the ceremony was almost the same as Xie Heng's nodding.

The Royal dignitaries of the Western Chu Dynasty could not help whispering and talking.

The empress of the Western Chu emperor glanced back at the people, which suppressed the discussion.

The ritual officer sang three songs: "husband and wife worship each other."

This time Xie Wanjin was quiet.

He looked at his eldest brother and ah Jiu finally paired up, and a pair of peach eyes glowed.

Qin Mo inadvertently looked back at him and was startled, "Hou ye... Are you?"

"It's all right!" Xie Wanjin lifted his sleeve and wiped the corners of his eyes. "It's not easy for our Xie family to finally have a young lady... I thought our brothers were as beautiful as flowers two years ago and wanted to be single together... It's a tragedy in the world."

He thought that he was tired of snacks. He stopped quickly and said with great feeling: "it's good to have ah wine."

Qin Mo didn't know how to answer for a moment, so he had to be silent. He smiled and looked at the new couple who turned around with the fourth childe.

Wen Jiu and Xie Heng held red silk in their hands, one step away.

Husband and wife relative to this worship, two people worship more sincere.

Xie Heng bowed down to salute. Warming wine, holding the Phoenix crown in one hand and the red silk in the other hand, Sheng Sheng bowed to be level with him, and they stopped for a moment.

Until I heard that the ritual officer of Western Chu and the twelve greeting envoys of Dayan said in unison, "ceremony is complete!"

Wenjiu and Xie Heng reached out to help each other. When they touched each other's fingertips, they couldn't help looking up and smiling at each other.

The breeze gently brushed the treetops, carrying falling flowers all over the sky, and birds chirped around the flying phoenix kites.

Spring breeze does not know that people are also old. Every year, the scenery is like today.

The great ceremony has been completed. The emperor of Western Chu and empress an got up hand in hand and brought the Western Chu royal family, officials and family members of dignitaries who came to marry his Highness the eighth. There was a constant sound of congratulations for a time.

After Ann approached and saw the warm wine, her eyes suddenly changed and stood in place for a moment.

Murong yuan obviously realized that there was a trace of abnormality in his eyes, and soon recovered as usual. He smiled gently at Wen Jiu and said, "Jiu Jiu, you have become close to Emperor Yan, so you will go to Dayan with him. You should be virtuous and dignified to be the mother of a country in the future. You must be different from the usual willful and reckless."

Warm wine smell speech, some want to laugh and some helpless, the emperor of Western Chu suddenly said such words in front of the people, it's really strange.

But on this happy day, she couldn't refute him face to face, so she had to hold her breath and planned to reply quietly.

At this time, Xie Heng pinched her palm under his sleeve and said in a loud voice, "if ah Jiu is willing to be willful and act recklessly, I will be happy."

He used to think that ah Jiu was too sensible. It hurts to be sensible.

It's not easy to forget the things that made her sad before and return to her nature for a few days, but they are said to be willful and reckless by people who don't know anything. It's ridiculous.

The emperor of the Western Chu Dynasty paused slightly, then calmed down and said with a smile, "if Emperor Yan can love Jiujiu so much, I'll be relieved."

Xie Heng thin lips light hook, said with a smile: "the emperor can rest assured."

As they were talking, Ann Hou suddenly came forward, grabbed the hand of warm wine, and whispered in a worried voice: "Jiujiu, you..."

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