Wine warming was almost at the moment when she looked at Shang'an, she understood what happened last night. Ann must know, and it is even likely that she arranged it.

But Wenjiu couldn't understand Ann's intention for a moment.

Just at this moment, she realized this, so she didn't want to cooperate with this person to pretend that she was deeply in love with her mother and daughter. She directly took her hand back and said faintly, "mother, cherish herself."

Empress Ann wanted to say something more. Suddenly Murong yuan held her hand and swallowed her words.

Murong Yu on the side finally found the opportunity to speak. He hurriedly came over and said to ah Jiu: "I always thought you were young. When I thought of you, I could see it as long as I went to the princess's house. I didn't think that in the twinkling of an eye, you would marry Dayan thousands of miles away..."

As she spoke, tears soon burst into her eyes. Meng Chengyun behind her quickly handed a brocade handkerchief and gently advised.

Wen Jiu looked at the two people with apricot eyes slightly narrowed.

As soon as I thought that I would probably never see each other again, I felt that I didn't want to interrupt the two actors so much.

"Elder sister Huang." Murong Mingxu, the ninth prince who has been serving as a foil next to him, can't stand it. He crossed Murong Yu and Meng Chengyun to Wenjiu, and put on a square white jade box with his hands. "When my younger brother came back in a hurry, he didn't have time to add makeup to elder sister Huang in advance. I hope he will accept it."

Murong Ming's delicate appearance is a little too much. Some boys and women mean that he is slim and only half a head taller than Murong Yu. He smiles warm and soft, and the six animals are harmless.

He is one year younger than a Jiu. He is the only emperor and gentleman born after an hou married to the Western Chu. His biological mother died early and no one cared for him when he was young. He has a miserable life. Now he is more popular than all princesses. He is young and has real power. He has the shadow of Murong yuan in those days.

Wen Jiu came to Xichu. It was the first time to see him for such a long time. He was unfamiliar and didn't hate it. Wen Sheng said "thank you" and motioned the maid to take over the white jade box with his eyes.

Murong Ming didn't mind Wenjiu's estranged attitude. He saluted the two with fists and congratulated them: "may Emperor Yan and sister Huang have a good marriage for a hundred years, and may the Western Chu and Da Yan form an alliance forever to share peace and prosperity!"

His words were echoed by all the ministers, officials' families and palace maids behind him: "may Emperor Yan and his highness have a good marriage for a hundred years, and may the Western Chu and Da Yan always form an alliance and share peace and prosperity!"

Xie Heng said with a smile: "it should be so."

He said, glancing at the warm wine, he almost wrote the words "I do everything for ah wine, you have points in mind" on his face.

The crowd gradually calmed down. Just at this time, Qing Yiqing and Qing Er came through countless palace servants and said, "inform your majesty that everything has been arranged and can start."

Yanhuang's wedding was supposed to take the bride back to Dayan Dijing and give a big gift, but the emperor of Western Chu asked Xie Heng to get married in Western Chu. Yanhuang promised to show his respect for his sweetheart without saying a word. This gift has been completed, so there is no reason to stay here.

After all, only the men who put a burden on the princess of Western Chu would stay here. The officials of Dayan spat and reminded his majesty countless times that he must take his mother back to Dayan immediately after the ceremony.

The people were also heartbroken. Since Xie Heng became the leader of Dayan and the historian wrote this life story, the tangled words had to be anxious to make the young man white hair.

Xie Heng lifted his left hand gently, indicating that he already knew, and ordered Qing Yi Qing Er to step aside temporarily.

"It's a long way to Dayan. Emperor Yan take care." the emperor of Western Chu slowly said, "Jiujiu is weak, so I'll take care of him."

"Farewell to the emperor." Xie Heng took ah Jiu and said with a smile, "I hope you take care of it. I'll see you later."

Wen Jiu bent over and saluted, "ah Jiu said goodbye to his father, emperor and empress."

"Jiujiu..." Ann wanted to reach out to help her.

Xie Heng took her first and embraced ah Jiu into his arms. They turned around together and left hand in hand.

The people on such a big phoenix stage bowed and said in unison: "Your Majesty Yan Huang, your highness!"

Wenjiu and Xie Heng walked side by side. At every step, the maid palace people on both sides of the white jade step sang congratulations one after another. They walked on the flowers and boarded the dragon boat on the shore. Twelve wedding envoys, hundreds of maid palace people and hundreds of Qingyi guards took more than 20 boats and left the shore with joy for ten miles.

After the party left the palace, they saw that boats and boats were parked on both sides of the river bank. As soon as the people in the city saw the dragon boat full of red silk breaking the waves, they immediately threw flowers all over the boat.

"I wish your highness and Emperor Yan have no doubt about their love and dependence for a hundred years!" and "may the two countries never have war! Enjoy peace forever!" overlap, which is much more beautiful than the high sounding words in the Western Chu palace.

As the sun gradually moved, the boat passed the thousand towers, and in the twinkling of an eye it left the capital and flowed into the Fengyin river.

Wen Jiu sat in the red tent and looked up at Xie Heng. He was this person in his eyes and heart.

Xie Heng went to her side, sat down next to ah Jiu, stretched out his hand and clasped her ten fingers. He looked at her quietly and was full of joy.

"Xie Dongfeng." Wen Jiu couldn't help shouting to him, "what do you think of me like this?"

The Phoenix crown is very heavy. She sits upright like this. Even if she is happy, she is tired and can't breathe.

It happened that this one didn't see it when he shouldn't be stupid.

Xie Heng said with a smile, "it's natural to see more about the sweetheart who finally married home."

Wenjiu couldn't hear such words. Her ears were hot in an instant. She couldn't help reaching out and pulling the curtain that blocked her sight.

Xie Heng just woke up from a dream and said with a smile, "look at me. I patronized you and forgot to take off the Phoenix crown for you."

He stretched out his hand, gently opened the curtain of warm wine, stared for a moment, smiled with thin lips, helped her take off the Phoenix crown and put it aside.

Xie Heng asked in a low voice, "are you tired?"

Warm wine nodded, "this Phoenix crown is too heavy."

Xie Heng just wanted to answer, but she immediately added, "fortunately, it's valuable enough. My neck doesn't bear its weight in vain."

"What?" Xie Heng chuckled, leaned over to ah Jiu and pecked her lips. "What did you just say? I didn't hear you clearly. You said it again."

Wen Jiu has exquisite makeup today. His face looks like peach blossom. He suddenly kissed him, and his cheeks became more and more red. "No, I didn't say anything!"

"OK, just think you didn't say it just now." Xie Heng smiled, held her red earlobe, played carefully, and said in a low voice: "since you are so tired, let's... Do something to make you comfortable."

Wenjiu's face turned red for a moment, almost the same color as the Luo tent on his side. He said with his teeth, "thank you Dongfeng! It's still in the land of Western Chu! On the ship! Be serious."

"I'm very serious." Xie Heng said with a smile, "just worship heaven and earth and sit in this red tent. Isn't the most serious thing the bridal chamber?"

Warm wine suddenly speechless: "...."

She must have been crushed by the dead Phoenix crown just now. How could she bother to reason with Xie Heng? She should directly block the man's mouth.

Wen Jiu thought and suddenly got up to block Xie Heng's mouth.

Several green guards suddenly flew by like a gust of wind. Qi Qi knelt on one knee outside the cabin and said in a hurry: "tell your majesty, my subordinates have just found that the Phoenix guards of the emperor of Western Chu are not in the palace!"

"The National Teacher Rong Sheng has not appeared for several days and has disappeared so far!"

Before their voices fell, Xie Wanjin hurried over and said in a deep voice, "elder brother, not long after we left the city, the gate of the capital of Western Chu was closed!"

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