The capital city of Western Chu, the national division house.

Xie Wanjin was bitten by Rongsheng on his wrist and was so frightened that he didn't slow down for a long time.

The feeling of blood being sucked by others was too creepy. He petrified for a moment and couldn't help but say, "hey... Have you had enough? Aren't you going to stop? I'm a big living man. Are you going to eat me raw?"

Such a large cave was quiet and quiet. The fourth childe immediately echoed and shook his ears.

Rongsheng's ear was buzzing. He couldn't help loosening his lips and teeth and looked up at Xie Wanjin.

The tooth marks on the fourth childe's wrist were deep and bone could be seen. He sucked several mouthfuls of cold air in pain.

He covered his wound and hurried back. At first glance, Rong Sheng was very surprised and said, "you, your eyes... How did they turn black again?"

Rong Sheng asked in a cool voice, "are you sure you want to ask this question at this time?"

Because he had just smoked blood, his pale thin lips were stained with a little blood, which was extremely strange and beautiful.

It was dark in the cave, only the candle light not far away faintly shrouded this place, which made the man look like a demon in the dark.

Xie Wanjin's wrist hurt badly, and Rong Sheng saw it cool behind his back. He couldn't help laughing, "I just ask casually. If you don't want to say it, you might as well."

Rongsheng ignored him, holding the silver wire tied with Xie Wanjin in his hand, and began to close his eyes and adjust his breath.

Xie Wanjin didn't know if it was his illusion. He always felt that after the blood color on Rongsheng's lips, he seemed to have a little fresh vitality.

This guy is mysterious and goes without a trace on weekdays. There is no one close to him except the little younger martial sister who is as strange as him at night. It is rumored that the national teacher of Western Chu often stays with the dead and has great Yin Qi. Others say that he is a half dead freak, It was the secret skill of the former state teacher of the Western Chu that made him live until now.

Xie Wanjin didn't believe such a messy rumor. Even a handsome man like his parents and brother who loved his brother said that Emperor Yan was bloodthirsty, killing and eating people without spitting bones. It can be seen that the rumor is generally unreliable with the dramas made up in the script.

But Rong Sheng sucked so much blood from him that his eyes were dazed and he couldn't stand. He couldn't help wondering whether this man had practiced some evil martial arts. Should he use other people's blood to improve his martial arts or heal his wounds?

That's bad.

He is a rare man who has lived for more than 20 years and is still a child man. Today, he sent him to the door to make a great tonic for Rong Sheng.

Xie Wanjin secretly looked around and wondered how to slip away from under this hand.

Rong Sheng, who had been closing his eyes and regulating his breath, seemed to notice what he was thinking, and suddenly said, "want to run?"

"How can you?" Xie Wanjin secretly scolded "what kind of monster are you, Rongsheng?" he smiled and said to him, "I'm so familiar with you. How can I want to run away when I see you with those ignorant outsiders."

Rong Sheng sneered and disdained Mr. Xie's ability to deceive himself by telling lies with his eyes open.

Xie Wanjin loosened his hand holding the tooth print, handed the bloody wrist to Rong, calmly said, "Rong Sheng, we don't talk secretly. I'm looking for Xiao Wu. Tell me where Xiao Wu is now... You can drink the blood!"

Rongsheng slowly opened his eyes and said in a cool voice, "are you willing to drink your blood when you are here?"

"Whether you like it very much or a little, you just had a good time."

Xie Wanjin replied without thinking.

Rongsheng seemed to be suddenly stimulated by one of his words. Unconsciously, his body was cold, and even his surroundings became cold everywhere.

If someone else is scared, he will be scared to death.

It happened that Xie Wanjin had been frozen around his third brother for several years. He didn't feel anything, but the strange part of his neck exposed at the collar felt a little cold. He even suddenly missed his third brother.

If the third brother is here, it's useless for him to exchange his own blood with Rongsheng for the whereabouts of Xiao Wu.

Rong Sheng looked at Xie Wanjin with deep eyes for a long time, as if he was going to swallow him alive.

"Cough... That's what..." Xie Wanjin finally remembered that his life was in the hands of others, so he had to lower his posture a little, "well, the national master doesn't want to drink or drink. It's all my fault that I didn't come early or late. It's my fault to bump into you when you're thirsty?"

Fortunately, the fourth childe coaxed his brother and spoiled his brother over the years. He has developed a good ability to retract and release freely, which can be used in front of Rong Sheng.

The national master has lived so much. I really haven't seen anyone who dares to talk in front of him. I'm speechless for a moment.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Xie Wanjin naturally kicked his nose and face. He coaxed in a low voice: "thank you for drinking more, and then tell me where Xiao Wu is?"

Rongsheng's eyes fell on his bloody wrist. His eyes became darker and darker. He said coldly, "dead."

"Rong Sheng." Xie Wanjin shouted to him and suddenly said, "you can joke about anything, but you can't say that about my brother."

Rongsheng looked at his very serious eyes, but his thoughts suddenly drifted.

Before he pretended to be Xie Qi to sneak into the Xie family, he sent someone to investigate the details of the Xie family. He learned that the fourth childe of the Xie family had been well-off since he was a child. He was a fool and had no right line. He was never willing to suffer losses, could not bear hardships and could not stand any pain.

But he was such a person who couldn't stand the pain. Now he rolled his arm and handed it to him and said, "as long as you tell me the whereabouts of Xiao Wu, you can drink the blood."

That's ridiculous.

Rongsheng suddenly felt that the people and things in the world were really strange.

Obviously, he is a dandy, but he is not jealous of other people's talents. He never talks with others. He is bent on the road of brotherhood and brotherhood. For so many years, no matter how others compare him with two famous brothers behind his back, he is stunned that he has not deviated from the road at all.

Rao was so accustomed to the darkness and cruelty of the world that he had to admit that the Xie family seemed different from the troubled families in the secular world.

Xie Yu... Is different from the people he has met before.

Rong Sheng frowned when he realized this.

But Xie Wanjin didn't know what to do, "Master Guo? Rong Sheng! Talk! Where did you hide my little five? Now the capital of Western Chu is in a mess. My little five doesn't know martial arts. If something happens, it's difficult to protect ourselves. What do we have? Sit down and figure it out when the mess is over. Don't involve my brother who doesn't even know how to swing his fist!"

The fourth childe talks more than others on weekdays. When he is in a hurry, he talks more and more. He looks like he can't stop.

Rongsheng couldn't stand his annoying strength. He said coldly, "let's go."

It's still two words this time.

But the meaning of "gone" and "dead" is completely different.

Xie Wanjin breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help asking, "where has he gone?"

Rong Sheng was almost hurt by his anger. He took back the silver wire tied to him and threw the man on the opposite stone wall. He was very angry and said with a smile: "even where he went, I have to ask this seat! Do you want this seat to take you to him personally?"

Xie Wanjin was so shocked that he was about to say "that's nice". He was frozen by the wanton cold on his body. Then, he quickly changed the conversation: "the people of National Normal University are very busy. I won't bother you."

Rong Sheng repressed the fishy sweetness surging up his throat and said coldly, "roll!"

Xie Wanjin, as pardoned, slightly raised his eyebrows and asked tentatively, "what did you say? Then I'm really gone."

Rongsheng closed his eyes and said nothing, as there was no second person in the cave.

Although Xie Wanjin had some doubts, it was much easier to be bitten and suck some blood than to fight and kill.

He didn't care what Rong Sheng wanted to do, so he quickly turned around and left, muttering to himself, "you talk a little less today! You're going to catch up with my third brother."


Rong Sheng is not such a talkative person.

When Xie Wanjin came to the corner, he suddenly felt something wrong. "No, Yeli was crying just now... Rongsheng, what's the matter with you? Yeli didn't stay with you all night. Don't you want to sit and die alone?"

Rong Sheng's patience seemed to have come to an end. He gently raised his right hand and directly threw the silver wire to Xie Wanjin.

"I'll go! Can't I go? Master, take care... I'll see you later!"

Xie Wanjin ran and ran for fear that he would be tied by the silver wire and dragged back by Rong Sheng.

He walked around for several times before he went out of the cave and walked through the rockery. Suddenly, he heard a sound of swords hitting in the distance.

Xie Wanjin had a bad heart. There was trouble in the capital of Western Chu, which was the first misfortune in the Guoshi mansion with many resentments.

Instead of moving on, he found a hiding place in the rockery and looked not far away.

As soon as I raised my eyes, I saw the maid of the Imperial College who was killed by a knife fall to the ground, with blood splashing everywhere.

In the past, the arrogant and magical maids in purple suffered heavy casualties. More than 20 people were covered with blood. They were forced to the corner by soldiers in heavy armor. The leader shouted, "we have been ordered by the emperor to catch Rongsheng! Tell us about Rongsheng's whereabouts and leave your whole body!"

Another order from the emperor?

Xie Wanjin hid behind the rockery and couldn't help scolding Murong yuan for being full. He had nothing to do all day to kill this and that!

By doing so many things on the wedding day of my eldest brother and ah Jiu, I'm not afraid of killing two birds with one stone until then.

He was thinking, so he heard one of the maidens in purple "bah" say, "since the founding of the Western Chu state, emperors of all dynasties have paid great respect to the national teacher. Which dog thief did you dare to go to the National Teacher's house?"

Before the sound fell, the leading general in heavy armor cut off the head of the maid in purple, held up the bloody blade and asked the rest of the people, "where is Rong Sheng hiding? If you don't say anything, you'll all wait for him in the hell!"

Not everyone is tough. The remaining maids in purple whispered: "the national master hasn't returned to the house for many days..."

"The national master's whereabouts are uncertain, and we don't know where he is..."

"Yeli... Usually only Yeli knows where he will go!"

Xie Wanjin thought that these maids would not last long to sell Rongsheng. These people said they had been ordered by the emperor of the Western Chu to catch Rongsheng. In fact, they would kill everyone, and obviously they would not leave Rongsheng alive.

I'm afraid people passing by like him will be killed together.

The fourth childe couldn't help being a little tangled. Should he go out and sell Rong Sheng to change his way of life before the maids had time to speak, or should he turn around and go back to Rong Sheng and ask if there is another way out in the Guoshi mansion?

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