Back to Luan Bay, on the dragon boat.

Qingqi ran to the cabin with the medicine box on his back. They consciously gave Xie Heng the position on his side.

Wen Jiu and Xie Qi also retreated to one side. Both of them turned white and stared at Qing Qi to check Xie Heng's wound.

The concealed weapon of throwing knives outside the cabin and the arrow feather on the opposite side are constantly hitting each other. Some people are injured and others fall into the water. Both sides are in full swing with long-range attack.

The river was full of waves and dark clouds. In an instant, it rained heavily.

The sails made a hunting noise when the wind and rain blew, and the cabin swayed constantly. Qingqi felt Xie Heng's pulse and felt a little trembling. He was staring at the atmosphere by warm wine and Xie Qi.

Green seven dare not be angry or speak.

The injured one couldn't help but open his mouth, "ah Jiu, Xiao Wu, don't stare at me anymore. It scared Qing Qi. He shook his pulse again and didn't know how to do it."

Qingqi's face was delicate, and he couldn't help saying: Your Majesty, you can say less!

Aren't you scared?

Wenjiu was uneasy, but he didn't dare to interfere with Qingqi. Even if he turned and looked out of the window, the heavy rain fell on the water surface and splashed countless water. The sound of waves echoed in his ears, which made him more worried.

Xie Qi is no better than her. After taking a close look, she has been trying to connect the broken string.

But I tried several times and failed.

Xie Heng, who was pressed by Qing Qi to check the wound, couldn't help but say, "don't answer it. There's a table beside it. You can try it."

Xie Qi heard the speech and didn't stick to the string. He got up and went to the side of the case. He plucked the string and tried two or three times. Wen said, "it's a good piano."

Xie Heng said casually, "what your fourth brother picked is naturally good."

Xie Wanjin had to let people put the Guqin on the table. The book said that "the Qin and the harp are in the imperial court. It's good to be quiet". Although there are many messy things in the Western Chu royal family, our eldest brother's marriage with ah Jiu must be the best and be good all his life in the future.

The fourth childe was not a scholar in the past. He was born to remember a sentence for a long time. Sometimes he took it out and said it. It's quite like that.

I didn't think so. It comes in handy now.

As soon as he finished saying this, Qing Qi touched his wound and took a cold breath.

Wen Jiu and Xie Qi looked back at the sound.

Xie Heng didn't even dare to frown. He quickly smiled at them, "it's all right."

His lips are pale and he can still laugh. Qing Qi doesn't dare to be half lazy. He points his acupoints to stop bleeding. He dares to pull it out only after he determines that the arrow feather didn't hit the key. Wen Jiu feels hurt when he looks at it. He wants to come forward and is afraid to disturb Qing Qi to heal him. He can only stand quietly and watch it from a few steps away.

Before warming wine, I felt that nothing in the world could not be solved by silver.

Since Xie Heng walked on the same road, she suddenly found that this was not the case. There were many things that could not be bought with silver.

Such as the lost time, such as the peace of the world.

Xie Heng caught a glimpse of her bloody face and couldn't help giving Qingqi a wink.

The latter understood, but he didn't know how to speak. It took him a long time to say, "Your Majesty didn't hurt the key this time, just bleeding too much. It looks scary. In fact, his majesty wasn't pierced by a knife last time..."

Qing Qi suddenly realized that the atmosphere around him was bad. He quickly stopped and added, "Your Majesty, Hong Fu is in heaven. Although you have been injured many times, you have never been hurt..."

"Shut up!"

Xie Heng couldn't listen and couldn't help but reward him.

Qingqi quickly shut up and stopped talking. He wholeheartedly helped him deal with his wound, and then quickly applied medicine and bandaged him. His action was not decent.

Xie Heng didn't make a sound from beginning to end, but there was a little cold sweat on his forehead.

No one around made any sound, as if this scene had been seen from time to time.

Wen Jiu thought of the three years when he was not with him. He didn't know how many injuries he had suffered and how much blood he had shed, so that he could recover all parties and sit firmly in the position of the Lord of Dayan.

Everyone felt that he deserved it.

A man who stands on thousands of people and wears thousands of glory is justified in suffering more and suffering more sins than others.

But ah Jiu is distressed.

If she could, she would rather that he would always be a carefree and beautiful young man, enjoying flowers in spring and listening to cicadas in summer. A folding fan can attract all the romantic and elegant childe.

But what flowed on him was the blood of the Dayan royal family. He was born to bear the great responsibility of the world.

After Xie Qi had tuned the strings, he sat down and planned to start playing the piano.

At this moment.

Under the dragon head boat, it seemed that there were no hands pushing, lifting one side of the boat and tilting it. The people in the cabin fell to the lower side unprepared.

Xie Qi quickly hugged the Guqin and protected it in his arms. He reached out to pick up Huan Tian who fell at his feet and said in a warm voice, "be careful, girl."

Wen Jiu didn't stand still. When he looked up at Xie Heng again, he saw that the wound just wrapped behind him collapsed and became stained with blood in an instant.

She ran over, reached out her hand to help Xie Heng sit up, and asked anxiously, "how are you?"

"Nothing... Just a bump."

Xie Heng stood up on her and looked out.

The green guards outside pulled out their swords to kill the Western Chu Navy trying to climb onto the ship, and reported: "Your Majesty, it's the people from the Western Chu side who dived from the water and caused trouble at the bottom of the ship!"

The Western Chu Navy didn't know whether it was from the fifth childe's playing the piano that the fish arching the boat capsized. They learned and used it now. Unexpectedly, they sent a large number of people to dive and swim over to try to capsize the boat.

Xie Heng was laughed by Liang Kangqi who dared to think and do. "I've heard that the water quality of the Western Chu Navy is very good. I didn't expect it to be so useful."

Qin Mo's anxious forehead was sweating. "Your Majesty, this is not the time to praise the enemy!" think about what to do!

"Just in time." Xie Heng said in a slight tone: "order all ships to drain the water rope!"

Although Qin Mo didn't know what the water rope was, seeing his Majesty's confident appearance, he quickly turned to the outside and told everyone in a loud voice: "release the water rope!"

Sound lag.

The people in the dark warehouse of each ship pressed the bottom mechanism one after another, and the water rope made of black iron was scattered from the edge of the ship, which gathered all the Western Chu water troops clinging to the edge of the ship like a net fish and sank into the water.

For a time, they were struggling at the bottom of the water. In order to survive, they frantically waved swords and swords to try to cut the suddenly dropped water rope, but the thing made of black iron was difficult to cut off easily. They couldn't work hard in the water and gradually returned to silence.

But even if the Western Chu Navy suffered heavy losses and the people sent by Liang Kang were damaged again and again, these people still attacked the dragon head boat.

The sky gradually darkened, the rain became heavier and heavier, and more and more enemy troops swam from the water to attack secretly.

The dragon boat and the hidden weapons on each ship are about to run out. At this moment, it shows the disadvantage of great disparity in the number of people.

Regardless of death and injury, Liang Kang was determined to kill Emperor Yan here, and the people at the bottom were even more red eyed.

After the ship's machinery on the side was exhausted, the Qingyi guard in charge of deployment had to fly to report, "Your Majesty, the machinery on the ship has been exhausted!"

With the sound falling, all boats and boats had Qingyi guards flying to report.

"Your Majesty, the machine is exhausted!"

"Your Majesty, the ship has been chiseled and water is constantly seeping. It's about to sink!"

"There are plenty of armaments in the West Chu. It seems that they want to live with us!"

As soon as Xie Heng turned around, he pulled the wound behind him and couldn't help frowning slightly.

He just opened his mouth and was robbed by the warm wine on one side.

"Drive all the boats that have run out of machinery to the front of the dragon boat for resistance, and let everyone withdraw to the Dragon Boat!"

Warm wine for a long time.

From the beginning of the fight between the two sides, she thought of what to do if it really reached the point of death and injury.

Although she doesn't want to die like this at all, it's a big disaster. It's not that she can live without it. She should face everything that should be faced, and she should plan ahead for the situation that is about to happen.

Everyone knows that what she said is as important as Yan Huang. Moreover, in this situation, it is the best way to let all the survivors withdraw to the dragon boat.

Xie Heng could not help but look sideways at Wen Jiu. His lips were slightly white due to injury, but his eyes were bright at the moment.

"If..." Wen jiudun asked him in a low voice, "if you really want to die here today, do you regret it?"

Xie Heng laughed, "what do you regret?"

"You could have been the master of your great Yan, sitting with countless beauties." Wen Jiu lowered his head slightly, and his voice lowered, "I don't seem to have anything to help you, Xie Heng... Do you regret losing your life for a useless person like me?"

Xie Heng looked at her eyes, and his eyes could not help but dignified. He asked her in a deep voice, "ah Jiu, do you think I can't lift the sword? Or can't cut people?"

Wen Jiuwei was stunned and asked in a low voice, "what?"

Xie Heng turned around and pulled out the scabbard of the sword. He looked back at her defiantly, and said in a clear voice, "who said we would die here? Who dares to stop me to marry you home, and I will keep him company with the big waves and yellow sand forever!"

Warm wine looked up and looked at the person in front of him.

Even if life is like a mayfly in the world, it is enough to meet such a person in a lifetime.

While Xie Heng was talking, he raised his hand and touched Wen Jiu's forehead. Wen said in a warm voice, "don't think about it. Stay here."

Warm wine and whisper "good."

Xie Heng closed his hands and turned back his sleeves. He looked at Xie Qi, who was picked up one by one by the little maids who fell not far away. He whispered to ah Jiu, "look at Xiao Wu. Don't let him run outside."

Wen Jiu nodded, and even raised his hand and motioned several martial arts maids to protect Xie Qi.

Xie Heng took the sword with a group of green guards and went out. He would constantly try to climb the leading boat, cut and fall into the water, and meet the people on other ships.

The heavy rain drenched everyone in a mess. Their clothes were wet and close to each other. It was difficult to distinguish between blood and water stains for a while.

After several hours of war, more than half of the people on Dayan side were lost, and the water army of Western Chu was seriously killed and injured.

I saw the last minute.

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