"Murong Yu?" Xie Wanjin stopped with Rong Sheng on his back three or four steps away from Murong Yu and said in surprise, "why did you suddenly fall here when you ran so fast just now?"

As soon as Murong Yu saw that the visitor was Xie Wanjin, he immediately shouted as if he had been saved: "Lord, save me..."

Xie Wanjin doesn't know martial arts. Rong Sheng is half dead now. Naturally, he won't rush forward.

The fourth childe looked around to see if there was any other way to go. He guessed and asked, "what are you doing in Xichu on such a happy day today?"

The emperor of Western Chu was ambitious and wanted to unify the world. It was understandable for him to start with Xie Heng and his married daughter. Rong Sheng, the national teacher of Western Chu, was detached. He worked too hard and too much on weekdays. He didn't hold the emperor of Western Chu high like other ministers. It's no surprise that he was chased and killed by others.

But there's no need to kill Murong Yu who pretends to be clever all day?

Unless... Murong yuan is not the one who is in charge now.

Xie Wanjin seemed to suddenly arrive at something and asked, "who wants to kill you?"

Murong Yu was trying to survive. He couldn't answer him well at all. He could only keep saying, "help me... Help me..."

"You......" Xie Wanjin was eager to get the answer. Seeing her like this, he couldn't help but put down Rongsheng and let him lean against the stone wall. He went forward to check Murong Yu's injury.

But as soon as he was about to step forward, Rong Sheng held his wrist, "don't go."

"Ah?" Xie Wanjin didn't understand at once. He turned and looked at Rong Sheng. "I didn't say you. They are also princesses of Western Chu. How can you still divide the legitimate concubines so clearly?"

Rong Sheng tried hard for ah Jiu, but he was completely different from Murong Yu. He didn't want to take a more look when he saw someone lying on the ground, or even let him see it.

This differential treatment is also clearer.

"How did you until she wasn't pretending?" Rong Sheng's voice was a little light. "If she fell there, she was waiting for you to walk over and take your life. What do you do? Even if she was really hurt, are you really going to save her and take her out together? You're not afraid that she would turn around and sell you after she went out?"

When Xie Wanjin heard the speech, he couldn't help looking back at Murong Yu and said, "shouldn't she? I don't think she wants to pretend. She is also a fugitive at the end of the world..."

When Rong Sheng heard this, he couldn't help sneering, "I'm so clumsy. I haven't seen that Mr. Xie is still a kind man who cherishes fragrance and jade for so many years."

Xie Wanjin felt a little strange when he heard the speech. He lowered his voice and said to Tong Rongsheng, "they are both fugitives at the end of the world. Anyway, I don't know when they will live. They can pit one another. You say so."

Rong Sheng: "what???"

"Just wait a minute," said Xie Wanjin. He walked to Murong Yu, slowed down his voice and asked, "I said six princesses, why don't you go back to the princess's house and do something in this secret way?"

Murong Yu sobbed: "Murong Ming rebelled and poisoned his father. The whole palace was turned upside down by him. This palace... Can only escape from the secret way for the time being."

"Murong Ming? Is that the ninth prince who just returned to the capital?"

In fact, Xie Wanjin has guessed. It has been said that the ninth Prince is most like the emperor of Western Chu. As the saying goes, like father, like son. When Murong yuan was young, he killed several brothers and sisters in order to win the throne. It's not surprising that Murong Ming took the opportunity to make chaos in his son's generation.

"Yes... It's him!" Murong Yu was filled with resentment and his voice sounded a lot. "The wound in the palace hurts so much. Lord Hou, help me quickly!"

Xie Wanjin didn't answer, but slowly said, "the last question, how did the princess get hurt? What mechanisms and concealed weapons are there in the secret way ahead? Or... Man-made?"

"Yes... There are concealed weapons." Murong Yu had no patience to talk to him again and said with clenched teeth: "don't say more... The palace can't hold up... Save me!"

Xie Wanjin "Oh", turned around and walked back to Rong Sheng, bent over and asked, "master, do you have any wound and poison?"

"Yes, in my arms."

Rongsheng is very straightforward this time.

Xie Wanjin stretched out his hand to take it out of his arms, touched several small jade bottles, and said to himself: no wonder Rong Sheng was in a panic when he carried it on his back. It turned out that he had so many things hidden in his arms. It's strange if he didn't.

Thinking like this, he held several small jade bottles in his palm and asked Rong Sheng, "which of these bottles is injury medicine and which bottle is poison?"

Rong Sheng said, "the white jade bottle is wound medicine, and the black jade bottle is poison."

"OK." Xie Wanjin answered, took out the white jade bottle and the black jade bottle, and stuffed the rest into his arms.

?? He got up and went to Murong Yu. He put the two jade bottles in her hand and said from a commanding position: "you have heard clearly just now. The white jade bottle is wound medicine and the black jade bottle is poison. If you want to find a way out alive, you can put the wound medicine on yourself and go out. If you want to end early and avoid suffering, take the poison."

Xie Wanjin turned and left.

Murong Yu was stunned for a moment when he heard the speech, then struggled to get up and said to Xie Wanjin in a startled voice: "Hou Ye! How can you die like this... You clearly... We are allies! You saved me... We can have a way out after we go out together!"

Without looking back, Xie Wanjin reached out his hand to help Rong Sheng up and said with a smile: "ally? The sixth princess is too amorous. She just drank a few cups of tea and a few words together?..."

He said, his voice wrinkled, as heartless as a heartless man to a tired old man, "who is your ally?"

Murong Yu's face? The blood faded in an instant.

Xie Wanjin carried Rongsheng around her and walked forward without looking back.

"Xie Wanjin!" Murong Yuqiang gritted his teeth and scolded, "you're just a villain who doesn't speak of faithfulness! You have no ambition... You can't do anything! No wonder you can't compare with your two brothers in your life!"

She probably used all her strength to scold Xie Wanjin. After scolding, she fell to the ground and gasped hard.

"What if they can't compare?" Xie Wanjin had walked forward with Rong Sheng on his back. Hearing this, he couldn't help but stop and said clearly: "I wish they would live a long life and everything would go well. I can rely on him in my life. Why not?"

Murong Yu opened his mouth and was completely speechless.

Xie Wanjin carried Rongsheng around the dark path with concealed weapon mechanism and walked to one side. Rongsheng didn't say anything and guided him through the dark path step by step.

When they climbed up the exit and saw the light, Xie Wanjin suddenly felt something wrong looking at the scene around him. "Why does this place look so like the Western Chu palace?"

"Not like." Rongsheng said slowly, "this is the Western Chu palace."

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