Xie Wanjin was surprised and almost threw Rong Sheng out. "I said, Rong Sheng, why are you like this? It's not easy for me..." it's not easy to be a good man, so he was badly hurt!

burning shame and humiliation! What a shame!

But the fourth childe turned his head and thought: Rong Sheng was such a person. Why did I get obsessed and carry him back?

Although he didn't say the words behind him, Rong Sheng realized that he had arrived. He calmly replied, "I didn't deceive you."

Xie Wanjin laughed angrily. "You still think you're honest, don't you?"

"It's rare for me to be honest." Rong Sheng said very seriously and slowly said to Xie Wanjin, "you can leave the National Teacher's house by taking this secret road."

Xie Wanjin's anger suddenly rose above his head, "I'll go to your uncle!"

The fourth childe clenched his teeth and scolded: "I knew that the secret road led to the Western Chu palace. I might as well stay in your imperial master's residence! What's the difference between coming here and dying now? If I stayed in the stone cave, I wouldn't have to walk such a long secret road behind your back!"

Rong Sheng was unjustified, so he scolded him silently.

Xie Wanjin was on fire. Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps not far away. A general shouted, "search quickly! You must not let Murong Yu run away!"

Seeing that he was coming here, the fourth childe hurriedly carried Rong Sheng back into the secret way and whispered, "this exit can't go. Rong Sheng, is there another exit in the secret way?"

Rong Sheng didn't want to say, "yes."

Xie Wanjin tried not to yell at him and said in a deep voice, "then don't you say it quickly!"

Rong Sheng seemed to be very talkative at the moment, and immediately said, "turn around, go fifty steps forward, go right."

Xie Wanjin took a deep breath, held Rongsheng up, and immediately walked back. He counted fifty steps and turned right. There was another long dark road in front of him.

The fourth childe sighed heavily in his heart. When he returned to the imperial capital, he must let his eldest brother and third brother make more holes in the ground. In case something happens to his later sons and grandchildren, there will be a way to escape.

He didn't speak for a long time this time, and there was only heavy footsteps in the dark passage.

"Xie Yu." Rongsheng shouted to him in a low voice.

"What did you ask me to do?"

Xie Wanjin has a big heart and a headache. Now he is thinking: the most dangerous place is the safest place. In fact, there is nothing wrong with coming to the Western Chu palace. I dare to carry such a great disaster on my back. What's more terrible?

Rongsheng was silent and said faintly, "this exit is the emperor's bedroom hall."

After hearing the speech, Xie Wanjin threw Rongsheng down with his backhand. He was very angry and smiled: "I said Rongsheng, do you think you have to go with you when you arrive?"

"Well." Rong Sheng looked at him with burning eyes, "that's true."

Xie Wanjin has lived for more than 20 years. There are few times when he doesn't want to talk to others.

At this time, I especially want to cover Rongsheng's mouth. I wish I could directly cover it to death.

He raised his hands to half, but he couldn't do such an angry and murderous thing. He had to turn around and take a deep breath for several times, adjust his state of mind to a state of not paying much attention to anything, and then turned back. Word by word, Tong Rongsheng said, "today, I think I'm unlucky. Please shut your mouth, or I'll strangle you."

"The last one." Rong Sheng suddenly smiled and said slowly, "there are only two exits, one in the place just now, and the other to the emperor's bedroom. The fourth childe looks at it and chooses one."

The fourth childe couldn't help but say, "I... why didn't I strangle you just now?"

Rongsheng just looked at him and didn't speak again.

Speaking of this, Xie Wanjin had no strength to carry Rongsheng any more, so he had to help him and grope forward together.

After about two incense sticks, the dark path came to the end, and there were stone steps covered with dust in front.

Xie Wanjin glanced at Rong Sheng before he walked, and couldn't help asking, "are there really only these two exits?"

Rong Sheng nodded and said, "really."

The fourth childe suddenly lost interest in talking, closed his eyes, calmly went to righteousness and walked up the steps.

Rong Sheng, who was held by him, suddenly put his cold hand on his wrist and said in a low voice, "stay here. I can go out alone."

This is really sudden and inexplicable.

Xie Wanjin opened his eyes and asked him angrily and jokingly, "how can you get out? Climb out? What's more, when you go out, those individuals all know that there is a secret way here. Don't you wait to die here?"

Rong Sheng was silent for a moment. As soon as he was about to speak, he was robbed by the fourth childe. "All right, all right, it's time to die. Let's die together. There's a partner on the huangquan road..."

Xie Wanjin said, his voice suddenly lightened, "how cold should it be to be alone? I don't like being cold."

Rongsheng didn't say anything more and climbed up the steps side by side with Xie Wanjin.

Before long, they saw some light coming in through the gap. In front of them was the last door. Through the gap, they could see the Phoenix couch of the emperor of Western Chu.

When he arrived, he pretended to be a natural and calm fourth childe Xie, but suddenly became vigilant. He pressed Rongsheng and didn't allow him to come forward again or move for half a minute. We listened to the movement above quietly.

There was no sound above. It was too quiet.

For a long time, Murong Ming's voice came, "father, what's the taste of 'cloud and smoke dispersion'? When you forced my mother and concubine to take it, did you ever think that one day you would die of poison?"

The emperor of the Western Chu Dynasty cursed with hate: "rebellious, rebellious son!"

It was very difficult for him to scold, and then he didn't make any sound again.

Murong Ming said with a smile: "the gratitude and resentment you owe will be repaid sooner or later. In order to be the emperor, you cheated so many noble women and succeeded in ascending the throne with their family power, but you tried every means to kill them..."

When Murong Ming said this, his tone suddenly sank down and said in a cruel voice, "Murong yuan, why are you a father? Why are you the emperor of Western Chu?"

Hearing this, Xie Wanjin in the secret way couldn't help but whispered to Rong Sheng, "I only heard that the emperor of Western Chu killed all his brothers and sisters in order to seize the throne. I didn't expect that he was so cruel to his concubines. How did this man live to this day?"

Rong Sheng said in a low voice, "God doesn't have eyes."

The fourth childe was speechless and said for a long time, "it really looks a little... No eyes."

They soon fell silent.

Murong Ming outside suddenly turned around, drew his sword and stabbed them into the gap in front of them

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