Xie Wanjin was still thinking about how many evils the emperor of Western Chu had done when he was young. After a moment of concentration, he saw a cold light stabbing down from his head.

He didn't have time to hide. He opened his eyes and said to himself: it's over. It's really bad to be with Rong Sheng!

Rong Sheng, who had been weak behind him, suddenly stretched out his hand and dragged Xie Wanjin behind him. He grabbed the deadly blade with his bare hands and turned around. The floor burst open. Together with Murong Ming, he was shocked out by his internal force and hit the wall heavily and fell to the ground silently.

Before Xie Wanjin could react, Rong Sheng took him and jumped up to the Phoenix couch.

Xie Wanjin looked at the scene in front of him and was speechless.

In the morning, the emperor of Western Chu, who was still dignified and deep, was sitting on the ground now, his head tilted against the edge of his couch, like a paralyzed person who was difficult to move, opened his lips and said for a long time, "country, country teacher! Take this villain quickly!"

Rongsheng ignored him, threw the sword to the ground and looked at him Murong Ming, who fell on the wall, walked towards him step by step.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin at his side quickly stretched out his hand to hold him and asked in a low voice, "you... Weren't you seriously injured and dying just now?"

Why doesn't it look like nothing at the moment?

The fourth childe couldn't see through Rong Sheng, but he couldn't help reminding him:“ Don't hold on! Take it easy! I want to go home alive! "

Rong Sheng said in a dumb voice, "go and look at Murong yuan."

After saying this, he walked towards murongming.

Murong Ming raised his sleeve to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth. He stretched out his hand to stand up on the wall and said, "National Division... All the people who besieged the national division house today were sent by Murong yuan ! The prince has no grievances with you. He never wanted to attack you... "

Before murongming finished, Rongsheng interrupted his words.

"Do you think you are a three-year-old?" Rong Sheng said coldly, "Murong yuan had the heart to kill you. That's right. Don't you?"

"Master... Master Mingjian, the prince has always respected you and never disrespected you!" murongming was busy avoiding, gasping for breath and trying to explain several times, which was embarrassing, "If the prince ascends the throne, it will only be good for the master. Why don't you and I practice today and kill Murong yuan? The master can also revenge for respecting the master. Why not?"

Rong Sheng never spoke, but his killing action was much slower than usual.

Xie Wanjin didn't know whether he was excited by murongming, or whether he was hurt too badly and had to work hard.

At the moment, there were only four of them in the bedroom hall. It was so noisy that no one broke in.

Xie Wanjin thought that murongming wanted to do something to the emperor of Western Chu alone, so he deliberately paid people away. However, murongming calculated around, but it was impossible to calculate that he and Rongsheng would suddenly appear here, which helped them a lot.

He thought: such "great kindness" must be rewarded.

"There is no disrespect in front of me, but I want to kill everything behind my back. The ninth Prince is really a powerful man, but we despised you." the fourth childe stood a few steps away and hugged his fist, smiled and said, "it's really disrespectful and disrespectful!"

Murong Ming finally dodged to the door. Hearing Xie Wanjin's adding fuel to the fire, he couldn't help getting more anxious. He immediately shouted, "come on!"

Before the sound fell, the soldiers outside suddenly pushed open the hall door and rushed in one after another.

Because those people were distracted, Rong Sheng kicked murongming at him, and the tip of his shoe showed a blade.

Seeing that Rong Sheng was about to be plotted, Xie Wanjin rolled his sleeve without saying a word, pressed the black iron button on his wrist, and several sleeve arrows went straight to Murong's heart.

Seeing this in the back, he quickly stepped back.

At this time, Rong Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly and clapped his hand on Murong Ming's face door. Half of the latter's body fell into the ground. At that time, his pupils widened and couldn't move any more. Several sleeve arrows fell into his chest and blood splashed everywhere.

Hundreds of soldiers who rushed into the hall were stunned and didn't know what to do for a moment.

Murong Ming's seven orifices were bleeding. There was no breath left. He was still trying to say to Rong Sheng: "if the National Teacher... Killed the prince today, you can't live... Why don't you help me..."

Rong Sheng brushed his sleeve and immediately understood Murong Ming's life.

The people of National Normal University said in a deep voice: "I hate others' threats most in my life!"

The ninth Prince's half body fell into the ground and half body was exposed on the top. His seven orifices were bleeding. Obviously, he had no breath.

All the generals and soldiers looked at me and you. They didn't know what to do, but the national master in front of them was more and more frightening. They couldn't help but retreat outside the temple in fear.

Rongsheng's eyes are dark. He has his own body and drives everyone back step by step.

It rained heavily in front of the door, the wind blew countless fallen flowers and leaves, and the ground was residual red mixed with blood.

Xie Wanjin didn't know whether he could go out alive today. He simply came to the emperor of Western Chu, squatted down and leveled his eyes, and whispered: "I said emperor, your father is not a human being! Look, I've forced your children to be evil. I've only been in Western Chu for a few days. I've seen rebellion twice. Last time it was murongnian, the third princess, and this time murongming, the ninth Prince ”

He sighed and continued: "you like this kind of excitement in Western Chu. You just close the door and play by yourself. You have to stir up my eldest brother. Don't you think the rivers and mountains in Western Chu are too peaceful?"

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