I think this fourth childe Xie has lived for more than 20 years. He always talks with people with a romantic and elegant appearance. Why did he yell like this.

For a moment, the big Yan civil servants and the Qingyi guards couldn't believe that the man was Xie Wanjin. On the contrary, Ye Li first said, "Xie Wanjin? Why is he with my senior brother?"

Xie Qi was also very surprised and whispered, "maybe there has been a big change in the capital."

Wen Jiu looked over there for a long time, just slowed down, and hurried to the people of Western Chu: "this palace has long said that the father emperor has changed his will. Now the national teachers have come in person. Don't you hurry out and kneel down to meet him!"

The imperial master's residence is in a superior position in the Western Chu Dynasty. The whereabouts of national masters of all dynasties are uncertain, mysterious and noble. Whenever something big happens, it is the national master who shows up in the town to clean up the mess.

Rongsheng came at the right time this time.

The Western Chu Fengwei and the sailors who climbed onto the dragon's head boat were already distracted by the soul rendition of the Xie brothers. The commander Liang Kang was cut down by Xie Heng again. It was a time when he was in a daze. At first, when the national master came, they fainted and retreated outside the cabin to kneel to meet him.

Wen Jiuxin breathed a sigh of relief and asked Xie Yu, "is the third brother all right?"

Xie Yu shook his head gently, but his frown did not loosen for half a minute.

"Ah Jiu!" Xie Heng crossed the crowd with his sword and went straight to Wenjiu, reaching out to wipe the blood splashing on her face.

"I'm all right." Wen Jiu said before Xie Heng said again, "the third brother and the fifth childe are here, and Ye Li is nearby... I'm all right."

When I heard warm wine mention myself, I couldn't help but "hum" a little, "don't be amorous, I won't protect you!"

Xie Qi on one side shouted "leave."

Seeing this, Yeli said discontentedly, "I don't want to say it, nor do I want to say it. I'm not mute!"

Xie Qi had no choice but to smile at his two brothers and ah Jiu.

Wenjiu said with a smile: "little pearl is really articulate after she doesn't stammer."

Ye Li was stunned when he heard the speech. Then he turned his head and shouted, "elder martial brother! I'm here, elder martial brother!"

Rongsheng looked this way.

Not far away, the Deputy General of the Western Chu Navy said loudly: "my Lord! We are ordered by the emperor to kill Xie Heng. I hope my Lord will pay more attention to the Western Chu! And we can't let the tiger go back to the mountain and leave such a great danger to the western Chu!"

"Why did the emperor ever give such a will?" Rong Sheng raised his hand, raised his broad sleeve, sent out several silver needles and directly shot the deputy general who spoke on the spot, and then said in a deep voice: "the Western Chu and Dayan have a hundred year National Alliance. Who dares to hurt his friends and neighbors and kill all the people! No mercy!"

Those Phoenix guards and sailors in the Western Chu stopped their attack one after another. They didn't even dare to ask one more question. They quickly knelt down and saluted, "see your master!"

In the twinkling of an eye, he knelt down and said, "master Guo, for thousands of years!"

Seeing that it couldn't go on, the flying lights in the air also stopped. Thousands of green guards quietly looked at what these people in the Western Chu wanted to do.

Rongsheng is a cunning man. No one knows what he is planning.

Huiluan Bay, which was still noisy just now, suddenly calmed down. For a time, there was only wind and rain, and the waves were turbulent.

A moment later, the boat with the Phoenix flag had approached the dragon head boat.

Rong Sheng stretched out his hand and took Xie Wanjin. He jumped up from the bow and got on the dragon boat. Behind him, a group of important officials of the Western Chu followed and walked this way.

Wen Jiu looked back at Xie Heng and lifted his sleeve to erase the blood on his neck.

Xie Heng said without thinking, "others."


Warm wine should be a, the expression on her face is still calm, but the trembling long eyelashes betrayed her heart.

This is Rong Sheng.

She hasn't forgotten how hard the master took to get her to Xichu.

Xie Heng almost realized what she was thinking at the first time and immediately whispered, "Rong Sheng is full of blood. He should be no better than us. He can't keep you and me today."

Xie Yu on one side almost guessed what Wenjiu was thinking. His voice was slightly cool and said, "Wanjin will come with him. Things should not be very bad."

The fourth childe has always refused to suffer losses. Since he can stay with Rong Sheng well, it must be that the changes in the capital of Western Chu are not bad for them.

The hand under the warm wine sleeve slightly closed and whispered, "I hope so."

While talking, Rong Sheng and others have arrived in front of the cabin.

Xie Wanjin rushed in quickly. His eyes swept one by one from his eldest brother, third brother and others. After confirming that everyone was ok, he was relieved, "it's ok... It's OK, I'm not late."

The fourth childe said, as if he had suddenly exhausted all his strength, and fell back.

Xie Heng and Xie Qigang were about to come forward to help. Xie Wanjin suddenly stretched out a slender jade hand behind him and held the man firmly.

The people saw the imperial master in purple coming in, holding Xie Wanjin in one hand and saying in his usual tone, "the capital is in chaos and the emperor is highly poisonous. They ordered his highness Ba to return to meet him."

When the Xie family heard the speech, they all looked cold.

Rao Shiwen wine had long known that something was wrong in the capital, but he never thought that the emperor would be highly poisonous, so he ordered her to go back.

Not to mention whether it is true, even if it is true, what is the use of calling her eighth highness, who has been a disabled man for three years, back to the capital?

Warm wine doesn't make sense.

Xie Heng suddenly held her hand and said in a low voice, "how can a married daughter go back to her mother's house on the same day?"

Rong Sheng's rare guest airway: "things happen for a reason. I hope Emperor Yan will forgive me."

Xie Yu felt cold when he heard the speech. "What happened for a reason? How do you know that you didn't deliberately set a trap for my eldest brother?"

Lord Shoufu said coldly, "follow your father at home and marry your husband. Since your highness Ba has married to Dayan, who is my Dayan, how can you still listen to the rules arranged by the Western Chu?"

Rong Sheng's patience was almost used. He immediately said in a cold voice, "in the Western Chu Dynasty, what I said is the rules."

"Rong Sheng!" Xie Wanjin almost jumped and lowered his voice: "that's not what you said to me before you came!"

Rong Sheng said, "that's not because your two brothers are too unreasonable?"

Xie Wanjin was in a hurry. "If you let my eldest sister-in-law go back to the capital of Western Chu, they can reason with you!"

The fourth childe couldn't bear it himself and immediately said, "why didn't I strangle you in the secret way before?"

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