Rong Sheng's eyes moved slightly, not tight or slow: "it's the emperor's will to call your highness eight back to the palace, which has nothing to do with this seat."

"Good, you Rong Sheng!" Xie Wanjin laughed angrily. "He said so well when he was lying on my back. Stand up straight and turn his face ruthlessly! Cross the river and tear down the bridge!"

As soon as the fourth childe said this, Rong Sheng with a mask showed nothing, but the faces of the people around him became a little subtle.

Especially warm wine.

She was still worried. When she heard Xie Wanjin's words, she couldn't help looking at them up and down, lowered her voice and shouted Xie Wanjin "fourth brother."

The fourth childe was so angry that he lost his head. After a while, he felt that what he had just said seemed so easy to make people think crooked.

Xie Wanjin hurriedly said: "no... it's not what you think! What... Elder brother, third brother... When I went back to the capital to find Xiao Wu, I accidentally met Rong Sheng and saved him again. If I had known that he came here to bring ah Jiu back to the capital of Western Chu, I would have strangled him early!"

He was a little anxious and spoke too fast. He was quite noisy on the silent dragon boat.

Xie Xuan frowned slightly and directly interrupted him, "don't talk nonsense."

Xie Wanjin felt bitter. He quickly raised his eyes and looked at his eldest brother.

Xie Heng held ah Jiu's hand, dressed in red and stained with blood, but his face did not change much. His tone was as usual: "if I don't turn back to the capital, what will the national teacher do?"

Rong Sheng seemed to have expected that Xie Heng would say such a thing, and said in a light and cold tone: "I have no intention of making a grudge with Emperor Yan, but the royal family of the Western Chu lost several emperor's descendants in one day, and the emperor came out of this vein, leaving only one of his eight Highnesses."

When he said this, he paused for a moment, his eyes fell on Wen Jiu, and then said, "Emperor Yan wants to go. I will not force you to stay. The rest of Da Yan can leave by themselves. Only his highness Ba wants to go back to the capital with me today anyway."

Xie Heng thin lip light hook, "the national teacher is seriously injured and has just healed. I don't know how many moves can you catch me?"

Rong Sheng smelled that the color of his eyes changed slightly. After a moment of silence, he said, "the emperor is also the biological father of his highness. Now his life is in danger. Emperor Yan refused to meet his Highness for the last time. Aren't you afraid that his highness will be unfaithful and unfilial in the books of other countries in the future and will be cursed for thousands of years?"

Xie Heng's amber eyes suddenly sank.

As soon as they opened their mouth, they poked at each other's most painful place. The Kung Fu of three or two words was known.

As far as Xie Heng is concerned, warming wine is a pearl in his palm. He is painstaking and can't hurt at all.

He is not afraid of his bad reputation and his bad reputation for thousands of years?, But I'm not willing to be pointed out.

Behind him, Xie Yu was speechless. For a moment, everyone was silent.

Wen Jiu said at the moment, "as long as I go back alone?"

Rong Sheng said, "yes, your highness."

Seeing this, all the important officials of Western Chu behind the National Master said, "Your Highness! Now the great cause of Western Chu depends on you alone! And don't miss national affairs because of your children's private affairs!"

"The ninth Prince's rebellion has been killed by the national master on the spot! The sixth Princess doesn't know where she is now, and the third princess has been exiled thousands of miles away. The other princes have married and died. Now you are the only one left in the Western Chu to shoulder the heavy responsibility!"

"The emperor is still in the palace, waiting for your highness to go back! Please hurry back to the city!"

After this sound fell, a group of Ministers of the Western Chu state knelt down and saluted one after another, shouting: "please return to the city quickly, your highness!"

Its voice overshadowed the wind and rain, and there were echoes in the air.

Xie Heng turned slightly, stared at Wen Jiu, and shouted, "ah Jiu."

Wen Jiu smiled at him and asked Rong Sheng, "can they all return to Dayan? Can you guarantee that there will be no obstruction in the Western Chu?"

Rongsheng and the emperor of Western Chu never thought the same.

Lieru, the emperor of Western Chu wanted Xie Heng to die and Da Yan to die, but Rongsheng, the national master, seemed to have always disdained Murong yuan's ambition.

"I don't need to deceive your highness." Rong Sheng said, "if your highness really wants them to go back to Dayan safely, now you will go back to the capital and get the will of the throne from the emperor. When your highness ascends the throne, who else in the Western Chu can not comply with your Highness's will?"

As a national teacher, if you say a few more words, you will inexplicably have the smell of bewitching people.

Warm wine and think about it. The truth is really such a truth.

Rong Sheng walked to her side, lowered his voice and continued: "now you have a fierce fight on both sides, and your Highness has seen it, but less than 30000 people went back and forth to Luan bay before. Yan Huang and others still parry. If he insists on taking your highness away and facing the 200000 water army in the Western Chu... What will it be like when he arrives? Your highness might as well think about it."

Warm wine's eyes fell on Xie Heng for a long time, and then slowly swept over Xie Heng, Xie Qi, a group of officials accompanying Da Yan and Qingyi guards.

Everyone was covered with blood and looked embarrassed. They couldn't stand any more.

Rong Sheng looked at Wen Jiu with a faint eye color. As soon as he was about to speak again, he was dragged by Xie Wanjin.

The fourth childe was so angry that he said, "shut up, childe!"

Rongsheng blinked, as if he had done nothing just now.

Xie Heng noticed a slight change in ah Jiu and couldn't help holding her hand tighter.

Wen Jiu raised his eyes and said in a warm voice, "then I'll go back to see my father for the last time."

Xie Heng's voice was a little hoarse. "Just meet?"

When the tip of the warm wine nose was sour, he raised a smile and said to him, "of course."

Xie Xuan, who had been silent, frowned more and more tightly, and said in a cold voice, "ah Jiu, now go back to the capital of Western Chu..."

Half way through his speech, he was interrupted by warm wine.

She said, "the Western Chu is in such a mess now. Even if I go to Dayan, I will be restless in the future. You go back to Dayan first. I'll go to the capital to meet my father. I'll start back to Dayan after I've done everything well."

Few people will believe that.

Everyone in the Xie family knows very well: if we say goodbye today, I'm afraid there will be no time to see you again in the future.

Xie Heng pondered for a moment and suddenly said, "then go back to the capital."

"Elder brother!" Xie Wanjin was a little anxious and hurriedly said, "how can this be done? If ah Jiu returns to the capital of Western Chu, what shall we do?"

The sound did not fall.

Then Xie Heng said, "the ships on the return trip are seriously damaged and can't travel far. At least I'm also the husband of his highness eight of Western Chu. It's not too much to borrow some ships from the capital?"

Wenjiu was stunned.

The Rong Sheng on the side of the body said with a smile: "not too much, it should be very."

"Xie Heng!" Wen Jiu lowered his voice and shouted to him. For a time, he was full of emotions, and his anxious palms were sweating.

Xie Heng stretched out his hand to hold ah Jiu in his arms, bent over her ear and whispered, "you can do whatever you want. I'll accompany you."

Wind and rain, mountains and seas of fire, near death, will accompany you.

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