In the morning, the people all over the city gave their Highness the eighth wedding. There was a lot of noise and excitement.

In the middle of the night, this group of people turned back to the city, but the doors of every family were closed, and they didn't even dare to light an oil lamp. In such a big capital, it was dark, and there was no prosperous scene in the past.

The gates of the Imperial Palace are heavily guarded, and hundreds of ministers are gathered in front of the Chaohua gate? When his highness Ba returned to the palace, everyone looked dignified. When he saw a line of ships coming, everyone was like a great enemy.

Until Rong Sheng landed calmly and raised his hand to signal the people to step back, these individuals were obviously relieved. The leading old minister bowed with everyone, "see your master."

Before the sound fell, the old minister asked anxiously, "did your highness ever come back with you?"

Rongsheng didn't speak, but looked back at the dragon head boat.

The old minister looked along his line of sight and saw Wenjiu and Xie Heng go ashore hand in hand.

The golden and Jade Emperor Yan himself held an oil paper umbrella to block the wind and rain for his highness ba. They walked side by side and were coming this way.

"Master, this..." the eldest minister was surprised and couldn't help but tremble his voice and said, "the emperor only said to call his highness Ba back to the palace. Why did you bring back Yan Huang?"

Rong Sheng's half face was hidden under the mask, so that people could not see happiness and anger. Even his eyes were indifferent. He suddenly glanced at the old minister, who quickly shut up.

The ministers behind him were even more trembling. They didn't dare to speak again at the moment.

Wenjiu was thinking about what the emperor wanted to do all the way.

The heavy rain knocked on the umbrella, and her thoughts became messy.

Even if the emperor came out of this vein, she was really the only one left. There were so many royal clans that people wanted that seat. The Emperor didn't know that she was a useless loser in the Western Chu. If he tried so hard to get her back, he couldn't think of some feelings of father and daughter and want to talk with her?

She was thinking like this. She walked to the palace gate in a few steps. All the ministers and guards saluted together, "see your highness eight! See your majesty Yan Huang!"

"No gift."

This sound is the sound of warm wine and Xie Heng directly overlapping together.

The night wind was howling, the lights in front of the palace gate were blown shaky, and everyone's faces were covered with dark clouds.

At the moment, Rong Sheng seemed particularly calm and calm. He raised his hand slightly, made an "please" gesture to Xie Heng and others, turned around with his negative hand and took the lead in.

The chamberlains on both sides of the palace road quickly led the way with lamps. It rained heavily and the lights waved. The rain washed the blood on the ground clean, but the blood in the air could not be removed.

Wen Jiu and Xie Heng stepped into the Palace door side by side. Expressionless Xie Yu and Xie Wanjin followed, followed by a group of officials accompanying Dayan and Qingyi guards.

No one spoke all the way.

There are only countless footsteps and wind and rain mixed together, gently shallow and overlapping.

Soon, a crowd came to the door of the emperor's bedroom.

Wen Jiu and Xie Heng clasped their fingers. As soon as they were about to step inside, they saw that the door of the hall was half open. Meng Chengyun came out with a small waiter. His face was rigorous and said, "the emperor has an order. Only his highness eight and the National Normal University came in."

Wen Jiu frowned slightly and couldn't help glancing at Xie Heng, "then I'll go first, you..."

Her heart was full of doubts:

Meng Chengyun is Murong Yu's son-in-law, but why is Murong Yu missing? As a son-in-law, he is still in the Western Chu palace. He came out of the emperor's bedroom just now, which is obviously valued by the dying emperor.

It's getting more and more wrong.

Xie Heng reached out and pinned the messy hair on ah Jiu's sideburns behind his ears and smiled at her. "In that case, go first and I'll wait for you outside."

Wen Jiu looked at him for a long time, and some were reluctant to give up.

"Come on, serve tea in the side hall." Rong Sheng on one side said in good time: "please move Emperor Yan and all the adults to the side hall and wait. It won't take long for the emperor to see his highness."

As soon as these words came out, Meng Chengyun and all the people in the Western Chu suddenly froze.

The grand master has always acted unexpectedly. Now he says in front of Dayan that the emperor has few breath left. This is because someone else has been charged with collaborating with the enemy and treason for several times.

Rong Sheng nodded slightly to Xie Heng and said, "Your Highness, go in."

When the sound fell, he turned first and went into the temple.

Warm wine slowly released Xie Heng's hand, raised his sleeve to wipe the rain off his face, slowly wiped it out, and exhausted the tenderness of his life, but after all, he turned and entered the emperor's bedroom without saying anything.

Xie Heng stood in place with the oil paper umbrella, letting the wind and rain roar by his side.

He stood still and watched ah Jiu's back disappear into the magnificent hall.

The ground was covered with residual red and scattered into mud, and hundreds of courtiers were silent.

After a long time, the Chamberlain trembled and warned, "please move Yan Huang to the side hall."


In the bedroom.

The emperor of the Western Chu Dynasty lay on the Phoenix couch, laboriously opened his eyes, looked at the warm wine in red clothes, approached him step by step, and his sight was a little blurred.

In a trance, it seemed that he saw that year. At the right age, Anjing trekked thousands of miles in red to him.

In a twinkling of an eye, it will be twenty years.

Their daughters are so old.

Until people arrived at the couch, Murong yuan suddenly returned to his mind and said with a weak smile: "in the end... I won."

Murong yuan was already very difficult to breathe, but now he insisted and murmured: "Xie Heng, child... Is just a hero created by the times... He was trapped by the situation and threw himself into the net. He was brave and resourceless! I, I am the maker of the times and the leader of the great cause... The first in the world!"

Wen Jiu felt that he should be angry, but at the moment, looking at Murong yuan, who was bloodless and dying, he suddenly felt that anger was useless.

She stood in front of the Phoenix couch with almost no expression on her face. "Since the emperor is so powerful, what else do you call me back to do?"

Murong yuan coughed fiercely and calmed down a little after a while. He said with warm wine: "you are the legitimate Princess of Western Chu. The throne and imperial power I have will be passed to you. I kill Xie Heng and try to seize Da Yan... Everything I do is for you!"

He said so quickly that he could hardly breathe at once, but he insisted on sitting up. He grabbed the hand of warm wine and said hoarsely: "Jiujiu! You listen to your father and kill Xie Heng and stay in the Western Chu as a female monarch. Dayan will die without a leader in a few years. At that time, the Western Chu will be the strongest in all countries... Murong Jiu! You will become a female emperor that no one can stand side by side for thousands of years!"

Wenjiu's wrist was mixed with blue and purple when he pulled it. At the moment, she seemed to feel no pain at all. Her voice was slightly cool and said, "Murong yuan, do you think people in the world like to do the spring and autumn dream of keeping a name for thousands of years?"

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