And the side hall on the other side.

Xie Wanjin whispered to his elder brother about how to get to the underground passage of the Western Chu Imperial Palace, "it's really not good. Later, my elder brother will carry ah Jiu and leave. After I break up with my third brother, Rong Sheng's serious injury and his initial recovery is strong. Murong yuan has few breath left, and there's absolutely no way to calculate again."

Xie Yu interrupted coldly, "if you hadn't run back to the capital and saved Rong Sheng, elder brother and ah Jiu would have gone back to Luan Bay and back to Dayan!"

The fourth childe suddenly lost his voice and asked Qu Baba to look at his eldest brother, "it's not all my fault. Who knows that the third brother is far away in the capital and can incite the nine princes of Western Chu to revolt... If I had known that murongming's sudden rebellion was provoked by you, I......"

He paused for a long time, but he couldn't excuse himself any more. He had to whisper, "you don't tell me every time you calculate. How do I know?"

"All right, all right." Xie Heng rubbed the center of his eyebrows and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "if you want to blame Murong Ming, you can blame Murong Ming for his lack of dexterity and poison. You still have to take a breath for Murong yuan and fight for the throne. What's the matter?"

Dayan and his entourage immediately: "..."

Xie Yu's angry handsome face blackened, "just get used to him!"

The third childe was really angry and cold all over. "He was used to doing things like this. It's not enough to fail..."

"Ah Xuan." Xie Heng stretched out his hand and dragged the third childe aside to sit down. He whispered, "I have a headache for my brother. Can you take a break and teach me?"

Xie Yu didn't speak again with a cold face.

Xie Wanjin stretched out his index finger to poke Xie Yu's shoulder and whispered, "brother three... Don't annoy me first. Let's think about it together. Is there any other way to turn the situation around?"

Xie Xuan brushed his sleeve and shook off the fourth childe's hand. He was too lazy to look at him and thought silently.

If murongming was more capable and trapped the emperor of Western Chu and Rongsheng, Xie Heng could bring them back to Dayan safely as long as the reinforcements came.

Who knows that Xie Wanjin is the good situation of the chaos. Now that the people return to the Western Chu palace, does the emperor of Western Chu have the life to calculate them again? Or second, if they really want ah Jiu to stay in Western Chu as a female monarch?, From now on, we can only be thousands of miles away. I'm afraid it will be difficult to meet again in this life.

Qin Mo held back for a long time and couldn't help but say, "catch the thief and catch the king first. No... what, even if the empress wants to stay in the Western Chu as a female monarch, your majesty can always go to watch the ceremony. At that time, they will be directly kidnapped by the female monarch of the Western Chu..."

Before he finished, he was almost speechless by several eyes, and continued for a long time: "Of course, as long as the empress's heart is towards her majesty, it's not called kidnapping. It should be called sacrificing her life to protect the king. At that time, when the play is played, don't mention that your majesty retreats with her whole body. It's also a matter of a few words to let the West Chu cut the city and give way to the land! So it seems that you can't make a profit in this trip to the capital of West Chu!"

Xie Heng took a cake on the table and hit Qin Mo's mouth. The beater shut his mouth directly.

As soon as it was quiet here, the attendants outside the hall respectfully reported: "Lord Meng, please see your majesty Yan."

Xie Heng raised his hand. A few steps away, the civil servant understood, and quickly turned to the outside of the hall and said, "yes."

The door of the temple opened immediately, and the strong wind swayed the candles in the temple.

Meng Chengyun, holding an edict, took four female officials of the Western Chu Dynasty into the room, walked to Xie Heng, nodded and saluted, and then said: "Great changes have taken place in the Western Chu today. The emperor has issued an imperial edict to his highness Ba and ordered his subordinates to come and tell Yan Huang that the livelihood of thousands of children now depends on his highness ba. The marriage between the two countries needs to be selected by another person. Please choose another good match among the royal families of the Western Chu."

He said, gesturing to the female officer on one side to present the atlas, and then continued: "this is the portrait of all the noble women of the Western Chu imperial clan. Please have a look at Emperor Yan."

Xie Heng's tone was slightly heavy, "no need."

Meng Chengyun seemed to have expected and said no more. He just handed the decree in his hand, "then the marriage has to be cancelled."

As soon as Xie Wanjin heard this, he was angry and wanted to explode on the spot. As soon as he was about to come forward, he was pulled by Xie Yu.

The third childe's eyes were as black as ink. He glanced at him coolly. The fourth childe could only bear to go aside.

Such a large side hall is silent.

Xie Heng didn't reach out to answer, and his thin lips flashed a cold arc, "do you say it's invalid? There's no one in the Western Chu? It's up to you, a nobody, to tell me what to do?"

Meng Chengyun's face was slightly stiff, but he soon recovered as usual. He stood up straight and said clearly: "Your Highness Ba has promised that the emperor will stay in the Western Chu to succeed as a female monarch. If your majesty doesn't believe what the lower official said, you can go to the phoenix platform to watch the ceremony in person."

"I really don't believe it." Xie Heng said this very naturally, and then said, "thank Lord Meng for leading the way."

The Lord of Dayan was high above, and his tone was as usual. Listening to Meng Chengyun, he felt that Xie Heng was like telling a slave to lead the way. Suddenly, his resentment was hard to calm, but he could only bow his head to guide him, "Emperor Yan, please."

Meng Chengyun clenched the edict in his hand and said to himself: what about the Lord of Dayan? Not even his sweetheart can't stay with him!

He thought so and suddenly felt that Xie Heng was more pitiful than him.


The dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and some light came out of the clouds. In a moment, it infected half of the sky, and the morning glow spread all over thousands of miles.

The left and right female officials walked out of the hall with warm wine added to the Phoenix robe, walked towards the phoenix platform, and the palace was full of attendants, holding lamps and bowing.

Wen Jiu's sight was blocked by the tassel hanging from the Phoenix crown. Some could not see the scene clearly, but his heart became more and more clear.

The rising sun breaks through the clouds, and thousands of Chinese lights in the palace gather to grow, and the dragon dances and lights.

The accompanying female officer has been reminding Wen Jiu how to pay attention to her words and deeds later. When she was approaching phoenix platform, the female officer on the right suddenly said, "the emperor is looking at you in front of the bedroom door."

Wen Jiu didn't speak. Looking at the numerous officials on both sides of the white jade steps, everyone stood upright and looked serious.

Xie Heng stood on the high platform, behind him were the Xie family and the glow in the sky.

Wen Jiu looked at him, slightly distracted.

"Your Highness." suddenly someone called her not far away.

Wen Jiu looked sideways and saw the master with a group of maidens in purple walking towards her.

Rong Sheng, who has always been out of line, suddenly changed into a lavender Taoist robe with white tassels around his waist and a white gauze sleeve. He held a dust brush and a white jade auspicious cloud crown. The half silver mask covered his face, but could not stop the man from being mysterious and elegant. Now he doesn't speak, he really looks like a fairy.

Warm wine nodded at him.

She wondered what Rong Sheng meant. If the man guessed what she wanted to do, would he stop it on the spot.

"Feng!" Rong Sheng raised his lips slightly, brushed the dust, and the prime minister holding tanmutuo on his side immediately stretched out his hand to lift the red cloth above, revealing the Western Chu emperor's seal and phoenix order.

Rong Sheng flew up, threw out a fire light in his sleeve and fell on both sides of the white jade step. In a moment, the fire light spread from the low to the top, raised half a person's height, and shrouded the huge phoenix platform in an instant.

He plundered onto the high platform and said in a clear voice: "the emperor's daughter Murong Jiu is the only one who bears the heaven. After the fire, it is bright and auspicious when encountering the water. Now he ascended the phoenix platform to tell the world. Since then, he has been in charge of the Western Chu, the ministers have paid tribute to it, and the people bow down."

Its voice was loud and echoed in mid air.

The female officials and palace attendants on the side of Wen wine knelt down one after another. The Prime Minister of Western Chu had knelt down and presented the emperor's seal of Western Chu, "long live your daughter!"

Wenjiu reached out and took it. Without saying a word, he took the sandalwood support in his hands and stepped onto the phoenix platform step by step.

Her heart beat like a drum. She was a little anxious, but her steps were very stable. The rings around her waist hit each other into music. The fiery red phoenix robe dragged a long phoenix tail and brushed over the white jade ladder. Hundreds of officials on both sides of the long ladder knelt to the ground to celebrate the long life.

But warm wine seems to turn a deaf ear to it. There is only one person in my heart and eyes.

Taking these more than 100 steps is like taking half a lifetime. I can't finish it.

Xie Heng was also looking at her. His eyes were fixed. He was infected by blood in red clothes, but he wore it on him like flowers in full bloom. He always liked the city and always mistook amorous body.

The whole Imperial Palace mountain was constantly crying. Meng Chengyun stood behind Xie Heng and saw that Wenjiu was the addition of Phoenix robe and became the master of Western Chu. He couldn't help laughing and said, "you see, who doesn't love power, fame and wealth in this world?"

Xie Heng didn't speak.

Meng Chengyun seemed to be a winner and continued: "I know what kind of person Wenjiu is. She may love you with amazing looks and feel that you protect her and love her, but she loves money and potential even more. Since childhood."

He said in Xie Heng's ear, "don't blame Wen wine. There's nothing for being the female monarch of Western Chu. She will choose this if she's not stupid. Just as Emperor Yan can't really give up the whole big Yan for her, can't he?"

Xie Heng never spoke.

The third childe on one side listened to the blue veins on his forehead and wanted to kick Meng Chengyun down.

Meng Chengyun didn't know it at all. He still said on Xie Heng's side: "people are born like this. It's good for Yan Huang to be more open."

As soon as he said this, he saw Wen Jiudeng on the phoenix platform, and everyone on his side knelt down one after another.

Meng Chengyun quickly knelt down and worshipped. Lang said, "long live your daughter!"

Wen Jiu didn't even give anyone the slightest eye wind. He raised his hand to take off the crown of the Phoenix that was in the way. After he threw it away, he went straight to Xie Heng, paid homage with a big gift, and presented the seal of the Western Chu emperor and the order of the Phoenix with both hands.

She looked up, her eyes reflected the appearance of her lover, and said clearly: "minister Murong Jiu, long live my emperor."

The important officials of the Western Chu saw the Phoenix crown rolling down the white jade steps, and the precious pearls and jade rolling around. With a heart, they were shocked into countless pieces.

Xie Heng just thought that Qin Mo's previous proposal was not completely useless. At least ah Jiu must take it away.

But when she came suddenly, he was stunned for a moment.

Wen Jiu handed over the sandalwood in his hand. The water was shining in his eyes and said with a smile, "I've been pretending to be paralyzed all night. I'm tired. Thank you Dongfeng. You should smile."

Xie Heng's heart flew from the 18th floor of hell to the Ninth Heaven in an instant. Great sorrow and joy were almost in the twinkling of an eye.

He suddenly stretched out his hand to hold the warm wine in his arms, held it tightly, and his voice trembled slightly, "ah wine, you really..."

Wen Jiu stood on tiptoe, kissed Xie Heng's eyebrows, and said softly, "the world loves long live, but I just want to invite you to get drunk."

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