The echo of the Western Chu officials calling "long live forever" still hovered in mid air and did not completely disperse.

The crown of Phoenix inlaid with pearls and gems rolled over more than a hundred long steps and hit the bluestone brick heavily. In a moment, it broke into flowers, reflecting the fragmentary bloom of the morning glow and morning light.

Xie Heng took over the emperor's seal and phoenix order in Wenjiu's hand and threw them to Xie Wanjin behind him.

Seeing this, the fourth childe quickly caught him and whispered, "elder brother, don't throw everything around!" this is the emperor's seal and phoenix order of Western Chu, something that many people can't touch in their life.

The young master of Dayan looked down at ah Jiu and was full of her.

His eyes were slightly red, his voice was slightly hoarse and said, "I'm so drunk that I don't want to wake up."

Wen Jiu smiled, raised his hand and gently rubbed the corners of his eyes. Wen said in a warm voice, "I said, husband, you shouldn't cry in front of so many people?"

Xie Heng's face was slightly heavy, and the water color in his eyes was forced back in an instant.

He looked at his sweetheart in red. He was both happy and helpless in his heart. He whispered, "I thought something. Now I suddenly feel that there are many people who want to cry today. I'd better bear it again and save you some handkerchiefs."

Wen Jiu held Xie Heng's hand and clasped it with his fingers.

She raised her eyes and said slightly from the corner of her eyes, "I really want to thank your husband for thinking of me like this."

When they whispered, the ministers of the Western Chu who were stunned on the spot woke up and immediately looked at each other. Most of them were sweating.

Meng Chengyun, who was kneeling on the ground, stood up, clenched his hand under his sleeve into a fist, clenched his teeth and said, "bow your hand and send the rivers and mountains of Western Chu to Emperor Yan. Is the female gentleman stunned or bewitched by Xie Heng? How can you act so absurd?"

As soon as these words came out, the ministers of Western Chu burst the pot on the spot and said one after another:

"The Western Chu is Murong's world! The female monarch has inherited the throne. How can she give it away!"

"Ridiculous! That's ridiculous!"

"National master!" the Prime Minister of Western Chu responded, and his face turned blue. He hurriedly came forward and shouted, "national master! The national master's house has guarded the rivers and mountains of Western Chu for hundreds of years. You should think about western Chu and give more advice to female monarchs!"

The ministers heard the speech and asked the National Normal University to come out and admonish the female monarch.

Wen Jiu looked back at Rong Sheng, his eyes were clear, his red lips rose slightly, "master?"

It was expected that these people would oppose the frying pan. The Western Chu state recognized itself as the most prosperous place of all countries. The ministers under it also felt that they were higher than the ministers of other countries. If the Western Chu state was incorporated into Dayan, it would be strange for them to lose their status and make no trouble.

In the end, they begged Wenjiu to succeed, and tied the future of such a big western Chu to her. Now Wenjiu will bow his hands to the mountains and rivers to please Jun as soon as he succeeds. They also asked for it. No wonder others can't do anything else except shout a few objections.

There is only one person who really has the right to speak, that is the National Teacher Rong Sheng.

I don't know why the national master is so calm today. He is indifferent to a group of Ministers who shout in cadence. He is still standing on the platform with elegant clothes.

Rongsheng stared at the warm wine for a moment, then his eyes moved slightly and fell on Xie Wanjin a few steps away.

The fourth childe was a little uncomfortable. While raising his sleeve, he covered the emperor's seal and phoenix order on the sandalwood, and said, "this is what your female monarch of Western Chu gave to our majesty and sent out for the monarch. How can it be reasonable for the minister to go back if he is not happy?"

"That's right," said Rong Sheng. He turned and looked down at the people in the Western Chu, and said in a clear tone: "since the female gentleman has sent it out, how can a minister speak again to come back?"

The people in the Western Chu were stunned when they heard the speech.

Although the people of the National Normal University have been on the move all the time, they are very interested in everything in the Western Chu. They have been fighting with the emperor several times before, which has caused a storm all over the city. Now his highness Ba has succeeded to the throne as a female monarch and made such absurd things as giving the Western Chu away to the ancestors of the 18th generation. The national master didn't even say a word of objection?

Strange, strange.

The Prime Minister of Western Chu almost fainted on the spot. He couldn't stand steadily. He almost cried in tears: "national teacher!"

The people behind him were so frightened that they hurriedly said, "master, you can't do this!"

"If even you don't stop the female gentleman, I'm afraid Xichu and Xichu won't be able to keep it!"

Rongsheng's eyes are as deep as the sea. He lifts his sleeves and brushes the dust.

The wind blew his white hair flying, brushed the dust, and the white silk moved slowly. The people under him were unconsciously quiet.

The only thing left of such a large phoenix platform was the wind, the fire was surging on both sides of the white jade step, the sky was bright, and the light golden sun shrouded the earth.

Rong Sheng looked sideways at Wen Jiu and said, "do you really want to send all the mountains and rivers of Western Chu to Xie Heng?"

Wenjiu unconsciously stood up straight and said seriously, "I really want to send it."

For a time, everyone's eyes fell on the two people. The palms of the ministers of the Western Chu Dynasty were sweating. They only hoped that the national master could think of his engagement with the female monarch. Xie Heng hated his wife and turned the situation around completely.

But no one thought

Rongsheng just nodded slightly and said, "OK."

Warm wine slightly Leng, eyes full of surprise.

Rao is thinking about it in her heart. Rongsheng knows that she promised to succeed in order to give Xichu to Xie Heng, but she didn't expect him to accept it so calmly.

Rong Sheng had an appalling reputation among the nations, but he was popular in the Western Chu. The world feared him, feared him, and some believed in him and respected him.

Wen Jiu always felt that Rong Sheng was very contradictory. He spent all day with poison puppets and killed people like pinching flowers and brushing leaves. It seemed that there were no people and things in the world worth seeing more. It's hard to get her to the West Chu. Now she's allowed to be bold and give up the whole West Chu.

If you don't have to find some fun to watch when you get sick, what kind of person is Rong Sheng?

Warm wine really doesn't make sense.

Xie Heng pinched ah Jiu's palm and whispered to her, "it seems that my Xie family must give birth to a daughter-in-law."

Wenjiu didn't understand for a moment. Just about to speak, he saw Rong Sheng walking down the white jade step.

The ministers of the Western Chu state on both sides of the steps came forward one after another, "national teacher! National teacher, what are you doing?"

The national master's sleeves flew lightly, and his tone was as usual: "tell the emperor what the female gentleman did."

Meng Chengyun chased down, frowned and said, "you are the teacher of the state of Western Chu. You should admonish the female monarch and stop her absurd behavior. Where do you let the people of Western Chu go now? Do you deserve to be called your national teacher by thousands of people?"

"The imperial master's residence has been handed down for a hundred years to protect the well-being of all the people and the livelihood of the people. After the female monarch married Emperor Yan in thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, the great Yan of Western Chu became a country. Since then, the family and country have been stable, and the people have no worries about war and chaos, and this seat is no longer entrusted by our ancestors. As for your official position, fame and wealth..." Rong Sheng glanced over the important officials of Western Chu and said with thin lips: "what are you doing?"

All the people in the Western Chu were stunned. After a while, they calmed down and had to say something again. They only heard the slightly cool tone of the National Normal University: "you may as well spend more time with this seat when you are free. Think about how to make Yan Huang feel that you are still useful."

He finished,? He brushed his sleeves and left quietly.

All the people in the Western Chu Dynasty saw that the head of the National Normal University didn't go back. They were all sad. When they looked back at the female monarch and Yan Emperor on the phoenix stage, they wanted to cry more and more.

The prime minister suddenly remembered something and said in a high voice, "come on! Please the emperor! Please bring the emperor over!"

The man's voice had not yet fallen. An internal attendant rushed from a distance and cried, "emperor, emperor has died!"

When several old ministers heard this, they couldn't hold it on the spot and fainted to the ground.

The national teacher made it clear that he would not oppose again. The emperor died at this moment, and the rest were in a panic.

Wenjiu was stunned for a moment. His thoughts were mixed. He couldn't tell whether it was sad or anything else. At the moment, he didn't have time to think more.

She took a deep breath and said slowly: "the emperor has gone, and you have heard what the national teacher just said."

Warm wine gave everyone a little response and opened up in a timely way. "This is the Western Chu River, which is handed over to me by the way I has the final say, and who will object to it though standing up!"

Meng Chengyun at the bottom just stepped out. Before he could speak, Xie Wanjin looked at him condescending and pointed out: "didn't lord Meng forget the man in the secret way?"

Murong Yu didn't walk alone in the secret way, but when the fourth childe saw her, the people walking with him had disappeared, leaving only a seriously injured woman and a bloody dagger.

Xie Wanjin kept trying to test Meng Chengyun's mind. Unexpectedly, the latter's eyes suddenly changed. He even swallowed the words he was about to blurt out. Unexpectedly, he stepped back a few steps and disappeared into the important officials of the Western Chu, without any more hair sound.

Holding the emperor's seal in his arms, the fourth childe breathed a sigh of relief: the blind cat really ran into a dead mouse!

Meng Chengyun was silent, and the rest of the people wavered for a moment. They were stunned that they couldn't make up their minds.

Xie Heng dressed in red and said in a deep voice, "I don't want to kill again. Some of you who are willing to contribute to the merger of the two countries still have their salaries increased by half. Those who are unwilling to eat the king's salaries go away. I really don't want to stop those who want to die and express their will. Anyway, there are many columns on the phoenix platform. It's really not good. You're wronged. You can still return to heaven if you hit the white jade step."

The main sentence of Da Yan surprised all the people in the Western Chu. When they arrived, he added with dignity, "you can go or stay at will today. I won't be embarrassed!"

Speaking of this, all the people in the Western Chu have their own thoughts. Look at me and I look at you. Most of them are shaken.

Xie Xuan then opened his mouth and said in a clear voice: "as an official, you should try your best to comply with your orders, be loyal to your officials, and create prosperity and peace for the people. What do you want, not for the king and not for the people?"

When the hat of disloyalty and injustice was buttoned down, the faces of all the people in the Western Chu changed greatly.

"My eldest brother is diligent and loves the people. He is not a wise gentleman. If you hadn't been touched by my eldest sister-in-law, how could you have the honor to be my great Yan Minister?" Xie Wanjin cleared his throat, held the sandalwood support upright, and bowed to the eldest brother and minister in front of the ministers of Western Chu with the emperor's seal and phoenix order of Western Chu. "Long live my emperor, empress forever, your majesty, empress forever."

Then Qin Mo, Zhou Minghao, and a group of accompanying officials and Qingyi guards knelt down one after another to salute the mountain and call for a long life. Their voice was like a mountain, sea, cloud and tide, and spread all over the phoenix platform.

Shocked by its momentum, the ministers of the Western Chu also knelt down one after another. Soon, everyone bowed to the ground.

Wen Jiu and Xie Heng stood on the high platform hand in hand, looking down at all officials kowtowing, thousands of people kneeling down, and they sang together for thousands of years. The sea of clouds billowed in the sky, and the bright sunshine fell on them. The sorrow of parting in the dark night dispersed. The bright sun, flying flowers and warm wind swept their faces were the best spring season of the year.

Since then, all the mountains and rivers in the Western Chu belong to Dayan.

Later, someone wrote a legend that Murong Jiu, the female monarch of the Western Chu, wandered among the people when she was young. She wandered around for more than ten years and had many adventures. She admired the Yan Emperor and conspired with the Western Chu to marry her. Finally, she became a beautiful couple.

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