In other words, on the day of wine warming, Xie Heng and others managed to bring all the ministers of the Western Chu state under their command, and immediately rushed to the emperor's bedroom hall when they got off the phoenix platform.

Wen Jiu didn't feel anything at first. After taking a few steps, he realized that his legs were soft.

She couldn't move. She couldn't help but step slightly. She grabbed Xie Heng's sleeve and whispered, "Xie Dongfeng."

"What's the matter?" Xie Heng quickly looked down at her and asked nervously, "but I'm not feeling well?"

Warm wine was attached to his ear and whispered, "I can't walk any more."

She said in a lighter voice, "do you think Murong yuan was so angry with me?"

Xie Heng's eyes moved slightly. When she was about to pick her up, she went to the bedroom hall and said, "Murong yuan's fate is exhausted. Even if you don't say or do anything, he will die."

Wen Jiu thought for a while and whispered to him, "if only he would die later."

Xie Heng smelled the speech and was puzzled in his eyes, "huh?"

Wen Jiu almost said to himself, "I still want to ask him if I don't regret it."

In fact, asking such a question is of no use except to make Murong yuan more angry, but ah Jiu can't figure it out.

Murongyuan provoked countless women in her life, but in order not to face Anjing's death, she let others persecute her own daughter, resulting in her previous life in Changping County.

Did the father ever feel half guilty?

Xie Heng didn't hear what she said, but he felt that her mood was difficult to calm.

"Good wine." so he coaxed her with a warm voice, bowed his head and kissed the tip of her nose. "Being a husband is your closest relative in the future. I will live in the same bed and die in the same cave with you. As for others, it's a thing of the past."

Warm wine eyes looked at him like ink, and nodded obediently.

When people die, Murong yuan's passing clouds are almost gone.

Wenjiu couldn't care about anything with him, but Murong yuan was her biological father anyway. Even if there was no father daughter relationship, the blood relatives were cut off constantly. What's more, Wenjiu took over his throne and took such a big western Chu as a dowry. How could he help him collect his body.

When they arrived at the emperor's bedroom, they saw the servants kneeling in front of the court, all crying in a low voice.

Murong yuan, dressed in Imperial clothes, fell in front of the hall door. His eyes were closed, but there was no breath. After the bloody fake an, Murong yuan was also dead, but his hands still held his waist tightly.

The two have pretended to be a loving couple for more than 20 years. Now they even die in one place. It can be regarded as a beginning and an end.

Rong Sheng, standing under the magnolia tree, looked at Murong yuan, who was already out of breath, and didn't look away for a long time.

"See your majesty, empress Yan."

Rong Sheng didn't look back until the servants in the palace in front of the hall saluted Wen Jiu and Xie Heng.

The national master was quite immortal today. When he saw warm wine coming down from Xie Heng, he said with a smile: "you're late. Murong yuan's foundation is too bad. He died before long."

Wen Jiu didn't like his expression most. He immediately crossed him and went to Murong yuan's body. He looked at the father who hadn't said a few words with her and had not eaten a few meals together.

Murong yuan always looked gentle and looked very young with a smile. Now he was dead and silent. Wen Jiu found that he was actually old.

"I didn't catch up either." when Rong Sheng said this, he looked quite a pity. He stood on the side of Wen Jiushen and said, "I wanted to see him spit more blood and export evil Qi for our master. This man is very cunning. He broke his breath before we came."

Wen Jiu raised his eyes and looked at Rong Sheng, "if you want to kill him, why did you go? Why do you have to fight for this moment?"

She used to think that Rong Sheng and Murong yuan were at most discordant. Now she found that they were far more than that. In fact, they wanted each other to die, but Murong yuan failed to succeed several times. However, Rong Sheng didn't know what to think and never really did it.

There are so many things that ah Jiu can't figure out. She can't ask before and may not have the opportunity to ask in the future. Only now can she mention it casually. Anyway, she doesn't hope that this person will answer.

But Rong Sheng seemed to feel that he was not enough to dispel his hatred. His eyes narrowed slightly and said, "if I hadn't promised the master never to take his life, wouldn't it be so easy for him to die."

Wen Jiu understood when he heard this.

It turned out that Rong Sheng didn't want to kill Murong yuan. He just accepted your promise and kept it until now.

She thought so, and the more she found that she couldn't see through Rongsheng.

The two said one by one, and the Chamberlain who was two steps away trembled and said, "the emperor suddenly came to bed and let the maidservants help him to the front of the hall. The old man held the door and looked at the phoenix platform. He probably wanted to see the female monarch succeed, but he went suddenly after standing for a while..."

Wen Jiu looked at Murong Yu and the corpse of fake an for a long time, and the palace man who had been guarding in front of the hall said nervously: "when the empress woke up, she just saw the emperor fall, and suddenly went crazy. She rushed to the emperor and killed herself with a gold hairpin... The slaves can't stop... Please bring down the crime!"

In front of the hall, a group of palace attendants knelt down and begged the female gentleman to commit a crime.

"You really can't stop your madness." Wen Jiu also knows this. No wonder these palace attendants have a headache because of their crying. They can't help rubbing the center of their eyebrows and said in a dumb voice, "forget it."

Forget it. It's for these palace maids. It's also what Wen Jiu wants to say to Murong yuan.

Even if there are thousands of resentments, now Murong yuan dies, the past will disappear with the wind.

People kowtow and kneel to thank the lady for her kindness.

Wen Jiu turned and looked at Xie Heng.

There are many troubles in the world. Things that can't be changed always make people very helpless, but as long as she sees this person, she feels that the wind is warm and the flowers are fragrant. When she thinks of the word "rest of life", she still has hope in her heart.

Xie Heng strode forward, grabbed the warm wine, very naturally took over what she had to do, and told the people, "Haosheng tidy up the appearance for the emperor, preach the ministers, and call the people from all palaces and halls."

Everyone answered "yes" and hurried to do it.

Wen Jiu looked at the palace people coming and going. He just felt like a dream. His body was a little unstable, so he simply leaned against Xie Heng's arms.

Xie Heng raised his hand, rubbed her temples and whispered, "I'll take you to sleep for a while."

Before Wenjiu could say it, when the servants stretched out their hands to lift the body of Feian Hou and Murong yuan into the bedroom hall, Murong yuan's hand under his sleeve suddenly fell to the ground. The white porcelain bottle he grabbed suddenly knocked on the bluestone brick with a "pa" sound, and suddenly broke.

When Wen Jiu looked back, he saw that the waiters knelt down and pleaded guilty one after another. The white porcelain bottle had been broken into several pieces, but the bottom of the bottle was still complete, and the white jade like bottom was engraved with a small word "Jing" in cinnabar.

The white powder was lifted up by the wind and left from Murong yuan's complicated cloud sleeves, blowing over the eaves.

She was slightly distracted. After a while, she said, "put away the broken porcelain pieces and bury them together."

Rongsheng watched the warm wine for a while, but he didn't say anything after all.

Warm wine raised his eyes and looked at the powder going away a little bit. The colorful light above the clouds finally dissipated the fly ash into the dust and smoke.

Somehow, she felt that the breeze was softer than before.

On this day, it was fine after the rain.

Close your eyes and disappear with the wind.

After thousands of sails, you get what you want.

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