"I don't know! If you have something to say, loosen your hand first!"

Xie Wanjin's wrist just knocked on the back of the chair. Before it slowed down, he was dragged by night. A handsome face was almost blue and purple in pain, and even his voice changed.

When ye Li heard the speech, he quickly released his hand, and his tone was still a little anxious. "Why don't you know where my senior brother is? You and you must have been in the same place before when you came back to Luan bay with him today!"

The little girl didn't know how long she had been looking outside. At this moment, her forehead was sweating and her breathing was not smooth, but her tone was very positive.

The people in the hall had guessed who had bitten such a tooth mark on tens of thousands of wrists after writing. Seeing this, they all looked at him and waited for him to say why.

"What and what!" Rao Shi Xie Wanjin has always had a thick skin, and he can't carry it now.

He gently rubbed his wrist and said, "after returning to the Western Chu palace, I have been with them for a moment. How can I know where Rong Sheng has gone?"

Night left stared at him, angry, unable to answer for a moment.

Xie Wanjin added: "Besides, the anti thieves have been eliminated now. The land of Western Chu is Rong Sheng's territory. No one can control where he wants to go. Don't run around. An Sheng has something to eat and sleep. Your senior brother probably feels a little uncomfortable after watching us for a long time, so he will come out when he wants to hide in peace."

To tell you the truth, when the fourth childe saw Rong Sheng in the stone cave of the national master's residence, he really thought that the man was dying and went all the way to the Western Chu palace in the dark. As a result, Rong Sheng looked like no one could fight and fly, and he could rise to heaven on the spot.

If Rong Sheng hadn't helped his eldest brother and ah Jiu today, Xie Wanjin really wanted to strangle him. However, Rong Sheng suppressed the arrogance of important officials in the Western Chu at the critical time, which led to the merger of the two countries. He was not angry or not. He was almost suffocating his internal injury.

Xie Wanjin really didn't know what Rong Sheng wanted to do and didn't want to talk to the man.

But Yeli obviously didn't know what he was thinking.

The little girl frowned and said, "but my senior brother's injury..."

Before she finished, Xie Wanjin interrupted, "what can he do? He's fine. Really, go to bed and stop making trouble."

The fourth childe said and turned to ask the people, "where did you just say?"

All the people looked at him with delicate faces and were silent.

Only Xie Yu said expressionless, "the tooth marks on your wrist."

Xie Wanjin paused and helplessly shouted: "... Third brother."

And the night on one side turned and shouted, "Xie Qi!"

The fifth childe answered and went to the little girl. With a clear face, he said to Xie Wanjin in a warm voice: "Lili is too worried about the national teacher. The fourth brother will work harder to help her find it."

"You......" Xie Wanjin didn't have time to sigh that his brother didn't stay, so he listened to Wen Jiurou's voice: "Yeli is so anxious. The fourth brother will help find it."

Xie Wanjin looked at the fifth younger brother on the left and ah Jiu on the right. He was really one big brother and two big brothers. He couldn't help but say, "you are all like this. Can I say no?"



Xie Heng's voice was slow, Xie Yu's tone was cold, and their voices just overlapped.

Xie Wanjin raised his hand to hide his face and said helplessly, "I have to do all the messy things when standing and talking one by one. How can this family be good without me?"

As he spoke, he turned and went out of the temple.

Zhou Minghao chased out two steps and said in a high voice, "why don't you tell me quietly how the tooth Mark came from? I'll go with you!"

Xie Wanjin didn't answer, "no!"

The people in the hall held back their laughter, but one or two accidentally leaked out. Xie Wanjin accelerated his steps and walked forward as if he hadn't heard anything.

Yeli said he couldn't find it everywhere. It certainly wouldn't be in the light.

Xie Wanjin walked twice along the dilapidated palace wall, walked in front of the emperor's bedroom, bypassed the ministers guarding the spirit, went in through the side door, walked in front of the Phoenix couch, took a hexagonal palace lamp from the hall, and went in along the secret passage that came out in the daytime.

As he walked, he thought: if you can't find it for half an hour at most, it's enough to save face. If you're willing to come out in the middle of the night, you'll have an explanation when you go back.

Unexpectedly, after less than a cup of tea, Xie Wanjin lit up the dark room in front of him. Previously, he walked in the dark underground with Rong Sheng on his back for several hours and found that there were stone walls. He didn't think there was such a dark room.

In the dark room, antique treasures are displayed all over the wall. They are all rare things in the world. In the middle is a six foot wide white jade bed. Rong Sheng, who couldn't be found that night, sat on it with his eyes closed. He didn't know whether he was nourishing himself or really fell asleep.

Xie Wanjin walked over with a hexagonal palace lantern, stood two steps away from the white jade bed, cleared his throat and said, "Hey, Rongsheng, what are you singing?"

The man in the white jade bed still closed his eyes and said nothing.

Xie Wanjin was slightly surprised. He put the palace lantern in his hand on the ground, went to the white jade bed and stretched out his hand to explore Rong Sheng's breath.

However, before he could find out why, his hand was suddenly held by Rongsheng.

The national master is cold all over and his hands are too cold.

Xie Wanjin was so excited by his cold that he even said, "do you want to scare me to death in the middle of the night?"

This man was not alive at all. His hands were colder than Murong yuan, who had been married for nine days. He really scared the fourth childe.

Rongsheng slowly opened his eyes and looked at him, "Why are you here?"

"How are you going to ask me why you're here?" Xie Wanjin broke Rongsheng's fingers one by one, then put his hands back to his sleeves, smiled and said: "if the national master didn't suddenly run to this place to hide quiet, your little younger martial sister couldn't find it. You were crying. I need to run to this place in the middle of the night?"

Rong Sheng was slightly stunned and whispered, "are you looking for this seat?"

"Isn't this nonsense?" Xie Wanjin was more angry, and the fake smile on his face was more and more like real, but he couldn't help talking with a gun and a stick.

He was a little speechless and said, "otherwise, you think I have nothing to do when I'm full, and I'll carry a lantern to visit the secret road in the middle of the night?"

Rongsheng looked at him, his eyes were slightly different, but he didn't say anything.

Xie Wanjin looked at him condescending and didn't have a good way: "OK, don't sit here and think about things. Anyway, it's useless to think more. Get up quickly and go out to coax your little younger martial sister!"

As he said this, he turned to mention the palace lantern and said, "I tell you, even if you repent now and don't want a Jiu to be the dowry of Xichu to marry my eldest brother, it's too late. A man's big husband can't repent if he says what he says and does..."

"This seat will run out of life."

Xie Wanjin was completely interrupted by Rong Sheng before he finished his words.

The fourth childe was stunned. The lamp he had just lifted came out and fell heavily on the ground. The tassel beads at the bottom of the palace lamp burst and splashed everywhere.

The candle burst up and devoured the beauty picture on the palace lamp.

Xie Wanjin was a little stiff. He looked back at Rong Sheng, "what did you just say?"

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