Rongsheng's eyes looked at Xie Wanjin, but he didn't speak again.

"No..." Xie Wanjin didn't know what to say at once. He held back for a while. "What is life is coming to an end? I know these words. How come I can't understand them from your mouth?"

Rong Sheng lowered his eyes, collected all his emotions, and said in his usual tone, "this seat is dying."

He said in a much lower voice, "not hiding in peace."

The dark room was quiet, and what Rong Sheng said was particularly clear.

Xie Wanjin felt dizzy when he heard the speech.

He raised his hand and patted himself on the forehead, pressed down, full of doubt and unrest, raised a smile and asked Rong Sheng, "master, you're kidding me again, aren't you?"

Rongsheng bowed his head and smiled, his thin lips raised slightly, "yes, you play."

The fourth childe breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but say, "you say you're a man. Just hide from quiet. I just say you. Do you need to curse yourself to die? It's so unlucky. Who is so cruel to yourself?"

The national master smiled but didn't speak. Half Zhang Junyan was hidden in the dark, which was hard to see.

Xie Wanjin looked back at the palace lantern, which had been burned out. It was a pity that he said, "the lantern has also been burned out. This time he has to go out in the dark."

After he said that, seeing Rong Sheng sitting on the white jade bed motionless, he couldn't help asking, "what's the matter, master Guoshi? Do you want to carry you again or take you out?"

"No need." Rongsheng was not angry with him this time.

"Then what are you doing here?" Xie Wanjin's stomach full of fire pressed and pressed, and he was almost out of temper.

Rong business said simply, "exercise skill to heal."

Xie Wanjin paused and looked at the man in front of him several times from top to bottom.

People of National Normal University wear fairy clothes today. When they are outside, they are powerful and can almost rise in the wind, so that he can't figure out whether this person is hurt or not.

It's also strange that this man can pretend too much.

Xie Wanjin felt that he had been cheated by him again and again. He was very angry and had no place to send. He had to endure it. It was enough to hold back. At this moment, hearing Rong Sheng say that he hid in this clean place to heal his wounds, he was inexplicably worried.

Damn it!

Seeing that he had been silent for a long time, Rong Sheng smiled and said, "don't you go yet? Do you want to stay with us, or do you want to hide here?"

Xie Wanjin was still guessing the truth of Rong Sheng's previous sentence "I'm dying". At first, when he heard this, he immediately said, "I can't find my way back!"

He said, directly lifted his robe and sat down in front of the white jade bed. He urged angrily, "you need to heal your wounds and get cured quickly. If you can stand up, take me out quickly."

The fourth childe almost didn't write "I'm not worried about you" on his face.

Rong Sheng smiled and said nothing more. He continued to meditate and breathe.

Xie Wanjin sat and was rather bored. He looked up at Rong Sheng and couldn't help saying: this man is not a man with a mask.

It looks good when you don't wear a mask

He involuntarily stretched out his hand to take off the half silver mask on Rongsheng's face. When his fingertips were about to touch, he suddenly took it back.

"Forget it." Xie Wanjin said to himself, "I don't care if you are human."

The fourth childe sat on the ground and simply began to close his eyes and refresh himself. He swept away those messy thoughts, and the sleepiness swept over in an instant.

Rong Sheng adjusted his breath for a long time, and the disordered internal breathing gradually stabilized. As soon as he vomited a mouthful of turbid gas, he heard a "bang", and then his sleeves with a little warm breath suddenly covered him.

Rongsheng's eyelids jumped slightly. When he opened his eyes, he saw Xie Wanjin, who was originally sitting on the ground, falling asleep on the edge of the bed.

The sound of the collision just now was so loud that the spoiled childe didn't wake up. He was still in the middle of a good dream. It was obvious that he was tired these days.

Rong Sheng still couldn't lift his hand, so he had to look at him with his eyes down and shout, "Xie Yu."

The latter did not respond at all, and even snored.

Rong Sheng was speechless for a moment: "...."

He was helpless, had a headache and wanted to laugh.

Rong Sheng felt that the man couldn't wake up for a while, and didn't have enough strength to throw him out. He simply closed his eyes and continued to exercise power and regulate his breath.

In the dead of night, the huge dark room was silent and quiet, and Xie Wanjin's snoring became more and more clear and audible.

Rong Sheng sat around for several hours, but it was difficult to recover from his serious injury. With the movement of Kung Fu and the adjustment of breath, he was forced into a cold sweat. The cold air around him seemed to be washed away by Xie Wanjin's own human fireworks.

When he felt a little vague in pain, he suddenly remembered that Murong yuan was still conscious. He gnashed his teeth and said that a monster like him was destined to be lonely all his life. There was no one to depend on in life and no one to collect bones after death.

At that time, all the Western Chu soldiers fell on their knees and cried for mercy. Rong Sheng walked down the lotus platform indifferently and walked back to the emperor's bedroom hall with blood all over the ground. He just heard Xie Yu ask Murong yuan, "do you regret it?"

In fact, Rong Sheng wanted to ask Murong yuan about this sentence for a long time.

I didn't expect to be robbed by Xie Yu.

Murong yuan was stunned for a long time and didn't answer. It took a long time to bite his teeth and said, "get out!"

Xie Yu smiled and turned away with disdain. When Tong Rongsheng passed by, he didn't forget to say to him, "I'm afraid the old fox has to explain the future." then he stepped out of the hall door and said with a loud voice to the people outside the door: "don't be stunned. Close the hall door quickly! The last words of the one inside must be hidden."

Murong yuan was angry and vomited blood again, and his face was blank for a moment.

Rongsheng went to Murong yuan in silence, took out three silver needles to seal his important acupoints, sobered him up, and asked condescently, "do you know regret?"

"Regret?" Murong yuanqiang sat up and said word by word, "I don't regret anything in my life!"

The dying king refused to give up any prestige, "what can I regret in this world?"

Rong Sheng's eyes were slightly red and his tone was cold. "If you hadn't betrayed my master and killed the National Teacher's house in treachery, would you have come to this point?"

"Your master?" Murong yuan lost his mind for a long time before he thought of such a person. "Rong Qing... I don't have to say whether we are responsible or not. It's just that we got on the same boat with different plans."

Rong Sheng was very angry and a touch of fishy sweetness poured into his throat.

But Murong yuan murmured to himself, "may we form a common alliance and live forever... How ridiculous?"

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