Murong Yuan said, suddenly mocking and laughing, "people's hearts are changeable. How can we share the same heart and soul with people all our life? No matter how good it is, this so-called concentric alliance is just something used by the founder of the Western Chu state and the national teachers to contain each other. After they died, they finished everything, but left such a great danger that all kings of the Western Chu state have to be restrained by the National Teachers' house!"

After hearing this, Rong Sheng sneered and said, "now it's difficult to sit and stand constrained by the National Teacher's house. Who begged my master to form a concentric alliance?"

Murong Yuandao: "There were many princes and daughters in the royal family in those years. It was Rong Qing who chose me... I only promised to tie my life to her life for self-protection. If the Yin and Yang of the Western Chu were reversed and women were respected, why should I form an alliance with her to win power? After I ascended the throne, I didn't treat her badly, but when the situation was settled, Rong Qing suddenly had a general magic barrier , what do you want to live forever! "

Murong yuan's voice suddenly sank: "it's a dream for people in the world to seek long life! For hundreds of years, National Teachers of all dynasties have been looking for vain things. Rong Qing's generation is obsessed with crazy demons and nearly died in order to cultivate the so-called divine skill. I'm so talented and resourceful. How can I let her risk my life for those false rumors!"

As if he couldn't understand it, he asked Rong Sheng, "the teacher of the state of Western Chu is located above tens of thousands of people and sits on an equal footing with the king. Only the teacher's house of the state of Western Chu has this honor in the world. What else is she dissatisfied with?"

Rongsheng looked at Murong yuan with deep eyes, and youyou asked, "do you really think she is practicing hard for longevity?"

Murong yuan was stunned for a moment. "What else could he do?" suddenly the conversation changed: "Rong Sheng, your young white hair is also practicing the so-called magic skills. Have you become crazy? What's more, you haven't formed a concentric alliance with the royal family. You have to carry all the pain alone. It shouldn't be very good."

The skills practiced by the State Teachers of the Western Chu Dynasty are superb. They are the faith of the people of the Western Chu Dynasty and are close to gods. But if they form an alliance with others, they will become bloodthirsty and can't see the sun.

After each generation of true disciples reaches the age of 18, they must choose one from the royal blood of the Western Chu Dynasty to form a concentric alliance, and their lives will be connected from then on. Otherwise, they will have a short life and live no more than 25 years.

Rong Sheng was the only national teacher who had not allied with the Western Chu royal family in his twenties.

Murong yuan seemed to have found a breakthrough and smiled, "by the way, how old are you this year?"

Rong Sheng did not answer.

Murong yuan thought to himself, "how old are you in your twenties? How old are you? No one in the royal family has attracted your eyes? If you don't form a concentric alliance with others... How many days can you live?"

Rong Sheng said angrily, "I've been disgusted by you filthy people who do everything for power and profit these years!"

His voice was cold and penetrating for a moment: "as my master was blind, he formed a concentric alliance with people and was made so immortal. It's better to die early!"

In fact, few of the State Teachers of the Western Chu Dynasty have a good end, but the change of imperial power in the Tianjia family often beautifies the previous old things. The true secret Xin story is never spread, and few people know it.

Rong Sheng grew up in the imperial master's residence when he was a child. What he heard most was the two ancestral sayings: "for the country and the king, never regret dying."

When he was a child, he didn't understand the meaning of these words, nor why the National Teachers of all dynasties were dedicated to the country and the king, but they still worked hard to protect each other from generation to generation, and the history books were full of praise words of kings and officials.

Later, when I understood, all the doors of Guoshi mansion were destroyed, and everything was turned upside down.

Murong yuan was slightly stunned, and then whispered, "what about Jiujiu?"

Rongsheng didn't speak for a moment.

Murong yuan seemed to have caught new expectations and continued: "Jiujiu has been wandering outside since she was a child. She is soft hearted and kind. She is different from those who grew up in the palace. Go and bring her back and form a concentric alliance with her... She will never harm you, and she can't harm you. After I go, Xichu will be your world... It can not only protect your life, but also stabilize the rivers and mountains of Xichu. Why not do such a thing that has the best of both worlds?"

Rong Sheng looked at him coldly, "do you think this seat is like you in order to consolidate the throne and play with many noble women among applause? You are ungrateful, lucky and shameless all your life?"

Murong yuan waited for a long time, but he didn't wait for the answer he wanted. He couldn't help but say angrily, "shut up!"

After the harsh reprimand, he was frustrated in vain. He asked helplessly and incomprehensibly, "Rong Sheng, what do you want?"

Murong yuan really didn't understand, "the beauty of rivers and mountains has tentacles. What else do you hate? What do you want? What is more important in the world than beauty and the world?"

Without saying a word, Rong Sheng turned and went out of the hall.

Many years ago, Murong yuan also asked what Rong Qing wanted.

At that time, young Rong Sheng hid behind the porch column and watched his master standing where the flowers were in full bloom, laughing without saying anything.

Later, he couldn't help asking the master why he didn't tell the emperor what he wanted.

The master said, "in one's life, there will be a lot of things one wants. Most of them can get them with a little effort, but there is one thing that is hard won. It all depends on luck. Since you are not sure whether you can get it in your own hand, it's better not to say it, so as not to add worry to others."

In fact, young Rong Sheng didn't understand at all, but master looked like that at that time.

Now think about it, she really didn't add any worries to Murong yuan, because he never knew what Rong Qing had done for him. In his life, he had an emperor, a world and peace. Perhaps in his heart, she had a little guilt for many concubines who had used to stabilize the imperial power, but he didn't care about Rong Qing.

Murong yuan will never know that on the day when the imperial master's residence was destroyed, his last words to him were "ah Sheng, you can take revenge in the future, but don't kill Murong yuan anyway and promise Shifu... Let him live and live well until the day he should go."

Later, when the boy grew up, he took revenge and killed all the people who had appeared in the National Teachers' house that day. He reorganized the school and held great power. He was vicious and fierce, which surprised all the countries.

But Murong yuan never moved.

On the contrary, Murong yuan thought of those old things after seeing Rong Sheng, and secretly laid hands on him several times. However, Rong Sheng was not that soft hearted. He killed as many people as he came.

Time flies. Rong Sheng waited year after year and planned thousands of times. He found the exiled Princess and came back to break the rotten deadlock in the Western Chu, where everyone is only fighting for power and position. He tried his best to create the day when Murong yuan should go.

But I didn't expect that it would eventually become what it is today.

Thousands of times and thousands of times, people and things have deviated from the original track, but in the end they have become.

Rong Sheng, who was practicing kung fu to heal his wounds, had mixed thoughts. A touch of fishy sweetness rushed into his throat. He suddenly remembered that Xie Yu was still sleeping on the edge of the bed and swallowed the blood back.

Murong yuan's voice seemed to be echoing in his ear. He asked hoarsely, "Rong Sheng! What do you want?"

Rong Sheng wanted revenge, Murong yuan's death, and the peace and happiness of the people of Western Chu. After all these were realized, he thought for a long time and didn't know what else he wanted.

At the moment, he opened his eyes and looked at Xie Wanjin, who was sleeping beside him. Suddenly, he felt that thousands of things in the world were very good, and living was also very good, thousands of times better than dying.

Rongsheng's lips slightly raised and said in a dumb voice, "I want to be a man."

Be an ordinary person who loves money and things like Xie Yu, has no ambition but has a good time every day. Enjoy the beauty and beauty of the world and enjoy the joy of the world.

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