Wen Jiu stared at his reaction, already understood most of it, and was more and more relieved.

Whether she was in her previous life or Murong Yu in this life, in fact, she was just Meng Chengyun climbing the ladder of heaven. It's not true or not, nor is it just cruel to her. Meng Chengyun is such a person. He will do the same thing regardless of the people around him.

Xie Yu said in a cold voice, "it's no pity to die for being unfaithful and unjust!"

Xie Wanjin Danfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said simply, "then kill."

"How can he die?" Xie Wanjin subconsciously wanted to ask Rong Sheng, who can torture people the most, what is the most suitable way to die for Meng Chengyun. When he turned to half, he suddenly remembered that the man had not come at all, and suddenly felt a little angry.

The fourth childe reached out to touch his chin and thought about what to say. Suddenly, he found that the eldest brother, the third brother and everyone fell on the warm wine who had not spoken.

"Warm wine!" Wen Wen Wen strode to warm wine. Some were worried and some didn't know how to speak. He held it for a long time before he said, "can you... Don't kill him?"

Wen Jiu felt that the scene seemed familiar.

When he was in Changping County, it seemed that it was the same. Wen Wen heard Xie Heng say that he wanted to break Meng Chengyun's leg and cut his tongue, and hurriedly pleaded for mercy. In fact, this high-ranking family beat people up and drove out those who hurt their arms and legs. How can they really cut people's tongue and kill people.

I haven't seen any worldly youth believe it. Later, he lied that he wanted to go back to the Academy. In fact, he secretly saved Meng Chengyun and left Changping County for medical treatment.

Meng Chengyun rolled around in the world and became Lord Meng, who was more powerful and less affectionate.

But Wen Wen is very much like her in her previous life.

Even though she was greedy for money and profits later, and even though his hands are stained with blood, he has not forgotten the way he came. He treasures three parts of goodness in his heart and allows the world to change. This heart is a young man.

Wen Jiu figured it out. He felt full of relief and couldn't help pinching Wen Wen's face.

Wen Wen, who had been a killer for many years, was pinched and his face was black, but he didn't dare to avoid it. He stiffened and asked her, "won't you kill... Sister?"

Wen Jiu's eyes moved slightly. He immediately looked down at Meng Chengyun and said, "being the son-in-law of Western Chu and serving the princess is the first important thing. Lord Meng doesn't have to worry about the affairs of the central court in the future. Concentrate on going back to the house to serve sister Liu Huang."

Xie Heng smelled the speech and pinched the hand in the palm of ah Jiu's hand, so he couldn't help picking his eyebrows to see her.

Xie Wanjin was not happy. "Is it so cheap for Meng Chengyun?"

Wen Jiu gave the fourth childe a look of "take it easy, don't be impatient", and said clearly: "since Lord Meng is Murong Yu's only son-in-law, he will live and die with her. After you go, you can bury the princess mausoleum with Murong Yu. There will be no less glory."

She looked at Meng Chengyun and continued, "from now on, you should take good care of my sixth emperor sister."

Meng Chengyun was shocked and said in a trembling voice, "warm wine! Do you really hate me so much?"

A person who loves power and power is trapped by a living dead person all his life, and life and death are controlled by others.

When Murong Yu dies, Meng Chengyun will die with him. In this life, he can no longer stand on the top of power, which is hundreds of times more cruel than killing him.

The water light in Wen Jiu's eyes faded gradually, and his tone was as usual: "you and I can't talk about whether you hate or not. It's your own choice to marry Murong Yu. Since you dare to take this shortcut, you should know that stepping on the sky ladder is doomed. Now... Go on."

Meng Chengyun's eyes were empty and could not speak.

Where else can I go?

The road ahead is a dead end, and everything you ask for is empty.

Wen Jiu raised his hand, "send them back to the princess's house."

Qingyi guards quickly answered "yes" and took out Meng Chengyun, a puppet, and Murong Yu, who was silent.

Xie Wanjin comforted himself and said with a smile, "it's better not to kill or not to kill. It's better to have less blood and accumulate more virtue. We'll get everything quickly. We'd better go home early!"

He said, reaching out and pinching Wen Wen's face, "isn't it? Brother."

Wen Wen stepped back a few steps like a great enemy. He looked subtle and said, "who is your brother? Why do you recognize relatives one by one?"

Seeing this, Xie Qi couldn't help smiling and said in a warm voice, "they are all a family. You are the youngest and naturally your brother."

"I..." Wen Wen really couldn't get angry with the five CHILDES who were as warm as jade. He had to harden his head and whispered, "I won't be their brother."

Xie Wanjin heard it and hurriedly said, "do you have another sister? I can be your brother-in-law."

Without waiting for Wen Wen to speak, Xie Heng raised his hand and gave the fourth childe a shudder. "What did you say?"

"No... I didn't say anything just now..." Xie Wanjin covered his head and walked to the side. He whispered, "if you have a brother-in-law, you won't hurt your brother. The elder brother is really eccentric."

Wen Jiu looked at these people talking. The warm color in his eyes gradually flourished. Holding Xie Heng's hand, he gently rubbed it and said in a low voice: "I used to be with Meng Chengyun..."

"It was before." Xie Heng slightly raised his eyebrow and interrupted her. "You were still a yellow haired girl who didn't understand anything at that time. What childhood sweethearts? You picked flowers, climbed trees and recited a few sour poems together. Even if you were a childhood sweetheart, I have a pile. I'm afraid you can't eat it if you are jealous."

Wen Jiu raised his eyes slightly and looked at him with a smile.

Just then, it was bright and the morning light was scattered all over the world.

Xie Xuan looked at his elder brother, who had overturned the vinegar jar and was still pretending to be nothing, and turned to the door of the temple.

Lord Shoufu, with broad sleeves, looked up at the clouds breaking the sun and said in a slightly raised voice: "the time has come. Announce the ministers to the hall... Send the emperor!"

Behind the sound, sorrow and joy.

The palace attendants swarmed in and followed the attendants on both sides. All officials of the Western Chu Dynasty gathered in the hall and lined up to enter the hall. After saluting Wen Jiu and Xie Heng, they all covered their faces and cried in unison: "send the emperor!"

Then someone nailed down and sealed the coffin. The coffin lifter stepped forward, lifted the coffin and stepped into the sound of sadness and music.

Wen Jiu raised his eyes and looked at the bright morning outside the door. He sighed "if people are dead, there will be nothing left", and then followed up with Xie Heng side by side. The Xie family and all officials followed.

Outside the gate of the temple, the guards and a thousand honor guards lined up in a long line. The palace was full of clothes and snow, and countless white ribbons fluttered in the wind.

Xie Wanjin looked around and didn't see Rong Sheng's shadow. He couldn't help turning around and leaving the same night and said, "what's your senior brother doing all day? He won't come at this time."

Rong Sheng's messy words with him in the dark room are not true or false. The fourth childe didn't take it seriously, but Rong Sheng has been haunted since he came back from the dark room that day and rarely appeared in front of people. It's even better to hide in a quiet night. Today is Murong Yuan's burial. Rong Sheng, the national master, hasn't appeared yet. It's really hard to figure out.

"How do I know?" Yeli was more angry than the fourth childe. "I haven't seen my senior brother for several days."

When Xie Wangang wanted to say how she was a younger martial sister, he heard the people salute and say, "see your master."

The fourth childe was stunned and stopped talking.

Xie Yu stood on his side and said, "here comes the man."

Xie Wanjin felt helpless when he heard the speech, so he had to whisper to him, "third brother, I see it, and I'm not blind!"

Xie Yu stopped talking and looked at him coolly. His eyes were bright and wrote "I think you are very blind".

The fourth childe dared not argue with him, so he had to bear it.

Just at this time, Rong Sheng passed by Xie Wanjin and didn't even give him any eye wind. He went straight to the side of Wen Jiushen and walked forward with her.

The fourth childe murmured: "my childe just asked one more question. Is it so unpopular?"

"Yes." the night on one side answered quickly, and didn't save face for the fourth childe at all.

Xie Wanjin raised his hand and touched the black iron buckle on his wrist. Yeli hurriedly avoided behind Xie Qi.

Xie Qi, while protecting Ye Li, raised his hand and stopped the fourth childe. Wen said, "Li Li is just kidding. Don't worry about her."

When Xie Wanjin heard this, he couldn't help feeling a little tired and said helplessly, "why do your martial brothers and sisters make such inexplicable jokes with others? What are these broken hobbies?"

"What are you talking about?" Yeli felt his eyebrows turn upside down and reached out to touch the soft sword around his waist.

Xie Qi looked back and looked at the little girl helplessly.

Xie Wanjin took the opportunity to change positions with Xie Yu, which calmed down.

When the morning wind rose, the white flag fluttered, and the people were all dressed in chimes flying in the wind. The sound of sadness and mourning continued. The whole honor guard silently went out of the Western Chu palace and went to the imperial mausoleum.

Murong yuan was ambitious in his life. He wanted the best of everything. The imperial mausoleum had been built according to his own wishes. He arranged everything about the specifications and instruments of the funerary objects early. He didn't have to worry about warming the wine. He just had to follow the process again.

There is nothing particularly troublesome except tiring.

On the contrary, many important ministers of the Western Chu Dynasty cried for a long time. They were obviously worried that after they went to Dayan with the female gentleman, their official positions would be crushed by the officials of Dayan. They didn't dare to say anything. They cried here as if they were very reluctant to give up Murong yuan. Several of their bones were not very good, so they cried and fainted.

Wen Jiu was surprisingly patient and didn't urge them until the sun sank and the ministers of the Western Chu couldn't cry anymore.

Rong Sheng didn't wait for a moment. He turned and left. The Xie family and Dayan officials had no good feelings with Murong yuan, so he withdrew first.

The ministers of the Western Chu Dynasty worshipped and worshipped outside the mausoleum before they helped each other back.

At the moment when the stone gate of the imperial mausoleum was closed, there was a lot of noise and dust. It was like sealing all the bad things of warm wine in the past, and all the misfortunes were cut off.

Wen Jiu looked at the stone gate for a long time before he said, "bring the wine."

The little ladies quickly poured wine and served it.

Wen Jiu raised his hand to take a cup and slowly poured it in front of the stone gate. "Father, after drinking this cup of wine, you and I will return to dust and earth, and the past will be written off."

When the sound fell, Wen wine threw the wine cup on the ground. She brushed her sleeve and turned around, looking up at the sunset.

Wen Jiu thought to himself: I have no father daughter relationship with Murong yuan. Is this the best result now?

She cheated herself for several days. She felt that she didn't care about Murong yuan's life and death. At the moment, she still couldn't hold back some sadness in her heart. She looked up at the sky, but her eyes were full of water.

Xie Heng was so distressed that he stretched out his hand to hold the warm wine in his arms and gently stroked her back, "well, well, those bad things are over."

He coaxed in a low voice: "your little brother is back. In the future, our family will be round and round, and everything will be better and better."

"HMM." Wen Jiu leaned in his arms, calmly closed his eyes and enjoyed the hard won peace of mind. He murmured, "Xie Dongfeng, I want to go home."

Xie Heng hugged her and said softly, "OK, let's go home."

As the sun set, the golden afterglow shrouded them, like crossing a layer of warm light. The mountains, rivers, plants and trees were silent, quiet and peaceful.

Thousands of clouds and smoke pass through the eyes, and the old hatred of the past goes with the wind.

Since then, everything has changed.

Go home.

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