After Wen Jiu and others sent murongyuan to settle down, they arranged everything in the Western Chu for a few days, and planned to lead them back to Dayan.

On the night before leaving, Xie Wanjin saw that everyone was going back to Dayan with one heart and packed their bags faster than one. He couldn't help but go to the temple and ask his eldest brother, "they are all so anxious to go back. Who left to deal with the aftermath?"

Xie Heng happened to talk to Wen Jiu about it. Xie Yu and a group of close ministers were there. Wen Yan looked back at him one after another.

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corner of his eye and said, "since the fourth brother is so interested in this matter, you should leave the aftermath."

Elder brother said this naturally. Xie Wanjin shook a few times with the cry of "four younger brothers".

The fourth childe couldn't help but open his eyes and said in disbelief: "I'll stay? Elder brother, are you busy and confused recently? Let my bad guys and good things stir up the muddy water. I can't do this country's major event. You'd better let the third brother stay. He can handle things reliably and reliably!"

Xie Yu said in a cold voice, "No."

As soon as Xie Wanjin heard this, he almost broke down with a three-point smile on his face. He immediately asked, "why can't you? Don't you worry about all the big and small affairs in the Dayan dynasty? Why can't you say it when you get to the Western Chu?"

Xie Yu said expressionless, "I've never left Beijing. Naturally, I'll go out of the city to meet your Majesty on the day her mother returns to Korea."

When Xie Wanjin heard this, he didn't understand it for a long time. He turned and asked the people, "what's the meaning of this?"

Warm wine coughed twice, and his face reminded the fourth childe as usual, "the first auxiliary adult said he had never left Beijing, that is, he had never left Beijing."

"Yes." Xie Heng followed with a smile.

Qin Molian hurriedly said, "yes, sir Shoufu has been busy in the imperial capital. Why have you ever been to the Western Chu?"

Zhou Minghao said with a smile, "anyway, I haven't seen Lord Shoufu in Xichu!"

A group of courtiers echoed: "haven't seen it! We haven't seen it. Lord Shoufu is busy working for the country in the imperial capital. How can he come to the Western Chu!"

Xie Wanjin glanced at the crowd and was a little angry. "He's pointing out that deer is a horse, reversing black and white! You people are still lying with your eyes open. What's your conscience?"

Several young ministers looked at him and shook their heads together. It was written on their forehead: as long as Shoufu adult doesn't freeze us, conscience or something can be ignored for the time being.

Xie Wanjin took a deep breath and turned his head and shouted, "elder brother, look at these people! Each one only knows that Lord Shoufu doesn't pay attention to me or your majesty!"

"Oh?" Xie Heng smiled and glanced at everyone.

Qin Mo reacted very quickly and quickly said, "Marquis, it's bad. We all know that the heart of Lord Shoufu is the heart of your majesty, so it's right to wait for Lord Shoufu. It's the same as my loyalty to your majesty!"

Zhou Minghao and a group of Ministers quickly said yes.

"Niang Niang!" Xie Wanjin had no choice but to shout helplessly. He could only gather around Wen Jiu, "sister-in-law! Ah Jiu... Look at them!"

Wen Jiu raised his eyes and looked at Xie Wanjin. His eyebrows and eyes seriously said to him, "listen to the chief assistant."

"I......" Xie Wanjin vomited blood angrily and said helplessly, "I haven't sent it these days."

Xie Xuan ignored him and said faintly, "I have to go back to Dijing one day early."

"And then?" Xie Wanjin asked, already giving up other ideas.

Xie Xuan stared at him and said in his usual tone, "so you stay in the Western Chu to deal with the aftermath."

Xie Wanjin was still immersed in the sadness of "everyone listens to the words of Lord Shoufu. It's impossible to live this day". When he heard this, he was hit by thunder, "third brother, third brother! You're so bullying! You all went back to Dayan and asked me to stay here to watch the man of Western Chu acting and crying. Who can stand it? I want to live a few more years!"

Xie Xuan was different from his nonsense. He immediately looked at Xie Heng and shouted "elder brother" in a faint tone

The third childe looks like "I don't want to talk nonsense, elder brother, come here!"!

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin was hurt again.

Xie Heng thin lips light hook, slowly said with a smile: "Wanjin, you have no wife and confidant in Dayan, and no one urges you to go back early. What are you in such a hurry to do?"

"Who said I didn't?" Xie Wanjin quickly replied, "I have a lot of confidants. If they see you all go back, they can't see me. I'm afraid tears will flow into a river and flood the imperial capital!"

The crowd couldn't help laughing and hurriedly stopped looking too far.

Xie Heng smiled more deeply on his lips and asked him, "among your confidants, can someone run thousands of miles with a sword and win the head with a gun? Did you bring a knife to the Western Chu one night?"

Xie Wanjin thought carefully, "this... This is really not."

Xie Heng raised his eyes with a smile and motioned the fourth childe to look at Xie Yu.

Xie Wanjin turned around slightly. As soon as he looked back, he saw his third brother's face as black as the bottom of the pot. He immediately understood.

Xie Xuan, who was in the Qingyi guard and came to the West Chu quietly, specially transferred Ye Zhiqiu to another place. It was a little embarrassing to meet again this time.

The fourth childe thought: the third brother is no better than me.

I wanted to open it immediately.

Xie Wanjin smiled. "If I stay, I'll stay. The third brother should go back earlier."

Xie Xuan looked at him with deep eyes and said in a cool tone: "it's rare for someone to have a good relationship with the national teacher of Western Chu. The fourth brother wants to cook things in Western Chu with him."

The third childe finished, turned and left.

Xie Wanjin wanted to say something to him again. It was too late. He turned to Xie Heng and said, "look at him, elder brother. What are you talking about?"

"He always does. Come here. I have a few words to tell you."

Seeing this, several close ministers found them one after another and left the hall.

Wen Jiu looked out of the window for a moment and got up and said, "I'll go and see Arvin."

Xie Heng's eyes kept falling on her and said with a smile, "go."

Wenjiu walked out of the hall slowly.

Xie Wanjin looked at his elder brother's eyes and followed Wen Jiu to a distance. He couldn't help saying, "elder brother, don't look, ah Jiu has gone away! Don't you have something to say to me?"

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