Xie Heng waved and motioned for the fourth childe to come near.

Xie Wanjin's eyebrows jumped slightly, hurriedly came forward and asked, "what's the matter? Only the two of us have to whisper?"

Unexpectedly, before the sound of the words fell, Xie Heng suddenly raised his hand and pinched the fourth childe's face, like teasing a fat baby. Some joked: "Wanjin, after they came to the Western Chu, they lost a big circle of worry and couldn't eat or sleep. How can you get fat here?"

"No!" Xie Wanjin firmly denied, "I'm not fat! I just haven't slept well for several days and my face is swollen! Elder brother! Loosen your hand and pinch it for me later. How can I see people?"

The fourth childe was afraid of being heard by those outside. He could only lower his voice and shout, don't say how wronged he was.

But Xie Heng didn't eat his suit. He pinched a fourth childe's face leisurely. Then he put his hand back to his sleeve and said with a smile: "it's more comfortable for you to come to the West Chu than to go home. Who will stay if you don't stay here?"

"I... my home is in Dayan!" Xie Wanjin answered quickly. "My father, Aung, elder brother, grandmother, younger brothers and sisters are all in Dayan! Besides, why did I come to Xichu? It's not for you, elder brother."

The fourth childe used to be a coquettish with his eldest brother. No one was there at the moment. He pulled Xie Heng's sleeve and discussed with his eldest brother with a smile: "you let Qin Mo and them stay. I want to go home with you. You and ah Jiu have to get married after returning to the imperial capital. How grand and complicated the empress's ceremony is. How can we do without me?"

Xie Heng looked at him, Danfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, "you tell the truth for your brother."

"What's the truth?" Xie Wanjin was puzzled when he heard this. "The truth is that I just want to go back to Dayan with you."

Xie Heng's eyes looked at him like a star, with an expression of "if you don't say Lao Tzu, you won't let go".

The night outside the window was quiet, and the wind sneaked in, blowing the candles in the hall slightly.

Yingying's light enveloped the fourth childe's jade like face, and he was forced to sweat.

"It's true to want to go home early with my eldest brother. I'm afraid it's true for Rongsheng to settle accounts with me..." Xie Wanjin's voice unconsciously lightened a lot. After opening his mouth, he couldn't help saying: "Rong Sheng is busy these days. He doesn't have time to care about what's not! If you all leave at once, he'll be idle and have to turn over all the old things a few years ago and count with me?"

When Xie Heng heard this, he couldn't help but wonder, "what did you do at that time? It makes you think you have no face to see Rongsheng again?"

"I... I forgot!" Xie Wanjin said subtly, "scholars can be killed. Old things can't be mentioned again!"

"That's OK, you stay." Xie Heng looked very negotiable and said slowly, "there's no need to discuss this matter. It's so settled

Xie Wanjin said anxiously, "elder brother!"


Xie Heng picked his eyebrows and looked at him. He was imperial and dignified. It seemed that the fourth childe couldn't break it again.

Xie Wanjin's face was loveless. He slowly loosened Xie Heng's sleeve. His face was miserable. He was full of sadness and began to sing: "cabbage, yellow in the field, no mother at the age of two or three, my eldest brother, with a mother, forget four Lang..."

Xie Heng raised his hand and slapped the fourth childe on the head, "Speaking of business, Rong Sheng has a strange temper. Few people can take advantage of him except you. Ah Xuan wants to go back to the imperial capital early. If someone else would offend Rong Sheng somehow, he will be killed. Anyway, you have a big heart and thick skin. Aren't you comfortable in front of Rong Sheng these days? In this way, you can stay in Western Chu for another ten days and a half months Yes, I'll go back to Dijing after I've finished all the things behind. At that time, all countries will come to congratulate me and give you all the beauties as brothers. How about it? "

Xie Heng thought: anyway, I don't want those beauties. Ah Yu is not good. He just stuffed them into Wanjin. It's appropriate for all parties and very good.

Xie Wanjin hasn't heard his eldest brother say this to himself for several years. He can't change his mind at once.

It took him a while to figure out how much it tasted. "Really give it to me?"


Xie Heng nodded very seriously.

"That's OK. You can leave Qin Mo and Zhou Minghao with me." Xie Wanjin thought about his elder brother's temper. Anyway, he promised or didn't promise. He might as well accept it at first sight.

Anyway, he's not alone. Just stay in Xichu.

"OK." Xie Heng answered him directly.

The fourth childe didn't look happy when he heard the speech. He sighed with disappointment, "elder brother, do you have anything else to tell me? I'll go out first."

After taking two or three steps, he suddenly remembered something. He turned back and asked, "elder brother, Meng Chengyun... You really let go so easily? This man won't just keep Murong Yu for the rest of his life."

Xie Heng smiled: "what about restlessness? The third childe has already dismissed all the people in Murong Yu's house, sealed all the doors and walls, and sent only a few deaf mute people to serve. Ren mengchengyun is not bad, he doesn't give up his ability to connect with heaven, and he can't find a person who can talk to him."

Xie Wanjin had a slight twitch in the corners of his eyes and couldn't help but say, "it's still the third brother's thoughtful."

As ambitious as Meng Chengyun, he uses his pen to bewitch people and ascend to heaven. All he has to do is rely on one mouth. Now there is only Murong Yu, a living dead man, and several deaf mute people around him. No matter how many abilities he has, they are useless.

It is like a beast picking its claws and teeth, imprisoned in a cage, watching helplessly, waiting for the day of death.

People are still alive, but it is more painful than losing.

The fourth childe couldn't help feeling that he was cruel or the third brother.


Outside the hall, Wenjiu took several little maids out of the hall door and passed the corridor. Within a few steps, he saw Rong Sheng flying in purple and standing under the magnolia tree.

The bright moon leaves the branches, and the falling flowers slowly wipe the clothes room.

"National teacher?" Wen Jiugang called him.

Rong Sheng turned around and looked over. His tone was slightly cool and said, "Your Highness."

Wen Jiu raised his hand to indicate that the maid didn't have to follow. He took two steps forward and smiled and said to Tong Rongsheng, "master, you are so elegant today. Are you enjoying the moon here? It seems more elegant to stand under the magnolia tree."

"This seat is waiting for you."

Rongsheng didn't give her any face, so he directly replied to her.

Wen Jiuwei was stunned. Rong Sheng often disappeared these days. The injured Yeli jumped up and down to find him every day. The little girl couldn't find him, so she came and looked for him with the fourth childe. Wen Jiuli has seen it several times.

But tonight, Rong Sheng suddenly appeared here and said he was waiting for her.

Wen Jiu was a little surprised and said, "wait for me? My master is here to wait for me, but what's important?"

"It's not important." the half silver mask on Rongsheng's face covered all his expressions, and his eyes looked particularly clear at the moment.

He said, "if you want to take Xie Qi back to Dayan, take Ye Li away."

Wen Jiu smelled the speech. He couldn't help feeling a little strange. He couldn't help asking him, "why?"

"How can there be so many? Why?" Rong Sheng is obviously not a person with a temper. He is particularly fickle at the moment. He was fine just now and changed his face in an instant. "Do you say take it or not? Leave Xie Qi without it!"

The National Master said, his eyes cool on Wen wine, and said, "you stay too!"

Warm wine suddenly: "..."

She was almost confused by the sunny and rainy attitude of the national master. After a while, she came back to her mind and said to him with a smile: "take it, I didn't say no, but you know the temper of Yeli. If she wants to stay with you and doesn't want to go to Dijing?"

"This is our business, and we will do it."

Rongsheng said this and immediately turned away.

Wen Jiu looked at him and asked him, "Rong Sheng, why do you suddenly want the night to leave Dijing?"

Rong Sheng stood in the moonlight and mottled branches and half looked back, "then why don't you put a good West Chu female gentleman and have to marry Xie Heng?"

Rong Sheng didn't ask about this when he was enjoying the warm wine.

Before murongyuan was buried, he did not intend to ask when important officials of the Western Chu made trouble.

But at this time, suddenly came such a sentence.

Wen wine smelled the speech and said with a smile, "I told you long ago that I am a businessman and never do business at a loss!"

How heavy the rivers and mountains of Western Chu are in the eyes of others. I don't know how warm wine is.

She only knew that what Rong Sheng had planned and Murong yuan had asked could not compare with her one heart. The master stayed together for the rest of his life.

Rongsheng raised an invisible radian at the corner of his lips and immediately turned away. His tone was unclear and said, "I don't want to lose money."

Wen Jiu stood in place and thought for a long time, but he didn't figure out what Rong Sheng meant.

"Rong Sheng is really a freak." she muttered to herself, "forget it. What you don't understand now will be understood in the future."

The wind is gentle, the night is quiet, and the sky is full of flowers.

In the early April of the fourth year of Chengming Dynasty, the Western Chu Dynasty made thousands of miles of red makeup for the female monarch with the strength of the country. In the spring, in a good season, Yan Huang Xie Heng and his wife returned to the imperial capital in Luan boat, and thousands of subjects returned to their hearts. Everywhere they went, young men and women sang and danced to each other, with endless rites and music and endless flowers.

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