More than half a month later.

Xie Wanjin took care of everything in the Western Chu Dynasty day and night, and almost used everything he could in his life.

He finished the last thing and didn't even make up for his sleep. While Rong Sheng was closed again, he directly called Qin Mo and Zhou Minghao to go back to the capital together, packed up his things and went to the ferry.

Qin Mo looked at him as if he had packed up and escaped. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Lord, what are you doing? It's not bad for us to go back to the imperial capital for half a day. You have a good sleep. It doesn't hurt if we start tomorrow."

"It's a big hindrance!" Xie Wanjin said as he walked forward: "don't look at the way your majesty and empress go back to the imperial capital slowly. We've been slow for more than half a month. It's still difficult to catch up with them. Don't linger and hurry!"

It was not easy for him to sort out the bad debts of Xichu. They were in a mess. He was one of the first two. He was also worried that Rong Sheng would suddenly come to him for trouble when he didn't know. He was tired and thin in more than half a month.

Piansheng Qin Mo is like nobody else. He talks and laughs. Don't be too comfortable. He's angry with the fourth childe!

Xie Wanjin thought that after returning to the imperial capital, he must sue them in front of his eldest brother and third brother.

Zhou Minghao didn't notice the fourth childe's anger at all,? On the contrary, he smiled more and more happily, "our marquis is is fleeing his debts. Lord Qin, don't persuade him any more!"

Xie Wanjin slapped a fan on Zhou Minghao's forehead and said with a smile: "what debt am I running away from? I'm in a hurry to go back to the imperial capital to arrange my eldest brother's wedding. You people who only take salaries but don't work, how do you know how much I, a brave man who loves you, want to share your worries for you? I want to help my eldest brother. What do you know?"

Several young ministers had long known what Xie Wanjin was like. He was used to laughing and would not be really angry.

Everyone said to me one by one: "but how did the lower official hear that the Marquis was married to the national master?"

"I've heard that... The Marquis wore a wedding dress and painted red makeup and took a wedding sedan to the Guoshi mansion!"

Qin Mo added in cadence: "I heard that the Marquis slept with him at the beginning. It's very kind!"

The crowd became more and more lawless when they talked about jokes.

Rao is Xie Wanjin. He has such a thick skin that he can't hold his smile.

The fourth childe folded the fan in his hand and directly patted Qin Mo's face, "nonsense again, I can't make you marry a daughter-in-law. Believe it or not?"

When they heard the speech, they all shut up.

A word is better than ten knives.

Just now, he was still noisy and noisy, and he suddenly calmed down.

Xie Wanjin felt that the current wind was much more comfortable than before. With a smile, he revealed two small dimples, a harmless look of six livestock, and said to the crowd: "that's right. Who do you want to quarrel with this day? Go home!"

With a smile in his eyebrows and eyes, he gently shook the folding fan in his hand, turned and walked more than a dozen steps. The more he looked at the man standing on the bow, the more he felt dazzled. He muttered, "I'm... The hell in the daytime?"

Just then, Zhou Minghao said next to him, "isn't this the national master? What is he doing standing on the ship?"

When the voice fell, they all turned their heads and looked at Xie Wanjin.

The pear vortex on the fourth childe's face collapsed instantly, and the fan in his hand couldn't shake.

After a while, he relaxed, raised his lips and smiled. As he walked towards Rong Sheng, he said in a high voice, "what a coincidence, master! Aren't you closing the door? How can you be willing to come out today?"

Rong Sheng jumped ashore from the bow, and his figure was like the wind. He came to Xie Wanjin in three or two steps, "I'm here to see you off."

This sentence is very casual.

But in Xie Wanjin's ear, somehow, he brought a moment of "I'm here to send you to hell", and his back suddenly cooled.

The fourth childe clenched the fan and hurriedly said, "how can you bother the national master to send it in person? By the way, I left you a letter. Did you see it?"

He almost didn't write "I told you!" and "I didn't sneak away!" on his face.

These days, Xie Wanjin was busy and confused. He was surrounded by Dayan officials and Western Chu officials. When he was not alone, Rong Sheng was also closed and closed again and again. He would meet him only when there was something important. Everyone was nearby.

Xie Wanjin was thankful. Seeing that Rong Sheng had no time to mention old things, he was not in the mood to mention them. When he got on the boat, he could go back to Dijing.

Rong Sheng has been closed for three days and two days. He can't even push off the marriage between ah Jiu and his eldest brother. I'm afraid he can't leave the capital for a while. The fourth childe wants to see you again in the future. He doesn't know it's a monkey's year and a horse's month. All kinds of things before should have looked to the horizon long ago.

Never thought, the man came to the bow of the boat to wait for him in a twinkling of an eye.

It's not good.

Rongsheng didn't answer, but asked him, "let's go together?"

Xie Wanjin took a look at the water in the ferry. The blue waves were all over the sky. He thought this guy would not carry him into the water again, would he?

He thought so, but he still smiled, "go, people of national normal university can go as they want."

Just then, Qin Mo and Zhou Minghao all came over at this time. They all shouted "Hou Ye", and then asked Rong Sheng, "good luck, master."

Rongsheng nodded, which was too much.

Xie Wanjin couldn't see that these individuals were too busy to watch the excitement. He waved his fan and drove them away. "Get on the boat, you all go on the boat and wait for me!"

Everyone could joke with Xie Wanjin, but they didn't dare to give up in Rongsheng. They boarded the ship and went into the cabin one after another, crowded on the side of the ship's window and looked out secretly.

"These people are just pretending to be decent in front of my eldest brother and the three." the fourth childe turned back and smiled at Rong Sheng, raised his hand and made a "please" gesture.

Rong Sheng walked slowly with him on the bank, his shadow reflected in the water, his clothes floating.

He still wears half a mask, which makes people unable to guess his mind and see his face clearly.

In the past, there were others nearby. It's OK.

But at the moment, there are only two of them.

Rongsheng never spoke again.

Xie Wanjin was inexplicably flustered. He couldn't help asking Rong Sheng: "do you really have an engagement with ah Jiu?"

Rong Sheng said with a smile, "why can you return your eldest sister-in-law to this seat for this engagement?"

"Of course not!" Xie Wanjin said without thinking, "Rongsheng, I tell you, don't even think about it!"

Rong Sheng was silent and looked at him with a smile.

Xie Wanjin paused. Then he realized that he seemed to be very easy to talk in front of Rong Sheng, but he couldn't think.

The sudden recognition made the fourth childe a little confused, and immediately said, "don't think about what you have or don't have. It's a big deal. I'll compensate you for a daughter-in-law!"

"Compensate for a daughter-in-law?" Rong Sheng smiled and asked him, "how are you going to compensate? How old is the sixth miss of your Xie family this year, and it seems that she is less than twelve? Has she grown up?"

Xie Wanjin was angry and held the folding fan tightly in his hand. "My little six is still a child! Rongsheng, are you still human? How old are you... How old are you? It's OK. Xiao misses my little six!"

Although Rong Sheng's face still looks like a 17-year-old boy, he is as white as snow. He doesn't know how old he is and what evil skill he has practiced to make himself look like this.

Rong Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly, "Xie Yu, you said you wanted to compensate."

The fourth childe was speechless for a moment, but he didn't want to lose his confidence in front of this man. He insisted: "it doesn't have to be Xiao Liu."

"Well." Rong Sheng was a rare good speaker, and slowly said along with his front: "it's not necessarily."

Xie Wanjin listened to this. His mood was inexplicably subtle. He didn't want to continue to talk with him. He immediately said, "also, you can answer whatever you ask me. What are you doing? Can you talk well?"

Rong Sheng said, "the engagement is between the first princess of Western Chu and the national teacher of Western Chu."

The fourth childe didn't understand, "what's the difference?"

Rong Sheng said: "? The state teacher of Western Chu was not necessarily this seat."

Xie Wanjin slowly returned to his mind, as if he had learned something from his words, and his eyes were slightly stunned.

He felt that today's Rongsheng seemed different from before, but he couldn't tell what was different.

Not far away, someone on the ship shouted, "Marquis, it's time to start. Don't go far!"

Everyone laughed. They were afraid that the Marquis would have an accident alone with the national teacher. They quickly made a voice to remind them.

Hearing the sound, the fourth childe immediately pressed all those messy thoughts to the bottom of his heart and said with a smile, "it seems a little different, and there's nothing different. Well... It's getting late, and those people are waiting for me. I'm really leaving."

"Then you go."

Rongsheng answered, without saying anything, but looked at him faintly.

"Then I am gone, sir. Let's see the emperor again." Xie Wanjin said, turning around and walking back, walking fast, and his fan shaking too fast.

He felt a little hot and flustered, and his heart was still a little confused.

The place of Xichu is a mess of poison. There are too many drugs. It makes a romantic childe he likes to live, so he can't be natural and unrestrained.

After Xie Wanjin boarded the boat, the boatman immediately untied the rope and set off in the wind and waves.

In the cabin, a group of young ministers hurried forward and opened the curtain, "is the Marquis okay? Come in and sit down!"

Xie Wanjin suddenly felt that he shouldn't have counselled so much in front of Rong Sheng, and ignored those individuals. He immediately stood in the bow of the boat, turned around and smiled at Rong Sheng and said, "master, come to the imperial capital when you have time, and I'll buy you a drink!"


Rong Sheng's voice is cool, but he deserves to be very refreshing.

Xie Wanjin was a little surprised by his cheerfulness.

The fourth childe was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. The water boat moved, and it was over a hundred feet away in an instant.

Xie Wanjin could not see Rongsheng's face clearly. He only vaguely saw him standing on the bank, his clothes following the wind, merging into a scene with the vast water color and the flying flowers of Yiyi willows and the city.

The light boats on the water came and went, and the Yingsheng and Yanyu were full of joy. I don't know which boat vaguely sent out a few euphemistic tunes, which sang: "the willows are colored every year, and every year is your song."

The fourth childe looked at the painted boat passing by, and the beautiful clouds and sleeves flew lightly.

He couldn't help laughing. A group of casual and handsome beauties smiled and asked, "who makes willows for me? Who sings with me?"

The beauty went away with the boat, leaving a lingering fragrance around him.

In the cabin, a crowd laughed and said, "Lord Hou is really a romantic man!"

Xie Wanjin smiled and said nothing. He swayed his fan gently and entered the cabin.

But when the cabin fell, he inadvertently turned back and looked at the distance.

This farewell, separated by thousands of green mountains and infinite rivers, I don't know if I'll see you again.

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