When Wenjiu and Xie Heng returned, Xie Wanjin and several capable young ministers were left to arrange the follow-up of the Western Chu. Dayan was still calm, and Xie Yu, the chief assistant, hurried to the capital to take charge. Of course, Xie Heng didn't have to worry about it any more.

So they walked quite leisurely all the way, enjoying famous mountains and rivers and seeing the magnificent scenery of the world. They returned to Dayan territory after more than half a month.

Xie Heng knew that Wenjiu didn't like to carry it in front of the people, so she wanted to let her pass freely all the way, so she ordered the guard of honor and luanjie to go first early and blocked the officials all along the way. They, together with several close officials and more than 100 green guards, rode and drove home slowly.

The day Wenjiu and the people left the boat and landed, it was a sunny day, and there were no idle people running to disturb people's peace.

Wenjiu was in a particularly good mood. As he walked out of the cabin, he opened his mouth and said to Xie Heng, "you cheated all the ministers away with a guard of honor, and you're not afraid that they'll write that you're a confused king in the future?"

"What's the matter?" Xie Heng looked at her relaxed appearance and couldn't help smiling. "What's more, it's not a smart person who can be cheated away. Who can be stupid?"

Wen Jiuwen was speechless at the moment.

Xie Heng can always say these crooked reasons as if they were right.

She raised her hand and gently touched the tip of Xie Heng's nose with a smile in her eyebrows. There was no need to say anything. The two hearts knew each other.

Seeing this, everyone looked away and was embarrassed to see more.

Yeli snorted, took Xie Qi to walk by their side and jumped ashore directly.

The little girl was carried by Rong Sheng and thrown into the Luan boat. Reluctantly, she followed the people back to Dayan. In the end, she became the most willing to eat sugar gourd and listen to the people's interesting stories and legends that have happened in thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. She was much more at ease, but she still didn't like warm wine.

Xie Qi turned back and smiled apologetically at his eldest brother and ah Jiu. He was just about to speak.

"Don't be ashamed!" night left said so first, stretched out his hand and took Xiao Wu into the crowd.

Warm wine closed his hands and returned to his sleeves. He raised his eyes funny, "Xie Dongfeng, she said you."

Xie Heng took her hand, led her to the shore and said with a smile, "when she took my little five, she didn't necessarily know what shame is."

He said in his heart: the little girl's temper is so bad. She drags my little five all day. She has to stare at ah Jiu and say this and that. No wonder Rong Sheng has to throw her to the imperial capital!

I don't know how many years the people of National Normal University have been thinking about this. This time they finally caught the opportunity, but they have to get away from this chattering bird.

Wen Jiu looked at the figure of the girl in purple pulling the boy in green into the crowd. They all looked like jade and flowers. At the right age, they were in high spirits. Even the fluttering clothes were full of vitality that made people happy.

She couldn't help laughing and said, "it's good if Yeli can always be like this."

Wen Wen just passed Wen Jiu at this time, gave her a cool look and left directly.

Warm wine suddenly: "..."

Wen Wen doesn't like to talk to people along the way, nor does he take the initiative to talk to people.

Wenjiu knew that he was unhappy, so he tried to tease him. Unexpectedly, the boy just didn't want to talk to her more. Later, Wenjiu couldn't do anything. He simply said some interesting things to others in the compound he could hear. Later, he talked about the geographical style with everyone on the Luan boat. Even a group of Ministers who boasted that they were literate were ashamed of themselves.

Her brother is like a muggy gourd, as if he had got seven true biographies of the third childe.

"Ah Wen!" Wen Jiuyan looked at him walking towards the crowd and couldn't help shouting, "first go to the rest place to stay. Don't go far."

The boy stopped a little, heard it, but didn't look back. He stopped for a moment and continued to walk.

Wen Jiu said to Xie Heng with some helplessness, "I used to think it was hard enough to raise my brother. Why is it more difficult to raise my brother?"

Xie Heng looked at her, Danfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, his tone raised slightly and said, "when you used to raise me, was it difficult?"

Wen Jiu heard this, and then he was surprised and speechless.

Her eyes moved slightly, and she quickly turned around and said, "did I say this just now? I'm clearly saying that my brother is difficult to raise!"

After death, a group of maids bowed their heads and smiled.

Xie Heng also didn't care about her. He led her forward and said, "my brother is very well raised. Don't worry. I'll come."

He's really experienced in raising a brother.

No matter how cold Xie is, he is also dedicated to his eldest brother.

Not to mention Xie Wanjin, if he hadn't had warm wine, he could stick to his eldest brother every day.

Wen Jiu looked up at him and asked him seriously, "how did you develop your brother like this?"

"If you're not obedient, just have a meal." Xie Heng smiled and said casually: "if one meal is not enough, just two, if not..."

Halfway through the conversation, he suddenly noticed that Wenjiu was staring at himself. He couldn't help pausing for a moment, then reached out and pinched Wenjiu's earlobe, smiled and said: "If you can't, you'd better marry him a daughter-in-law. It's best to be a kind of delicate and soft beauty. She speaks softly and cries in anger. Even if your little brother is uncomfortable, he can't carry it. At that time, he will understand all the feelings and reasons."

"Can this work?" Wenjiu said with some disbelief: "if your method really works, why is the third childe more cold than before?"

"How can your little brother compare with ah Yu? Ah Yu is naturally cold, one of thousands of people. If you get the chance, I'm afraid you'll be promoted to immortality." Xie Heng's words are true.

Even he believed it himself, and leisurely added, "he won't like others except my elder brother."

Wen Jiu wanted to reach out and pinch Xie Heng's face to wake him up.

Before he could speak, he saw a dark shadow flying over not far away.

This day and night, the visitors were flying and coming very fast. A group of green guards were like great enemies. Just about to draw their swords and draw their swords, they saw the visitor in black round neck robe kneeling on one knee and said hello in a loud voice: "Minister Ye Zhiqiu, see your majesty and empress!"

Wen Jiu was startled and quickly reached out to help her. He said with some laughter, "I haven't seen you for years. General Ye is much whiter. I can't recognize it for a moment."

Ye Zhiqiu was extremely neat. When she heard Wen Jiu say that she turned white, she was a little embarrassed. She lowered her voice and said to her, "I used some folk prescriptions to turn white. Do you want to try it, madam? But you are very white, so you don't need it..."

"I need it." Wenjiu said quickly. "This folk prescription looks very useful. If it is made into medicine to sell, it should earn a lot of money."

Ye Zhiqiu suddenly realized, "yes, I didn't expect to make money!"

"It doesn't matter. It's time to earn now. Give me the prescription and I'll give you a dividend when you earn money." Wen Jiu's words are quite comfortable.

Ye Zhiqiu hurriedly said, "that's a deal. I'll get the prescription back and let someone send it to you."

As soon as they met, they talked like good friends who had never been separated. They were not half strange and awkward.

The people behind him were stunned when they saw it in their eyes.

Especially when ye Zhiqiu's deputy general, who came a few steps later, saw his general talking so well with the beautiful woman, he was almost surprised to lose his chin.

Xie Heng looked at the two men talking angrily and funny. He coughed twice and asked, "didn't you say you didn't come? You're flattering the public but disobeying the public?"

"I dare not." Ye Zhiqiu said respectfully, but his eyes kept looking behind Xie Heng. "Your Majesty sent an order that I don't have to come to meet you. I obeyed, so I didn't come to pick up your majesty and empress today. I heard... Lord Shoufu went to Xichu a few days ago. I came to pick him up."

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