Xie Qi looked at him gently and didn't speak for a moment.

"I... I don't mean that..." Wen Wen was confused by him and quickly explained, "I know you're not that kind of person, but I just want to ask you. It's clear that you liked my sister at the beginning. I can see that you like her very much, but now... Are you really not sad at all?"

Xie Qi sat in the cabin, and the whole person was shrouded in the shadow of lanterns.

The young man smiled gently and said slowly in his voice, "I really liked Miss Wen in those years, but even without the sudden disaster, I wouldn't marry her."

Wen Wen was suddenly stunned and asked, "why?"

Xie Qi smiled and didn't answer him directly, but smiled gently and said to him: "A long time ago, a caged bird kept in a warm nest met a Liang Shangyan who had to come to his house to take shelter from the rain. Originally, it was just a chance to meet each other, but the caged bird liked the brilliant feathers of the swallow and kept the swallow with selfishness, but forgot that he could only survive under the protection of the wings of his elders. If he couldn't protect her, he didn't know I can still take care of her for a few days. The caged bird whose life is not long is doomed to be unable to meet Liang Shangyan. After thinking for a few more days, I figured out that the swallow should return to her world with high sky and wide sea, compete with the swan and fly together with the crane and Heron. "

Wen Wen was a little stunned, as if he understood the meaning of Xie Qi's words, and seemed to be more and more confused.

The young man opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it, so he had to whisper: "five childe, you..."

"I don't seem to be able to tell stories... It's not surprising that you don't understand." Xie Qi said, still with a shallow smile on his lips, "In fact, I knew I had little time. Marrying Miss Wen would only hurt her for the rest of her life, so I wouldn't marry her anyway. As for that engagement, it's the only thing I can use to protect Miss Wen. As long as she is willing to stay in the Xie family, her generation are from the Xie family. As long as I die, I won't marry her..."

The fifth childe said as usual, "she is still an innocent girl. Others will only think that she is unlucky and her fiance died at a young age. If she marries another lover, no one will criticize her."

Wen Wen didn't know what to say when he heard this.

Xie Qi felt a little remorse between his eyebrows and eyes, and whispered: "in the final analysis, I have been selfish. For more than ten years, a girl Wen knows that I am a sick child and is willing to accompany me. When I want to live, with such a person, it will be more difficult to forget the rest of my time. Who knows..."

The fifth childe sighed, "I didn't know that my selfishness would become a thousand mountains and thousands of difficulties to prevent her from being with her eldest brother. Now I feel guilty when I think about it."

"Don't feel guilty any more. Leave us a way to survive..." Wen Wen was almost ashamed. "Every time I talk to you, I think I should beat myself two big ears."

Xie Qi didn't understand: "why?"

Wen Wen picked his eyebrows and said, "I was so happy to watch the lantern meeting with Xie Heng because of warm wine, but I forgot me to the horizon. I'm half dead. Aren't you ashamed to see you so open-minded? Seriously, I just want to plunge into the river!"

Xie Qi smiled. "If you really want to jump, jump. At most, I'll try to catch you later."

Wen Wen couldn't help laughing, "forget it, I can't let you suffer any more!"

While talking, the boat rowed by the lotus lamp in the river. The fire covered the faces of the two handsome CHILDES, which attracted the girls who put the lamp on the river to stop and look at each other.

Wen Wen reached out and gently pushed away the lotus lamp that touched the bow of the boat. It seemed as if he had inadvertently asked, "do you really don't like my sister now?"

"Like." when Xie Qi said this, she bit her words very lightly and looked up at Wen Wen, "like you, like her, like everything in the world, it's the same."

Wen Wen's hand moved slightly and said reluctantly, "five childe, what you said... It's easy to be misunderstood."

Xie Qi smiled like a spring breeze. "At that time, he was trapped in a house when he was young and had never seen the vastness of heaven and earth. He felt that it was lucky to be able to leave those who were willing to come to me. However, he didn't know that the so-called young joy, but seeing color, was difficult to last for a long time. People who can really spend their whole life together must have fate and share life and death, so that they can walk together without getting tired of seeing each other."

"What you said seems very reasonable, but have you met such a person?" Wen Wen thought for a while and couldn't help asking, "the person you said can't be left at night?"

Xie Qi smiled and was just about to answer.

A hand suddenly came out of the window of the boat and patted Wen Wen.

The boy turned his head and saw a ghost face with a green face and fangs in his eyes. He was so surprised that he jumped up on the spot, "what ghost!"

Wen Wen jumped up and the whole boat shook. Xie Qi quickly reached out to hold him and managed to stabilize the boat.

"If you are so timid and dare to speak ill of your aunt behind her back, you won't be scared to death!"

The girl with the ghost mask threw the mask at Wen Wen's feet and jumped in from the boat window.

She handed a bunch of candied haws to Xie Qi very naturally, and asked Wen Wen in an unhappy tone: "what did you just say about me?"

"I didn't speak ill of you!" his face turned blue and said immediately, "but I won't tell you!"

"You... Beg for a fight!" Yeli raised his foot and was stopped by Xie Qi.

The girl made a face at Wen Wen, and then sat next to Xie Qi. While eating sugar gourd, she said, "I'll grab a lantern. Why did you take a boat night tour with this boy?"

Xie Qi said with a smile: "the streets are crowded. It's better to take a boat to see the scenery."

"Cheat people." Yeli said unhappily, "you're obviously afraid that the boy will sneak away. Your Miss Wen will be unhappy again? She's unhappy. Your eldest brother will also be unhappy. None of the rest can be happy."

Xie Qi helplessly called, "leave."

"Don't let me say anything, you're the most precious family!" Yeli murmured, can't you get angry with Xie Qi?, She threw all her anger on Wen Wen. "You say you can't go faster if you want to go? You want my fool to bother Barra to keep you! What a trouble!"

Wen Wen had already endured her to the end. He couldn't help shouting, "who wants you to come?"

Night left raised her eyes and looked at him and said, "I'm not looking for you."

Wen Wen was speechless.

Xie Qi was listening to the quarrel between the two people. He was helpless and funny, "Okay, okay, don't make a noise."

"I'm too lazy to quarrel with him." Yeli ate sugar gourd and spit out seeds, and said casually, "he's going to go. Let him go. When isothermal wine arrived in Dijing and became the queen of Dayan, because he would regret and feel distressed when even her brother was not bullied. Gritting his teeth... I'm so sorry. Why didn't I leave my elder sister to help her!"

While eating, the girl took time to learn to speak in a gentle voice.

The young man turned blue with anger. "What are you talking about? With Xie Heng, how could she be bullied by others?"

"How impossible?" Yeli said, "which dynasty and generation of emperors are not three palaces and six courtyards? Those concubines would have been trampled on the soles of their feet and torn to pieces by others if they had no mother family and no brother. The Murong people in Western Chu are dead. If you go again, won't Wenjiu's family have no relatives?"

Wen Wen smelled the speech and his face became a little ugly. "There are so many officials in the Western Chu and the National Teacher Rong Sheng..."

"Didn't you wake up? My elder martial brother had an engagement to warm wine. She repented and married Xie Heng. Do you still want my elder martial brother to help her? Do you dream? There's no way to dream!"

At one breath, the night left all the fire on Wen Wen, and suddenly the whole person was well.

Wen Wen took his seat slowly. He looked distracted and didn't know what he was thinking.

The night left Tuoji to look at him for a moment, just about to speak and continue.

Xie Qi looked at the right time and fed the sugar gourd in her hand to Ye Li's mouth. In an instant, she blocked the little girl's mouth and whispered to her, "enough is enough."

Yeli handed him a "you can rest assured" look, stuttered a hawthorn, bit his ear and said, "this boy is too awkward. You said gently that he can't understand. It's better for me to be straightforward. Just watch!"

Xie Qi thought for a while and really felt that what ye Li said was reasonable. She didn't stop her at the moment.

The little girl immediately took the candied gourd to guide the country and said to Wen Wen: "I tell you, the Xie family all value their eldest brother more than anything. Don't look at what these Xie people are good at warming wine. If Xie Heng empathizes and doesn't have a bad heart in the future, they will certainly help Xie Heng. No one will help warm wine. Xie Qi, do you think so?"

Wen Wen looked up at the fifth childe.

Xie Qi shook his head again and again.

Yeli couldn't help but raise his hand and pat him, "Oh, if your eldest brother and Miss Wen can only choose one, who would you choose?"

Xie Qi did not think about cableway: "elder brother."

"You see." Yeli said with a smile, "even Xie Qi is like this. No one in the rest of Xie family will completely turn to warm wine, Wen Wen! Think about it yourself."

Wen Wen couldn't help falling into meditation when he heard this.

Xie Qi stretched out his hand and pulled the little girl aside to sit down. He whispered, "my eldest brother won't be disappointed."

"I know." Yeli grinned at the candied gourd, "I'm just scaring him."

Xie Qi was helpless, "you."

"I've just talked so much with him for your eldest brother and warm wine, and I'm tired." Yeli said, and the whole person leaned on Xie Qi, lying lazily in his ear and whispered, "if he wants to sneak away for this reason, I'll take your last name!"

Xie Qi reached out and helped her. The corner of his eye swept the boy across the street. He smiled and said, "it should not be."

The girl's Lavender skirt was spread out, overlapped with the boy's gray and cyan corners, and the color depth was unknown.

The street was crowded with people, and the boats walked lightly. The lights of the city floated through the eyes of the youth. The beautiful people walking in the beauty of the world were also overshadowed by the prosperity of the street.

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