Xie Qi looked at them from afar with a gentle smile in her eyes.

Yeli leaned on the boy's shoulder, looked along his eyes and whispered, "Xie Qi, tell me a wish."

Wen Wen, who was on one side, finally came back to God. He heard such a sentence. He couldn't help wondering, "aren't all vows made with the God and the Buddha? Can it be effective to say it with you?"

The night leaves to also ignore him, the Mou color is clear looking at Xie Qi way: "God shouldn't you, I should you."

"OK." Xie Qi smiled and prayed to the girl with picturesque eyebrows. He said in a positive color: "I hope Li Li won't have toothache no matter how much sugar gourd he eats."

"Xie Qi!" Yeli was listening very seriously. When he suddenly heard this sentence, his face immediately became very subtle, "I'm very serious!"

Xie Qi said with a smile, "I'm also very serious."

Wen Wen couldn't help laughing as he watched. "It's more useful to you than to the gods."

Night Li Qi got up and went out. Xie Qi quickly stretched out her hand and grabbed her. "I have nothing else to ask now. I just want you to eat more sugar without toothache. You are happy every day."

Night from smell speech, I do not know how to be Wenwen fried out of the full stomach of gas all disappeared.

The little girl didn't believe it. She generally asked him, "really?"

"HMM." Xie Qi nodded.

Night Li smiled with clear eyebrows and eyes. Even if he took Xie Qi to the bow of the boat, he looked at Xie Heng and Wen wine in the crowd not far from the other bank, "then who better see me and her now?"

Xie Qi said, "elder brother."

Night Li was stunned for a moment and couldn't help raising his hand and pinching Xie Qi's face. "It's the eldest brother all day. If you're a girl, don't you want to marry Xie Heng?"

Xie Qi said sincerely, "but I'm not a girl."

He laughed angrily at Yeli. "It's a pity to hear what you mean, isn't it?"

Xie Qiwen said, "no... No."

Wen Wen, who came out of the cabin a little late, just heard these words and couldn't help laughing. "When the fifth childe just made a wish, he should add a sentence: wish to leave. After that, his temper will change greatly, he will be gentle like water, and he will quarrel with different people... If this wish can come true, he will be much quieter in the future."

"You shut up!" the night left half dead, raised his palm and hit Wen Wen.

The latter is not a vegetarian these years. He immediately flew up and avoided the past, directly swept into the cabin, and didn't forget to look back: "the fifth childe is right. If you just look at his face, Xie Heng is really more pleasing to the eye than you."

The night couldn't bear it anymore. Even if he flew into the cabin, he fought with Wen Wen.

There were thousands of lanterns on the river, the fire was full, and the young girls with excellent appearance moved barehanded. They didn't give in at all. After a few times, they shook the boat and began to turn on the river.

Seeing this rare scene, the people at the lantern fair on both sides stopped to watch and shouted.

The two fought faster and faster, and the boat turned faster and faster. The lotus lamp on the river almost floated on the water. The boatman of the pole didn't stabilize, and the whole man fell into the water.

Xie Qi didn't have time to stretch out her hand to pull it. She heard a "pop", and the water splashed half a person high.

Fortunately, the boatman was excellent in water. In a moment, he came out of the water and swam back.

Seeing this, Xie Qi hurriedly said, "you go to the side to avoid it first. If the ship breaks up, I'll compensate you according to the price."

The boatman smelled the words and looked at the two men who were fighting vigorously. He felt that small life was more important and quickly swam to the shore.

Xie Qi looked back at Yeli and Wen Wen making a group on the cabin. They were really itching at leisure. They didn't care about the others. They all used their housekeeping skills and hit each other with their palms. The palm wind hit the river around the boat, splashing ten feet high.

A moment later, it fell in an uproar.

The water pushed thousands of lotus lights to flow together, the lights on both sides of the Strait reflected each other, the wind brushed the young man in white, and Wen Wen was in his good age, You are so handsome.

The purple girl's skirt can be as beautiful as flying flowers. When she raises her eyebrows, she adds three points of heroism. "It seems that you don't have any skills. Come again!"

Xie Qi, dressed in green and wearing a slow belt, stood at the bow of the boat and managed to stabilize the boat. He smiled helplessly and said, "the boat is about to be sunk by you. Come down quickly."

Wen Wen said, "five childe, wait a little longer. I'll teach the little witch a lesson and come down."

Ye Li disdained to say, "you want to teach me a lesson just because of your tripod Kung Fu? Crazy people talk about dreams!"

They said, and in an instant they started again.

The boat lost its direction and spun back and forth with their moves.

Xie Qi had no choice but to sit cross legged at the bow of the boat and close her eyes to feel the night wind blowing flowers.

The flying hair band covered the eyes of the gentle boy. On this small boat, zhinao and Zhijing miraculously merged together.

The people on the shore cheered, and countless girls threw fruit boats, laughing constantly.

Wenjiu and Xie Heng went to the bridge and looked at the lively scene there. They couldn't help worrying and said, "they're making so much noise. It's bad if they hurt the fifth childe."

"Where are they willing to hurt Xiao Wu?" Xie Heng said with a smile: "flowers have a reopening day, and no one is young again. At their age, they should laugh whenever they want, and make trouble whenever they say, and let them go."

Wen Jiu looked back at him and didn't speak for a moment.

Her frivolous and unruly gorgeous youth was urged by hardships to shoulder a heavy burden and grow into the Lord of Yan with the world in mind. Now, when she revisits in the shadow of flowers and lanterns, she feels that no one is young again.

Wen Jiu had mixed feelings in his heart, but he didn't say anything. He just took Xie Heng's hand and pointed to the crowded moon watching corridor surrounded by young girls not far away: "I want to go to the top of the moon watching building to see the lanterns!"

"My wine wants to go, so it's natural to go."

Xie Heng said with a smile, reached out his hand to hold the warm wine and put the people in his arms. Even if he flew up, he jumped over the crowded crowd like a startling shadow. When he reached the moon watching building, he grabbed the flying yarn flying in front of the building and directly swept up the roof.

Everyone at the bottom exclaimed and envied.

The moon tower is the highest place in the city and the best place to enjoy the moon and see the lights. It's hard to find a thousand gold or silver for such a grand event.

But no one thought of the location of the roof. Even if he thought of it, he didn't have the good skill to fly directly to the roof and look at the moon.

Warm wine this interest to come suddenly, in the twinkling of an eye, was held by Xie Heng, the clothes fly to stand high, facing the bright moonlight on the earth, drooping his eyes to see the bright lights of the beautiful red world.

Warm wine is watching the bustling scene of the city.

Xie Heng looked at her and asked with a smile, "aren't you afraid of heights? Why aren't you afraid again tonight?"

"With you, I I'm not afraid. "

Wen Jiu took Xie Heng's hand and stood on the eaves. Although his face was still a little tight, it was obviously much better than when he stood at the high point before.

Xie Heng stared at her, "aren't you afraid?"

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