Wen Jiu stood side by side with Xie Heng, overlooking the great scenery, smiled and said, "as long as I am with you, I am not afraid of standing higher."

In fact, when she was young, she was not afraid of heights. On the contrary, she liked to climb trees and pick fruits. She liked to sit on the eaves and watch the sunrise and the stars in the night sky. She became afraid of heights only after falling dead once.

After meeting Xie Heng, all kinds of misfortunes in her previous life were quietly erased. Now she puts down the past and dares to hold the young joy and love in her arms. She is full of tenderness and infinite courage.

Wen Jiu looked at his sweetheart in front of him and said in a gentle voice, "so... Xie Dongfeng, don't be afraid. No matter how high you stand, I will be by your side."

Xie Heng's eyes reflected her appearance. His eyes were full of smiles, but he was so sorry, "ah Jiu, wait a little longer, wait for Dayan to be completely stable and prosperous , Twenty years at most, I'll abdicate and take you all over the mountains and rivers. We'll go wherever you want, okay? "

This queen is a rare honor for women all over the world, right As far as warm wine is concerned, it's just a burden.

Carved fences and jade built towering palaces are gold and jade cages, Phoenix crowns, Xiali brocade robes and pearls are invisible locks.

Xie Heng knew that he was wearing these shackles, so he inevitably felt guilty and implicated Wen Jiu into it with him.

Wen Jiu smelled his words and couldn't help looking up at him, "I'm not very hard, but you. You're always close to me all the way. Are you afraid that I'll regret halfway and run away without you?"

Since the reunion, Xie Heng treated her like a pearl in his palm. He was afraid of falling and melting.

The sweetheart is lost and found again. In addition to ecstasy, it is inevitable to be cautious and uneasy.

Don't say Xie Heng, even herself.

I'm afraid that I won't live long with strange poison. I'm afraid of this and that. I have the courage to be stolen by a thief. There's always something in my heart.

It's just that it's hard to say this on weekdays. Tonight, with the good wind and the bright moon, I wish I could tell him my heartfelt feelings.

At seven or eight points, Xie Heng followed her words and said with a smile, "isn't it? I was afraid that Mrs. Shao would leave me and run away. I didn't know how many times I woke up all night. I had to hold you tighter every time."

This seems like a joke. Only he knows how much affection there is.

Wen Jiu smiled and said slowly, "I know."

She stood among the lights, with stars all over the sky behind her.

Xie Heng said with a smile, "sure enough, I can't hide anything from my wife."

Even if he hid it in his heart and never mentioned it, he hid it from everyone, but he couldn't hide it from ah Jiu.

Wenjiu nodded, "that's nature."

She found a comfortable place on the eaves, sat down directly, and slowly said to him, "there are always some concubines and princesses in the opera who cry before they die and say that they will never enter the emperor's house in the next life, but they were raised by people with rich clothes and food. How can they understand the suffering of ordinary people's families who can't even eat enough and wear warm?"

Warm wine took Xie Heng and sat down on his side. "It's OK to be born in an ordinary people's house in a peaceful and prosperous time. At most, it's unlucky to encounter a bully robbing his wife or being molested by the children of the official family. What if it's in troubled times?"

Xie Heng looked at her, full of stars, all gentle.

Warm wine didn't need his answer, so he answered himself, "In troubled times, the lives of ordinary people are like grass mustard, not even mole ants. If there is another famine and disaster, it's good to have roots and turf. The terrible thing is that thousands of people in the red earth eat each other! If everyone is greedy for comfort and lives in seclusion in the mountains and forests, who will take the seat of the court and protect the peace and stability of the tens of millions of people? If the world is not peaceful, who will have a better life?"

Xie Heng held her hand tightly in his palm. Thousands of words were difficult to express. At the moment, he could only say in a slightly hoarse voice: "in my life, I will ride a horse and carry a sword to secure the world, protect my family, all the people, and protect you."

Wen Jiu looked at him with a gentle tone: "I regret that I didn't see my favorite teenager Jiaguan adult with my own eyes. I couldn't accompany him in the three most bitter and difficult years, but in the future, as long as I live, I will accompany him. One day is one day, one more year is one year, and I won't be separated for a moment!"

In the night, the stars are all over the sky. Fireworks burst into the air and burst into bloom.

Xie Heng's heart was full of waves, and there was only warm wine in his eyes.

Below, young girls scream and laugh, and countless noises are mixed together.

But he could hear her say in his ear very clearly: "no matter Whether you are the son of the Xie family or the Supreme Master in the world, you are my sweetheart who warms wine. "

Warm wine, smiling and smiling, bent over his ear and said clearly:

"You keep all the people in the world living and working in peace and contentment, and I keep you happy day and night."

Once upon a time, all the words hidden in the heart were said, and so was the heart.

Xie Heng's eyes were slightly red with warm wine. "Shopkeeper Wen, don't lie to me."

Wen Jiu couldn't help laughing and said in a warm voice, "how am I willing to lie to you?"

They smiled at each other on the tall building.

The girls squatting by the river made a wish and pushed the lanterns to the distance. They gathered at the bottom of the moon watching building. The teenagers who couldn't find a house got new interest and lit Kongming lanterns one after another.

In an instant, thousands of lanterns followed the water, and countless Kongming lamps rose slowly, wiped over the eaves, passed by the side of Wenjiu body, and went up into the air.

The bright moon comes to shine on each other, and the shadows of stars and lanterns shake with the wind.

One lamp accidentally hit the tile. Seeing that the lamp body was inclined to fall, the girl below exclaimed: "hit Here we are! "

Warm wine reached out and gently held the Kongming lamp and sent it to the front to help it rise in the wind. The eyes were bright and smiling.

Seeing this, Xie Heng asked her with a smile, "why don't I take Mrs. Shao to put a lamp and make a wish?"

Wen Jiu learned from his usual appearance, and his eyes were slightly picky, "I have too many wishes. I'm afraid one or two lights are not enough. It's easier to realize the wishes of the people through the lights all over the city."

"What wishes do we young ladies have?" Xie Heng's voice was slightly raised. "You might as well tell me."

Wenjiu sat upright, closed his eyes, then folded his hands and said with a smile, "I wish my country will be Yongchang, Haiqing and Heyan.

2. May all things go smoothly and every year be safe for those I miss.

Three wishes... "

When she said the third wish, she suddenly opened her eyes. Her eyes were as black as ink. She looked at Xie Heng in front of her and said with a smile: "three wishes you have the same heart as me. After all kinds of earthly things and thousands of sails, this heart will be young forever."

Xie Heng listened to her first two wishes and his heart was full of pride that "my wine is different from those mediocre fat and vulgar powder", but these were expected and nothing strange.

It was not until he heard the third wish that he was suddenly disturbed and filled with joy beyond words.

Xie Heng murmured this sentence in a low voice. When he lifted his eyes and looked at the warm wine, the star in his eyes was infinite, and all his rebellious flying Qi returned.

"OK!" he answered with a smile, stretched out his hand to hold the warm wine in his arms, and said in a loud voice, "as long as you are by my side, no matter how old you are, your heart will always be young!"

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