Wenjiu and Xie Heng walked slowly. After a few days, Xie Wanjin and others caught up and joined.

The fourth childe knows a lot about his childhood. He talks about the interesting things that happened along the way. Within a few days, he hooked everyone up to him. Even the little waitresses around Wenjiu were not spared.

It was the middle of May when we arrived in Dijing. All the flowers fell along the way, with green fruits on the branches, small lotus in the pool, dragonflies and butterflies shuttling back and forth, gently standing on top.

Xie Yu, the chief assistant, took all civil and military officials out of the city early in the morning. The whole Xie family also came to meet them early, and the people who heard the news were standing on both sides of the official road.

These individuals craned their necks and waited for his majesty to take the goddess of wealth back to the city and talk about it one after another:

"I heard that the West Chu lady who is going to be our queen is the young lady of the Xie family!"

"It's not Wen Xiaocai Shen!"

"Yes, no wonder your majesty doesn't accept the imperial concubine after he has been on the throne for three years. Who else in the world can enter our Majesty's eyes except the God of wealth?"

"It's really God's will. Good things are hard to grind! God opens his eyes. Lovers will get married!"

Wenjiu's carriage came and stopped slowly. It happened to hear all the words discussed by the people, and inexplicably wanted to laugh.

She opened the curtain of the car and looked outside. She saw the gray haired old lady Xie standing on the side of Xie. The whole family looked forward to it and felt thousands of feelings in her heart.

At the moment she looked at the Xie family, all the civil and military officials on both sides of the official road knelt down and shouted: "see your Majesty's mother! Long live your Majesty's mother!"

Countless people knelt down to say hello. The loud voices of countless people overlapped. They were so surprised that Wen jiusu's hands trembled. They couldn't help but put down the curtain of the car and turned to ask Xie Heng, "don't you mean to enter the city quietly and don't put these pomp?"

Xie Heng took her hand and said with a smile, "I thought so originally, but our chief assistant refused."

Wen Jiu's eyes moved slightly, and he didn't understand: "why wouldn't he?"

Xie Heng said, "as Lord Shoufu said, you are the only empress in Dayan. If you don't come to meet you, there will be no one else to meet you in the future."

In fact, the third childe said that the people of the Western Chu royal family were dead, and few of those officials could be trusted.

He wants to go out of town to welcome ah Jiu, so that those old fools who want to send their daughter to the palace can see clearly. As long as he is the first auxiliary adult in one day, ah Jiu will be supported by someone to see who dares to look for trouble!

Xie Heng thinks it's reasonable. Ah Jiu wants to be the queen, with enough pomp and a big scene, so that those ill intentioned people can shine their eyes. He knows that his majesty has only such a sweetheart in his heart, and can't distinguish any gap for others to take advantage of.

When necessary, we should talk about ostentation.

Even the elder with the highest seniority, the old lady of the Xie family, came out to pick her up. Who else in the world can be so kind to the Xie family?

Wen Jiu heard him say this, and his heart understood a little,? "That's not good. Let Grandma run so far to pick me up. You don't advise!"

Xie Heng Yang's eyes said, "my grandmother missed you. I can't wait a moment."

Wen Jiu raised his hand and nodded the tip of his nose. "You said everything."

Xie Heng lowered his eyes and smiled: "then kiss me. Next time I'll listen to you and don't interrupt."

Wen Jiu pushed him. "There are so many people outside. You don't have a good job as your majesty. What's the matter?"

Xie Heng leaned against the carriage with an expression of "I'm like this anyway" and "what's style?".

Warm wine is speechless for a moment.

Just at this time, the ladies reached out to lift the curtain of the car and said respectfully, "your majesty and your mother!"

Wen Jiu got up and was about to go out, but Xie Heng stepped out of the car first, and then turned back and reached out to help her. This action was extremely skilled and infinitely gentle.

In the eyes of the public, there was another sense of wonder.

Wen Jiu smiled and put his hand in Xie Heng's palm. He let him help him out of the carriage. He didn't have time to say a word.

Then he saw Xie Xuan, dressed in a purple crane robe, take two steps forward, bow and salute and say, "Xie Xuan welcomes your brother and sister-in-law!"

He was so polite that a pair of dragon and Phoenix twins who were going to jump up behind him quickly stopped the momentum. He came forward in a regular manner, learned to salute and say hello in a clear voice: "Xie Zian, Xie Zishu, welcome your elder brother and sister-in-law!"

Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi, who used to be childish, are no longer much shorter than Xie Yu. In particular, Xie Xiao Liu, who has just reached the age of cardamom, is already a rare little beauty.

Xie Heng naturally picked up Xie Yu and brushed the falling flowers off the third childe with his hand. With a smile, he said to him, "have you been waiting for a long time?"

The chief assistant didn't speak, just like a serious smile.

Wen Jiu knew that he was still angry at their slow return.

She didn't say anything, so she immediately and Xie Heng asked all the officials to be free from gifts, and then stretched out her hand to help two small ones, "they are all their own people. Why are they so polite."

Xie Xiaoliu said, "we're only willing to salute when we see our sister-in-law. If someone else changes and her identity is high to the horizon, I'll only let her stand aside?"

"Stop it! Stop it!" Xie Xiaoqi was worried about Xiao Liu's appearance. He quickly whispered, "so many people are watching. The third brother is also there. Be careful that he will punish you for embroidery after he goes back!"

Xie Xiaoliu frowned slightly and quickly took Wen's hand. "My sister-in-law is back. I won't be in the charge of my third brother in the future! Xiao Qi, you'll cry in the bitter sea by yourself!"

One side of Xie Yu smelled the speech and glanced at the little girl coolly.

Xie Xiaoliu immediately hid behind Wen Jiu and whispered, "sister-in-law, when you're away, my eldest brother doesn't have time to take care of me. The third brother is so cruel to me! It's great for you to come back. I won't have to be punished by the third brother for copying books and embroidering all day!"

Wen Jiu fully realized her resentment towards the third brother from what she said. She couldn't help thinking of her old problem of counselling Xie Yu at the first sight.

The third childe is the little girl's nemesis.

Warm wine comforted the little girl for a few words, and then went to old man Xie hand in hand with Xie Heng to salute and say hello: "grandma, how are three uncles and aunts?"

She was held by Mrs. Xie just halfway down the ceremony.

With tears in her eyes, the old grandmother was very pleased and said, "just come back and go home!"

Mrs. Xie wiped the corners of her eyes and said in a voice, "we're fine. It's better to see you back."

Xie Yucheng handed his wife a handkerchief and said, "so many people are watching. Don't cry."

Mrs. Xie pulled the handkerchief in his hand, turned and handed it to Mr. Xie, "this is crying with joy, you know? I'm happy!"

Xie Yucheng was so blocked by her that he couldn't speak.

Just then, Xie Wanjin came down from the carriage behind, strode forward and shouted, "third brother."

He saluted his grandmother again and said, "good morning, grandmother."

The fourth childe looked at his father's helplessness towards a Niang and said with a smile: "look, I'm happy to see a Niang. I don't know. I thought your son brought his daughter-in-law back!"

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