As soon as Mrs. Xie heard this, she didn't want to cry. She raised her hand and twisted the fourth childe's ear. "You still say that! I'm angry when it comes to this. How old are you? You don't want to find a daughter-in-law! I'm still waiting to hold the golden sun!"

"Ah Niang! Ah Niang..." Xie Wanjin changed his face in pain and felt ashamed. He couldn't help but lower his voice and said, "let's have a good talk. Let's loosen your hand first! So many people are watching. Your son's face is lost. Where can I deceive your daughter-in-law!"

Poor Royal Marquis, who once stood on the court of the Western Chu Dynasty and stamped his feet, had to kneel down. Now a large number of people fall into the hands of his own aunt, that is, a boy whose ears are twisted.

Little six and little seven grimaced at Xie Wanjin, "fourth brother is ashamed!"

The fourth childe turned away from them angrily and said in a muffled voice, "just laugh. Don't come to the fourth brother later to have delicious and fun!"

The two little boys stopped laughing and whispered, "fourth brother, good fourth brother... Don't do this."

Xiao Liu was very clever. He turned and begged Mrs. Xie, "aunt, the fourth brother is in pain. Let him go!"

Old lady Xie was also in love with the fourth childe. She turned around and said to Xie Sanfu, "ten thousand gold is so big. Don't screw his ear outside."

Just as she was talking, old lady Xie saw that young Xie Qi got off the carriage and walked slowly towards this side. She was stunned and the water color in her eyes became more and more turbulent.

Xie Qi was quite shy about his family. On the same night, Li and Wen Wen stood a few steps away for a while before they stepped forward and saluted old lady Xie. Wen said hello: "have you seen grandma, your unfilial grandson Xie Qi?"

Little six and seven almost jumped up with joy and shouted in unison: "brother five!"

"Little five?" Mrs. Xie was so surprised that she loosened Xie Wanjin's ears. "It's really little five! Mother, God opened his eyes! She sent us back!"

When Yeli heard this, he couldn't help but whisper behind Xie Qi: "it's not God who opened his eyes, it's my aunt who opened my eyes..."

Wen Wen pressed the knuckles, resisted the impulse to have another fight on the same night on this great day, lowered his voice and said to her, "don't you make the old man happy?"

Ye Li said, "I let you go. I can't say a word to myself. Who asked you to stand next to me and eavesdrop?"

Wen Wen suddenly: "..."

This little witch is unreasonable!

He ignored the night departure.

Xie Qi was pulled by Xie Heng and sent to old lady Xie, "where is unfilial? Our little five is very filial!"

Old man Xie quickly stretched out his hand and hugged Xie Qi like a treasure. He cried more and more, "little five, grandma's sweetheart, little five is back!"

Xie Qi's eyes turned red by the old grandmother's words. He quickly said in a warm voice, "it's all the bad grandchildren. Staying out for so long has worried the old grandmother."

"Just come back! Grandma is happy that you can come back to her well!"

Old lady Xie was happy and incoherent at the moment. She just remembered to say "OK", as if nothing else could express her joy at the moment.

Yeli looked at the family reunion. For the first time, she felt that she shouldn't pestle here. She was about to turn around and hide in the crowd. Suddenly someone reached out and grabbed her.

As soon as the little girl looked back, she saw Wenjiu looking at her with a smile.

The night centrifugal way is not good, and the mouth also says very quickly, "your family is happy and reunited. What are you holding me for?"

Wen Jiu said with a smile, "since Rong Sheng entrusted you to me, he is naturally a member of my family."

"Who wants to be a family with you? Who are you looking for? Anyway, I don't want to!"

Yeli said he was about to leave. Unexpectedly, she was seen by Mrs. Xie with sharp eyes.

The third lady is crazy about her daughter-in-law. She hurriedly came forward and asked, "who is this little girl?"

As soon as Wen Jiu was about to answer, he was robbed by Yeli. The little girl replied hard: "no!"

Mrs. Xie couldn't touch her head after hearing these two words. She smiled awkwardly and said, "this little girl has a temper."

Xie Qi, who was comforting her grandmother with a warm voice, turned around and said slowly, "Li Li is my lifesaver."

"Help, benefactor." old lady Xie immediately walked to Yeli with a crutch. "Little girl, good skills! Good heart. You are a great benefactor of my Xie family!"

Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Xie Yucheng also boasted that they were good-looking and good-looking.

Let Wenjiu, Xie Heng and others know that the little witch of the Western Chu has a violent temper, and they are speechless for a moment.

Especially Wen Wen, listening to the subtle complexion, the eye color is also subtle.

Yeli was the first time in her life to hear others praise her so much. She was so praised that she didn't know what to do. She said with some effort: "well... In fact, i... I'm not a good person... Really."

But Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Xie only felt that the little girl was kind-hearted and didn't want to take credit for it. The more she looked, the more she liked it. They repeatedly wanted to stay at night and stay in the house for a long time, so that they could repay her.

Wen Wen was watching a joke, but soon she was pulled over by Mrs. Xie. "Is this little childe Wen Wen? He is so handsome. Do you have a sweetheart? Have you ever been married?"

Young master Wen, who had seen such a battle, was booed, asked for warmth and warmth, asked if there was a sweetheart, asked in a delicate mood, his face flushed, and couldn't help whispering, "run?"

"Run your head!" Yeli is forced to greet people with a smiling face. She has never been the master of good temper in ordinary days. Now she has been forcibly praised as a sweet, beautiful and kind-hearted girl. She can only whisper to Wen Wen Wen, "run and I'll see? Your good sister will lift her hand and drag it back to you!"

Wen Wen suddenly: "..."

He is also better. He doesn't have the care of his elders. He is not used to it, but he can only accept it reluctantly.

Wen Jiu looked at this scene with a smile in his eyes. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Ye Zhiqiu, who didn't know when he came to Xie Xuan. General Ye was talking to Shoufu with a smile. He didn't mention Xie Xuan's trip to Xichu without telling her. He only smiled and asked, "have you tasted the sugar I asked you to send?"

Mr. Shoufu is in a rare mood today. His face looks like the beginning of ice and snow. Although he doesn't take ye Zhiqiu's words, he is willing to listen to it at least.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled brightly. He took out an oil paper bag from his arms and slipped it into him. "It may be poisonous in the hands of others. It's right for you not to eat, but I brought it for you. You can eat it at ease."

Wen Jiu couldn't help laughing when he heard this. He silently clenched Xie Heng's hand and said to him with a smile: "Xie Dongfeng, it's good to go home."

"Well, it's good to have you." Xie Heng replied, and his smile never faded again.

Warm wine pinched his palm and smiled.

After asking this and that, Mrs. Xie, who was crying and laughing, suddenly remembered something, "don't bask in the sun. Let's go home first if we have anything to say!"

Xie Yucheng smiled and echoed, "madam is right. Go home first!"

Mrs. Xie quickly said, "yes, look at me. I forget everything when I'm happy. Go home and let's go home together."

Several young people replied, "OK, let's go home."

The warm sun shines high, and the golden sun covers the long official road.

Sitting in the ten mile Pavilion, watching the visitors, stepping on the wind and dust all belong to their families.

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