All the old ministers looked shocked at the speech.

Originally, people heard that Wenjiu Gongshou mountain and river to please her majesty. It must be because the woman has no ambition, attaches importance to affection and despises power. As long as someone asks her to be humble, she will certainly agree.

I didn't think so. When she came, she said she could sit in the Dragon chair.

At present, a pair of beautiful people sit in the same chair, not crowded and empty, just like heaven made.

The old ministers were so anxious that they became ants on the hot pot.

It happened that his Majesty was very happy to sit with Wen wine. He held his sweetheart and smiled with a spring breeze, "my mother said that if you sit well, it's natural to sit well."

The crowd immediately: "

Is this still our decisive majesty?

I have a wife, everything is enough, and I don't want anything else.

At this time, the maids presented the abacus to the imperial court.

Warm wine raised his eyes to signal Xie Heng to let go, and slightly raised his sleeve, pointing to Qian Qian and gently dialing the beads.

"Pa La" for a while, the hearts of the eldest ministers who shouted to let his majesty set rules for her trembled.

Wen Jiu was not in a hurry to settle the account. He slowly asked, "are there people from the Ministry of household kneeling below?"

Someone answered with a trembling voice: "ministers and ministers are the of the Ministry of household."

The wine was warm and said slowly: "if my palace remembers correctly, the Treasury was empty and even your salary was paid by my palace first. Do you have to pay back the money owed to my palace before persuading your majesty to accept the imperial concubine?"

Since Xie Heng is willing to do this for her, she naturally can't let him bear the life of a tyrant.

Isn't it greed for power and recklessness?

She has borne this name. Today, let's shake these people with a strong hand.

The eldest ministers listened to her urging for debt on the spot, and their faces suddenly turned blue and white.

Those of Xichu held back and didn't laugh.

Wen Wen said in a aside, "what kind of elegant scholar do you boast of? You don't say anything when you take money, but you also find trouble for those who pay money and contribute! You officials like to repay virtue with resentment?"

The people at the bottom have no face to look up again.

They know why Shoufu has been sitting here without talking!

The man had clearly expected such a disaster, so he stayed out of it early and watched their bad luck.

Wen Jiu gently dialed the abacus beads and said with a smile in his voice, "it seems that many people want to speak. Who should start from?"

When they heard the speech, the sweat came down, and they couldn't bear to beg for forgiveness. They tangled for a long time before they said, "it's the old ministers who are confused. There are a large number of empress adults. Don't argue with the old ministers..."

Wen Jiu smiled and said, "it's my business how deeply I love your majesty. If you use my affection with him to suppress the officials from Western Chu, I certainly won't agree."

She directly pointed out her words and said, "Da Yan's status as a woman is low, but the Western Chu is respected by women. Both sides suddenly began to work with the dynasty. It is inevitable that there are many disagreements. However, if you talk about three obediences and four virtues every day, resulting in the loss of national system, our palace and your majesty will never forgive."

Xie Heng smiled and echoed, "what your mother said is very true."

The eldest ministers at the bottom have been pressed one end after another. Now they have no love.

Someone broke the jar and said, "most women have long hair and short insight. Isn't it wrong to be an official in the dynasty? This wind can't last long! If it goes on like this for a long time, there will be chaos in the world!"

Several people on his side whispered in agreement with the wind.

The officials of the Western Chu couldn't help but retort immediately.

It seems that there will be a big noise again.

Wen Jiu raised his hand and motioned them to take it easy.

She got up and looked down at the crowd. "Who woman must be inferior to men? As long as you have the ability, both men and women can succeed. Moreover, no matter how powerful a man is, he was not born in October. You look down on women like this. Why don't you get out of your father's belly?"

The female officials of Western Chu echoed in unison, "what the female gentleman said is very reasonable."

The angry faces of a group of eldest ministers were black, and they didn't dare to argue loudly with warm wine. They could only whisper: "it's simply unreasonable!"

Your majesty, who speaks with a sword, married a goddess like the God of wealth. One "I will do whatever I want, and you don't want nonsense". One is eloquent and can kill you with silver.

It's not the usual way.

The crowd was really helpless. They lay on the ground powerlessly and had nothing to say.

When Xie Heng saw this, he knew it was over. He couldn't help laughing and hurried the crowd. "What are you doing on your knees? Where are you going back and forth? You've delayed my kneeling abacus for my mother. Can you afford it?"

The crowd was about to salute and retreat. Hearing the speech, they suddenly knocked on the ground and nearly fainted.

Wang Liang is a man of great insight. He quickly waved to the young chamberlains to help the eldest ministers out. He didn't hurt his Majesty's eyes here.

The rest of the people also saluted and left.

In the imperial study, only warm wine, Xie Heng, Xie Yu and Wen Wen were left for a while.

Wen Jiu retreated the abacus to the side and asked Xie Heng with a smile, "when did I let you kneel over the abacus?"

Xie Heng Yang's eyes, righteously and confidently said, "don't I make the young lady more powerful?"

Warm wine: "

Doesn't she want to put it right at all?

As the two men talked, Wen Wen looked more and more and felt that he shouldn't stay here. He turned and left quietly

Wen Jiu glanced at the young man's back as he hurried away from the corner of his eye, and quickly shouted, "ah Wen."

The boy paused, but he still went out.

Wen Jiu had to look back and say to Xie Heng, "the boy ran away again. I'll go and see him first. We'll talk about it when we get home."

She finished, turned and left.

Xie Heng stretched out his hand to hold her, but he was a step late. He could only watch her sleeve pass through his palm.

It's a little itchy.

He couldn't help but get up. As soon as he was about to go out, he was pulled by the chief assistant on the side and pressed back to his chair.

Xie Xuan took out a stack of folds from behind and put them in front of Xie Heng. He said expressionless, "what are you going to do? Continue to batch the folds."

Xie Heng was helpless and funny. He couldn't help but say, "no... can't I come back later?"

The first assistant said simply, "No."

"Why not?" Xie Heng pushed away the folds in front of him, looked at Xie Yu and said, "third brother, I've been here all night since my brother came back. My eyes are green. I can't even rest for a while. You're too cruel."

Xie Yu's eyes looked at him faintly, "my eyes are also green."

Although the third childe only said such a few words, Xie Heng already gave his full understanding of what he didn't say behind him.

Lord Shoufu said: I stayed with you all night until my eyes were blue and didn't say anything. Don't you continue to give me some folding?

Xie Heng reluctantly shook his head and said, "ah Jiu left me for her little brother. My brother will only urge me to approve the folding after becoming the first auxiliary adult. What kind of life is this?"

Xie Yu put the pen into his hand and said expressionless, "batch."

Xie Heng took a deep breath, drew a light hook with a Zhu pen, and began to read the folds one by one.

Outside the door, the sun shines, birds sing and flowers smell, and butterflies come and go.

Wenjiu quickly chased Wenwen to the palace road. He really couldn't run. He was out of breath and shouted to him, "slow down! Arvin, what are you doing so fast?"

She was chasing Wen Wen, followed by a group of little maids.

Many people were stunned by the sudden addition of such a scene to such a big palace.

Wen Wen couldn't see her battle. He couldn't help stopping to look back at her. "What are you chasing me for? Shouldn't you go with Xie Heng at this time?"

Wen Jiu hurried up to him and was still a little breathless. He couldn't help blushing when he heard the speech. "What nonsense do you say? I don't have so much to say with him."

"I think you talked a lot to him all the way."

Wen Wen replied to her without thinking about it.

Warm wine suddenly: "..."

This boy is quite sour!

But this brother is awkward. He can protect her tightly in front of outsiders.

Wen Jiu thinks like this, so he doesn't care about these with Wen Wen.

She walked side by side with the boy and said calmly, "I have Xie Heng, and I'm still your sister."

This is actually a little sudden.

Wen Wen listened, but it was very useful.

The young man was calm and even snorted coldly, "otherwise? Who else do you want to be? Murong Ming? Unfortunately, he died early."

Wen Jiu smiled helplessly, reached out and pinched the boy's face, "who did you learn from? It wasn't like this when you were a child."

"Let go!" Wen wenleng was pinched by her face in front of so many people, and her ears turned red. "I'm so big, you still pinch my face!"

He used to pinch his face when he was warm.

But after the reunion, the young man was angry and didn't want to be close to her.

If you warm wine, you won't have a chance to pinch it. Now it's hard to catch it. Naturally, you have to have a good time.

Wen Wen was pinched by her and completely lost his temper. He could only helplessly shout: "sister!"

"Well, my brother is good."

Wen Jiu let go of his hand with satisfaction and walked slowly outside the palace.

Wen Wen raised his hand and rubbed his face while saying to her, "fortunately, you have a brother like me, otherwise you will be bullied and no one will help you out."

The young man said this as if it were true.

Wenjiu picked his eyes, "yes, young master Wen is so powerful that he almost broke up those old bones."

"Why? Do you want to teach me a lesson for them?" Wen Wen was unhappy when he heard this. "Who let them talk nonsense and think that no one dares to beat them when they are old? Others dare not, and they can't beat them in my hand!"

Warm wine raised his hand and touched the boy's head with some effort. "Many things don't have to be solved by fighting and killing."

Wen Wen's anger disappeared for most of the time and asked in a low voice, "how can we solve it?"

"Use silver." warm wine should be very fast. "There is nothing silver can't do in this world."

Wen Wen said with disgust on his face, "sister, if you go on like this, you will become the only queen covered with copper smell in history. Do you believe it?"

"What's the smell of copper? Silver is fragrant. It's very fragrant!" Wen Jiu raised his hand and pinched the boy's face. "Say it again and try it?"

Wen Wen was almost caught at the gate of life. He had no choice but to agree: "well, well, silver is fragrant... What you say is fragrant, release your hand first..."

The sun shines on the green tiles and red walls, and the palace road is full of Huaguang, which pulls the back of the sister and brother long.

Let time fly away like water, people grow in, feelings stay.

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