Wenjiu and Xie Heng's wedding day was fixed long ago, just three days later.

The whole imperial capital was full of joy, and Xie's house and the people in the palace were busy.

Wenjiu got the abacus and lived with Chongxin. The whole person was in high spirits.

She wanted to clear the business of all the shops. However, the little maids revolved around her one by one. She was very tired just because of the trivia of putting on makeup on the trial marriage clothes.

Old Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Xie San didn't let her busy with other things. Xie Heng was dragged by the previous backlog of affairs. He couldn't stay alone all day. At most, he had dinner together, and His Majesty was dragged by the chief auxiliary to deal with political affairs.

The warm wine was surrounded by people, so tired that they almost sat down and fell asleep.

Fortunately, no matter how busy you are, it's the eve of your wedding.

Warm wine sat in the courtyard listening to the little maids laughing. The bright moon and stars were reflected in the small pond, with lotus blossoming gently and faint fragrance floating at night.

The little girls were smiling like flowers, sitting in them with warm wine and shaking their fans gently. Just listening to them laughing and talking, they felt very happy.

When Xie Heng came, he saw warm wine leaning on the beauty couch, surrounded by a group of little maids.

In the past, standing in the rich and beautiful clusters, she was like a lonely young lady. Now she is also a bustling happy guest in the world.

He raised his hand and motioned that the maid who was about to get up to salute should not make a statement. He just stood under the eaves and looked at the warm wine. His smile grew stronger and stronger in his eyes.

After a while.

Xie Heng just walked towards Wen Jiu.

At this time, Xie Xiaoliu saw him and immediately jumped up from Wenjiu. He ran to Xie Heng and stopped him with open arms. "Elder brother, you can't come to see your sister-in-law tonight. My grandmother said, this is the rule. Go back and wait. You can look at your sister-in-law as you want tomorrow and tomorrow. I certainly won't stop you."

Xie Heng raised his hand and pressed the little girl's little head, which was shaking around trying to block his sight. He smiled and said, "even you tell me the rules. It's really changed in this family."

Xie Xiaoliu put his hand around his elder brother's arm and said coquettishly, "anyway, my grandmother told me, I can't help it, elder brother... Good elder brother, you can sleep with your sister-in-law every day in the future, isn't it bad for this night?"

Xie Heng bent his fingers and flicked the little girl's forehead, "you can speak!"

Xie Xiaoliu covered his forehead and said wrongly, "it hurts so much, elder brother, it's really cruel..."

In fact, Xie Heng's strength is useless. She is so delicate.

Not far away, Wen Jiu thought the little girl was hurt. He put down the round fan and wanted to get up to see it.

The night on the side of the body was very quick, took the round fan and stuffed it back into the warm wine hand, "didn't you hear her say it's bad to meet tonight? Holding the fan, I can't see my face."

Look, the little girl is smart!

Warm wine suddenly speechless: "...."

The round fan is translucent, with beautiful flowers on it. She can vaguely see Xie Heng's face through this fan.

The lights were bright at night. He stood not far away. The moonlight and candlelight fell all over his body. With a smile, he was full of romantic eyes.

In fact, she and Xie Heng have already worshipped heaven and earth in the Western Chu Dynasty. If we count forward, we have worshipped once in Xie's house. It's not the first time to wear red clothes. We don't think there's anything wrong.

Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Xie said that it was not easy for her to go with Xie Dongfeng. If you can abide by the rules, you can abide by them, even for peace of mind.

Warm wine also felt quite reasonable, so he nodded.

Old lady Xie was afraid that she couldn't get used to sleeping alone at night, so she asked Xie Xiaoliu to come and accompany her. She even called Yeli, who lived in the house, saying that she could accompany her lively and lively. Other golden girls generally wanted to warm up the house for her mother, but they didn't like outsiders. She refused directly. It's good to have gold and jade all around.

Second, when Xie Heng comes, the two little girls can also help stop it.

Sure enough, it's stopped.

Xie Heng turned helplessly, smiled and said with warm wine, "I know that I can't sleep when I come back tonight for the third childe."

The third childe was afraid that he knew what the old grandmother meant long ago, but he didn't tell him. He kept him busy for several days without saying a word. He solved the broken things he didn't know how long to accumulate before he let him back.

Wen Jiu was a little surprised, "what do you say?"

Xie Heng looked at the bright moon and stars in the sky. He sighed a little disappointed, "it's hard to sleep alone."

The little maids in the courtyard laughed at the speech.

Wenjiu almost threw out the round fan in his hand and hit him. The corners of his mouth rose involuntarily, "then you toss and turn. Anyway, I can sleep."

Night away sat on her side and said, "not necessarily."

The man broke down the platform very quickly.

Wen Jiu glanced at her.

Yeli ignored her and looked up at the sky as if he didn't see anything.

"Elder brother, don't stay here." Xie Xiaoliu reluctantly advised: "go back to bed early. When you wake up, you can see your sister-in-law."

The little girl has seen through everything.

Xie Heng was not annoyed when she broke her mind. He just raised his hand and touched the little girl's head. "Don't worry, Xiao Liu. Wait two years. When you have a sweetheart and are eager to marry him, brother Wei must let him wait a few more years."

"Elder brother!" the little girl was bewildered by him.

Just at this time, Xie Wanjin came over. As soon as he saw Xie Heng here, he immediately came forward and pulled him, "elder brother, you're really here!"

The fourth childe smiled and said, "when my aunt asked me to prevent you from coming to look for ah Jiu, I thought it was her who did it. It turned out that you couldn't wait one more night! Well, let's go back to bed and wait for tomorrow. No one will stop you from holding your sister-in-law."

Xie Xiaoliu quickly echoed: "yes, yes!"

Warm wine took a round fan to block his face, and no one could see the crimson on his face.

At this moment, I feel the advantage of taking the round fan.

"Elder brother... Go!" Xie Wanjin took Xie Heng out and said with a smile, "if you don't go again, I'll let the third brother come!"

But he didn't say that.

Xie Heng suddenly pulled back his sleeve and turned back.

The fourth childe didn't have time to reach out and pull him. He had to stand where he was and said helplessly, "it's only a few hours after careful calculation. What are you doing?"

All the people's eyes focused on Xie Heng, for fear that he would really stay.

Unexpectedly, he just went to the flower bed, broke a peony and threw it at the warm wine.

Impartial just fell into her arms, full of fragrance.

Xie Heng said with a smile: "give you the national color. I wish you a good sleep."

Warm wine gently brushed the peony petals behind him, and the little maid on the same side said, "give him two jars of wine."

It's also strange that we can't get close, but we come and go.

Xie Heng turned around and went out of the yard with flying clothes.

Seeing this, the fourth childe gave a sigh of relief and followed up.

Wen Jiu put down the fan in his hand, played with the peony flower thrown to her by Xie Heng, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it, with a strong smile on his lips.

I'm afraid I can't sleep tonight.

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