Before dawn, the people in Xie's house were busy. Old lady Xie got up early and combed her hair for warm wine in person.

The old lady said, "Grandma's children and grandchildren have been so successful all her life. It's a profound blessing. Ah Jiu, I hope you will be harmonious and beautiful with the east wind for a hundred years."

Wen Jiu said with a smile, "thank you, grandma. I'm sure we'll be together for a hundred years."

Dayan has a custom to ask Quanfu people to comb their newlyweds' hair, saying that in this way, the blessings of the older generation can be transferred to the newlyweds.

There was no need to talk about this in the ceremony of the empress, but warm wine really respected the old lady, and the old grandmother really loved the granddaughter-in-law, so she didn't talk about the dead rules.

Xie Xiaoliu looked at the warm wine with a smile. "My sister-in-law is beautiful. If my elder brother sees it, won't he be unable to walk?"

Today, the ceremony is heavy, the wine is warm, and the clothes are complicated. The bright red phoenix robe takes the golden line. The red and black overlap inside, and the cloud sleeves are layered. The solemn Phoenix crown and Zhucui area is suddenly full of brilliance.

She was not in good health when she was in the Western Chu. These days, she has been taking care of herself like a mountain and water trip. The medicine has not been broken. She has returned to her hometown again. She is in good spirits at happy events.

Now it's true. The color is amazing. There's no need to throw money. It's also shameless for those individual old ministers to send their young ladies to the palace.

The warm voice in the room was talking, and the noise of rites and music was overwhelming outside.

The ceremony officials said in a loud voice outside, "please be a thousand years old."

People in the palace of internal attendants spread word of mouth to the door of warm wine.

The little maids smiled and said, "it's time to salute in the palace, or your majesty should wait."

"Good, good!" old man Xie reached out his hand to help warm wine and got up. The water in his eyes was shining, "that's good, ah wine."

When the old grandmother was very happy, she always didn't know what to say, as if it was difficult to express whatever she said.

Wen Jiu saw many unspoken emotions in her eyes, smiled and comforted, "grandma can't cry. You marry your granddaughter, not your own granddaughter to someone else's house."

Mrs. Xie, wiping her eyes, echoed, "ah Jiu is right, but I don't know why, I just... I'm just too happy. I think so is my mother."

Xie Yucheng couldn't help but smile.

Warm wine quickly asked the maids to take the handkerchiefs, one to the old lady and the other to the third lady. They were just about to make a voice to appease.

Everyone outside asked in a loud voice.

Old man Xie wiped the corners of his eyes and hurriedly said, "come on, go."

Warm wine nodded slightly, and the left and right maids quickly helped her turn and go out. Xie Xiaoliu followed happily, and old lady Xie and third lady Xie also followed closely.

As soon as Wenjiu stepped out, everyone outside knelt down and saluted: "Your Highness is very happy!"

Her Highness is the eighth princess, and Her Highness the queen also brought these two words. They finally found a common name. The cry of joy was so neat.

Almost drowned out the sound of rites and music.

Wen Wen, dressed in a crimson robe, came forward, took over the position of Wen Jiu's side maid, and reached out to hold her.

Wen Jiu looked at her in surprise.

"Many years ago, I was thinking that when my sister got married, I had to carry her to the sedan chair..."

He said with a sudden smile, "but I never thought you would marry your majesty and be a empress. I don't need to carry it. Can my brother help you out?"

"Of course." Wenjiu smiled and whispered to the young man, "then you have to hold it steady. I'm very heavy."

"OK." Wen Wen answered solemnly.

With a smile in her warm wine eyes and a heavy Phoenix crown, her little brother helped her through the red yarn joy of man's house and walked to her sweetheart.

Along the way, the people I saw bowed.

Warm wine does not need to cover the red gauze, so you can have a panoramic view of all the scenes in front of you, with joy and feeling in your heart, up to the door of Xie house.

Perfect standing on both sides, Lang said, "open the door!"

At the moment when the door opened, Wen Jiu raised his eyes and looked at the door. Xie Heng, dressed in a red robe and golden dragon, stood in front of the door and bowed to her. His sleeves were elegant and his eyebrows were smiling.

Behind him were twelve distinguished wedding envoys, such as Xie Xuan, Xie Wanjin, Xie Zian, Qin Mo and Zhou Minghao. They followed Xie Heng and saluted with their hands. Their clothes were fluttering and their bearing was elegant. Half of them said, "good luck, sister-in-law!"

Half humanity: "welcome your mother for a thousand years!"

The street is surrounded by thousands of young ladies who join in the fun. I don't know what day it is.

Wen Jiu was also surprised. Looking at the Ruyi husband in red, he gradually smiled between his eyebrows and eyes.

It was originally agreed that Xie Heng would meet her in front of the palace gate. Unexpectedly, he came in person and brought so many people, for fear that there would not be enough excitement.

Wen Wen saw this and whispered in Wen Jiu's ear, "look at his smile. I want to hit him."

Wenjiu couldn't help laughing, "I'm afraid you can't beat it."

Wen Wen suddenly: "..."

This married sister's heart is also someone else's. This is true.

He thought so, but he could only hold warm wine and hand her hand to Xie Heng, "treat my sister well, or I'll kill you!"

Xie Heng raised his eyebrows. "My brother-in-law is so fierce."

A group of wedding envoys behind him also heard this clearly, and they all felt that the young man was brave.

Warm wine somehow, the tip of the nose was sour, so I couldn't help looking at Wen Wen more.

Xie Heng clenched her hand and said with a smile to his brother-in-law, "don't worry."

Wen Wen slowly loosened Wen's hand and whispered, "sister and brother-in-law should be united forever, white head and common."



Wen Jiu and Xie Heng responded to each other. They fell behind, looked at each other and smiled, surrounded by countless laughter.

Xie Heng led warm wine to the emperor's chariot.

Seeing this, Wang Liang brushed the dust and said in a high voice, "drive!"

The palace attendants sang in unison, and twelve invited Qi Qi to turn over and mount his horse to open the way for the emperor and empress.

The faces of the people were happy, and the sound of joy haunted the whole imperial capital.

Wen Jiu sat down with Xie Heng hand in hand and watched the people all over the city shouting congratulations and blessings.

It feels like a dream.

Wen Jiu pinched Xie Heng's palm and whispered, "Xie Dongfeng."

Xie Heng smiled at her, "didn't you sleep last night?"

Wen Jiu smiled, "I just feel like I'm dreaming."

The city is full of noise in my ears, as if everyone is happy.

She felt a little unreal.

Xie Heng raised his hand, held the Phoenix crown on her head, smiled and asked, "is this thing too heavy and pressed?"

Wen Jiu heard him say this, and the disordered thoughts were suddenly washed away.

She couldn't help laughing. "Yes, it's too heavy. It makes me dizzy."

Xie Heng raised his hand and was about to loosen it for her. Wen Jiu quickly stopped, "what are you doing? I'll give her a big gift later."

She was so nervous, as if she had just said that the person who was dizzy by the Phoenix crown was not her.

Xie Heng didn't say anything about her, but looked at her with a smile.

Warm wine was looked at by him. Inexplicably, he blushed and his heart beat like a drum. He had to tear away the topic and say, "why do I take such a heavy Phoenix crown, but you don't have to take the emperor crown?"

"With the emperor's crown, I can't see your face clearly."

Xie Heng said this very naturally.

Warm wine was speechless for a moment.

So... OK?

She knew that Xie Heng had never thought of becoming an emperor before and was very casual after he ascended the throne, but she didn't expect to be like this at will.

No wonder those old ministers all had gray hair and frosted temples, mostly because of this man's worry.

They held hands and looked at each other all the way. They spoke slowly. The crowd outside was surging and cheering, but it was just a foil.

Not long after, the emperor drove into the palace.

Thousands of palace attendants greeted each other with lanterns, and all civil and military officials, Wang sun Quangui, knelt down to greet them, "Your Majesty is very happy, your highness is very happy!"

The car stopped in front of the Changming palace. Xie Heng took warm wine and walked up the white jade step step by step.

Today is sunny, the rising sun rises in the East, and the golden sun shines on the world.

On the two people walking side by side, the shining Dragon robes and Phoenix crowns were shining, and their bodies were also plated with a layer of pale gold shimmer.

They walked hand in hand, walking very steadily, holding hands under their sleeves.

At every step, important officials read out the commandments in a loud voice and bowed down.

Every step is like the way to come. I remember the wind and snow. I don't forget all kinds of hardships. I fly together and form a pair hand in hand.

When warm wine tired palms were sweating, he finally went to the political hall and looked at the high dragon chair.

Xie Heng led her to the highest place and stood in front of the Dragon chair. Then they turned around together and looked down at thousands of subjects.

Xie Heng glanced at the warm wine for a while.


The highest to the cold, but not alone, this life is accompanied by someone.

Xie Heng held the hand of warm wine, raised it slightly, looked at the nine heavy days outside the hall, and said in a positive color: "I, Yan Emperor Xie Heng, pray to all sides to proclaim the world, marry Murong Jiu of Western Chu as his wife and queen, share weal and woe in this life, taste bitterness and happiness, and never regret!"

Wen Jiu glanced at him, the light in his eyes gradually rising, "I also... Don't regret."

Don't regret falling in love with you on this earth.

Don't regret climbing to the highest place with you?, Look at the world and guard the miles of mountains and rivers.

At the bottom, Xie Yu, Xie Wanjin and others knelt down together. The civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty followed the big ceremony and sincerely shouted, "long live my emperor, long live your highness, long live, long live!"

Then it was heard that there were many palace gates, triple nine halls, thousands of troops and thousands of people, and the mountain called long live for thousands of years. Its voice circled the beam for a long time.

Wen Jiu and Xie Heng sat on the Dragon chair side by side. Their eyes were opposite and they said in the same voice, "I will guard with you in this world."

They looked at each other with a smile and hugged each other. They were willing to be old with you and stay here. Thousands of people were happy and carefree.

Later, the history of Dayan recorded this:

On May 19, the fourth year of the Ming Dynasty, the emperor and empress got married.

How many disputes have there been between Yan Wenchen and the female monarch of the Western Chu dynasty?, However, over the past few years, strange women have appeared frequently. Countless people have a good way of doing business and become officials in the DPRK. What's more, they have made meritorious contributions to protecting the country and the people. Women are not equal to men, and they have talked for hundreds of years.

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