Yonghe palace, where the emperor and empress sleep together.

Wen Jiu sat in the red tent and stroked the Phoenix crown. On this day, just sitting upright and being worshipped, he was almost crushed by the heavy Phoenix crown.

Xie Heng came in and quickly reached out to help her take off the Phoenix crown and handed it to the maid on the side. He waved his hand to all the palace maids to step down.

With a smile, the little girl put down layers of curtains and red yarn, bowed her head and retreated out.

Warm wine looked at the layers of red gauze overlapping, and the night wind blew gently, blowing the candle light gauze slowly.

With the halo around, it becomes beautiful.

Xie Heng looked down at her and said with a smile, "are you tired?"

Warm wine and breathe. His body softened. The whole person couldn't sit still and poured directly onto the brocade quilt.

There are some people in the bed full of fruits and peanuts, but she is completely lazy to move.

Wen wine was very happy and said, "finally I can rest."

Xie Heng looked at her and couldn't help laughing. He stretched out his hand to carry the red jujube lotus seed soup on the side, scooped it with a spoon, cooled it, and fed it to the lips of warm wine, "drink two."

After tasting the warm wine, he immediately refused to drink a second sip, "it's too sweet."

Xie Heng picked his eyebrow and tasted it himself. He couldn't drink a second bite. He smiled and said, "is this thing made according to the taste of the third childe?"

Then he put the bowl aside and lay down beside the warm wine.

They looked at the red tent on their heads. They were obviously very tired and wanted to laugh from their heart.

Wen Jiuqiang wanted to sit up, but his waist was sour and his legs were soft. When he just got up, he fell back and whispered, "I'm tired. I want to close my eyes and sleep."

Xie Heng raised his hand, touched her forehead, got close, whispered to her, "go to bed and I'll wash and change your clothes."

When Wen Jiu heard this, he suddenly felt less sleepy.

She sat up suddenly. "I'm just tired, not very sleepy."

"Well." Xie Heng put his hand on the bed and slowly got up to sit with her, "if you're not sleepy, let's do something that can make you sleepy..."

He said and reached for the warm wine.

She immediately got up and went two steps away. She looked at Xie Heng from a high position. Her eyes were delicate. "Haven't you been busy all day?"

Warm wine, which has a sour back, can't stand his toss.

Xie Heng's eyes were shining, as if he wasn't tired at all.

Mingming walks together and does everything together. Why does she smile so hard that Xie Heng is like nobody else?

"Tired." Xie Heng got up and walked in front of her with a smile in his eyes. "Doesn't this want to make you comfortable?"

Wen Jiu reached out and pinched his face, just like his little brother, "you haven't drunk today. How can you say what you have?"

It's not that she and Xie Heng haven't done that, and there's no awkward ink.

It's just that I'm too tired today. It's just that he has to hook her every word. Isn't that a lesson?

Unexpectedly, as soon as she started, Xie Heng took her into his arms.

Wen Jiu was caught off guard and could not move. As soon as he was about to speak, Xie Heng stretched out his hand to cover her mouth.

The palace is no better than other places. Many palace attendants outside the door will keep watch. They will record any movement in the pamphlet. I don't know who will see it in the future and get a glimpse of the words of love between the emperor and empress.

Wen Jiu looked at him with wide eyes and said to himself: what is this guy going to do?

Before she could figure out why she came, Xie Heng took her through the window, quietly jumped onto the eaves in the moonlight, skimmed over the palace and went straight outside the palace.

The night wind roared past my ears, and all the lights in the city were bright.

After a while, he returned to Xie's house and the yard where Wenjiu used to live.

Today's wedding, all the maids around Wen wine went to the palace. Even Xie's house didn't leave anyone to guard in this yard.

This place has become a quiet place.

No one expected that the newly married empress would return here at night.

Don't mention others. Before Wenjiu landed on his toes, he didn't think he would come back to this yard tonight.

Xie Heng put her gently on the ground, stretched out his hand and walked in.

The lotus flowers in the pond are slightly close, and the lotus leaves float with the breeze. The peonies and peonies in the flower garden are just right. Although it is not as magnificent as in the palace, it has a warm beauty of small and medium-sized courtyards.

Wen Jiu looked around and made sure there were no other surprises. He was waiting for her before raising his head. Xie Heng said, "is this what you said to make me comfortable?"

"Otherwise?" Xie Heng stretched out his hand, raised her chin, bowed his head, kissed her on the lips, and said with a smile in his voice, "how do you want to be comfortable?"

Wen Jiuxin said: this man is really... He always says specious things.

But I have to take her to the pit.

Wen Jiu patted his hand off, walked to the acacia tree in three or two steps, and sat down to enjoy the scenery.

She doesn't have any flowers and plants she particularly likes. She asked the gardener to plant a little before. In the past few years, she has developed them. There is a small pond on the side, and the peony flowers are not far away. There are stars and moon on her head, flowers and fish on her head.

Don't have a pleasant time.

Xie Heng took out two jars of wine and two wine bowls from the flower bed, directly carried them to Wenjiu and sat down, "is it comfortable enough to add this wine?"

"The world of mortals is drunk!" Wen Jiu's eyes lit up when he heard the smell. He raised his hand and took a jar from Xie Heng. He opened the jar without even using the cup. He drank a few mouthfuls directly from the jar.

She has wanted to drink for a long time.

I used to eat medicine as food before. I was stared at by Qing Qi's people all the way. I'm not in good health, so I can't touch the wine.

It's rare that Xie Heng lifted the ban on her tonight.

After being addicted to warm wine, he raised his hand and wiped his lips. "When did you hide the wine here? I don't even know."

"I put it at hand." Xie Heng said with a smile: "is it still used to hide in his own home?"

Wenjiu especially wanted to say that this seemed to be her yard.

But with wine, everything is enough. She held the wine jar and said nothing.

Xie Heng smiled and handed her the wine bowl. "You'd better drink it backwards, or at least half of it will be spilled."

It makes sense to warm wine. Now she rarely has wine to drink. She can't sprinkle it in vain. She immediately took over the wine bowl and poured it full.

One bowl was handed to Xie Heng and the other was taken by himself.

"Good wind, good month and good season, when you drink three bowls!" Wen Jiu said, raised the bowl and touched Xie Heng. He drank it all in one breath and continued to pour the wine with the wine jar.

She suddenly remembered that when she lived in Xie's house with Xie Heng and three CHILDES, she was really counselled. They said they wouldn't drink, so they wouldn't drink.

Now she also dared to drink with the wine jar in front of Xie Heng.

It can be seen that as long as this man lives longer, everything can change.

Xie Heng looked at her while drinking and laughing. He couldn't help but say, "what do you think? I'll let you drink tonight. I'll have to ban it in the future."

"Just tonight?" Wen Jiu was not willing to give him the wine and held both wine jars in his arms. "Then I won't give you the wine."

She thought: the best way to like a person should be to ignore thousands of difficulties and risks for him.

You can also remove all the disguises in front of him and show the most delicate and soft side.

Xie Heng looked at her and couldn't help laughing,

"Everyone said that shopkeeper Wen was rich and powerful, but he was a cheapskate who couldn't bear to share a bowl of wine in front of me."

"Who's stingy?" Wen Jiu couldn't hear others say that she was stingy. She immediately stuffed the half drunk jar of wine into Xie Heng's arms. "I'll give you a drink. I'll hide wine for you. I don't know how many jars to hide. Isn't there enough silver for you?"

She probably didn't drink for a long time. She drank so much. She was a little drunk.

Even his voice is soft and unreasonable.

Xie Heng's heart is soft. He used to think that ah Jiu knew too well. When a teenage girl carried everything on her body and others admired how powerful shopkeeper Wen was, he sometimes couldn't help thinking that it would be nice if she could cry and laugh like a carefree little girl.

Now, that's good.

He said with a smile, "we shopkeeper Wen are not stingy. We shopkeeper Wen are generous."

Wen wine smell speech, can't help but pick eyes to see him, reach out and fill him with wine, whispered with him: "in fact, I also hide wine."

Xie Heng raised his eyebrows slightly, "where are you hiding?"

As soon as he finished asking, his voice still fell. Wen Jiu suddenly got up, leaned down towards him and kissed his lips.

The strong aroma of wine mixed with a little sweetness between her lips and teeth. Xie Heng couldn't help hugging her and wanted to rub her into his arms.

How can you like a person so much?

I wish I could live with her and die with her for a moment.

Warm wine only let him taste it for a while, then looked up and looked at him with a smile, "if you don't give me a drink in the future, I'll... Hide it myself."

Xie Heng was quite helpless when he heard the speech.

A spark is burning in my heart, and I can't press it down for a moment.

But Wenjiu didn't know when he held the wine jar tightly in his arms, and refused to give up, "Xie Dongfeng, I never drank with others when I was in Xichu."

Xie Heng was stunned when he heard the speech.

Wen Jiu took advantage of this moment, withdrew from his arms, leaned on his shoulder, looked at the stars, smiled and said lazily, "I'm very good. After saying goodbye to you, I haven't drunk with others."

"HMM." Xie Heng almost squeezed such a word out of his throat, and then said warm Judo: "my wine is very obedient."

"I didn't lie to you about what I promised you." the water light in Wenjiu's eyes appeared. She leaned against him, slowly and firmly said, "we will be together forever."

Xie Heng took out the jar of wine in her arms, opened the seal and handed it back to her. He was very sure: "I will."

Warm wine and dry a bowl of wine with him for this.

The supreme empress Yan sits in this small courtyard with two jars of wine and one for two.

The bright moon shines on the clear waves, and the breeze gently blows the sleeves.

Acacia flowers fall from the branches and slowly fall to their sides. In the beautiful clusters, they are full of flowers in red, amorous and elegant.

Sitting under the tree, they listened to the wind and the moon, and recalled the wine. Many people thought it was a big thing in the past, but now it's just a joke.

It is the fate of heaven that young people join hands and go through hardships together.

Sharing weal and woe, life and death, is the luck of this life.

They smiled at each other and lamented that the past was full of wine. Some people forgot life and death for me, and some people shared joys and sorrows with me with a glass of muddy wine.

Now the world is in my hands.

Since then, I have lived in the towering palace que, sat and guarded the mountains and rivers in the peaceful Spring and Autumn period, slept in the idle court, enjoyed the wind and the moon, and all the clouds and clouds of 90000 miles have entered my sleeve.

Walk through mountains and rivers hand in hand, laugh at the beauty of the world, and get drunk here.

Warm wine, thank the east wind and take it easy with you.

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