In June of the same year, Dijing was full of summer heat.

Xie Heng brought warm wine, the Xie family and a group of civil and military officials to Yunshan palace for summer vacation.

Although that's what I said, the world is still peaceful and the family and country are stable. There are not major events every day that must be handled by Xie Heng himself. This really busy person has become the chief assistant, Xie Yu. He can handle everything properly.

Your majesty accompanied her mother to stroll around the court every day. It was nice to see the clouds rolling and comfortable.

In addition, the Xie family are all here. It is the happiest thing in the world.

At nightfall of the day.

Xie Heng personally stared at Wen Jiu, drank the medicine, took a sugar and fed it to her mouth. His other hand touched her head and said softly in a tone like coaxing a little girl: "ah Jiu is so good."

The warm wine was a little sticky and said, "you should coax the little doll?"

Qingqi doesn't know what's going on. The medicine is getting more and more strange. It's not only bitter, but also always mixed with a messy and unspeakable taste, which is difficult to swallow.

For three years, I couldn't swallow the warm wine like taking medicine and eating.

Then Xie Heng hung her with the wine and said that as long as she took the medicine for a month, she would make her greedy.

But now, I haven't touched a drop of wine, but I eat a lot of sugar.

Warm wine has sugar in his mouth and is sweet all over his mouth. He raised his eyes and looked at the person in front of him helplessly. "It's agreed that he will give me two jars of wine after drinking the medicine for a month. Your Majesty's words are perfect. How can he even refuse to pay for two jars of wine when he comes to me?"

"Who wants to break the bill?" Xie Heng raised his eyebrow and smiled in Danfeng's eyes. "I've already prepared those two jars of wine. Unfortunately, I was stolen by small six and seven yesterday, and there was no drop left. Why don't I call them and let them compensate you?"

This guy "me" one by one in front of outsiders. It's really a very important word. He doesn't waver at all.

But in front of warm wine, it is still my wine. I have no imperial authority in front of those ministers.

When they arrived at the palace, they waved their hands and all the servants in the palace retreated, just like loving couples. They served the little maid closely. Sometimes when they accidentally heard the two people talking, they would retreat with a blush of shame.

Xie Heng said, so he asked the maid outside the door to let them call Xie Zian and Xie Zishu.

Wen Jiu quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed Xie Heng's sleeve. "If you don't want to give it, why do you have to call small six and seven to play with you?"

"It's too wrong, my mother." Xie Heng sat by the couch and put his hand around the warm wine to his arms. "It's obviously that he stole it. You have to say that I don't want to give it to you and don't want to call them over to confront. How can I blame me for this?"

He calculated that ah Jiu would not quarrel with small six and seven. He had no fear.

Even if you really call little six and seven, the two little ones are very smart. They know the weight, know that sister-in-law's medication is not stopped, and they can't drink. Naturally, they will help with the acting.

Wenjiu was angry and smiled, "Xie Dongfeng, what kind of person are you? Don't I know?"

Xie Heng was not flustered when he was seen through. His warm thin lips gently kissed the neck of warm wine and whispered to her, "you are naturally the most clear."

He said, his hands had been familiar with the way to touch the belt around her waist. In the hot summer, the clothes he was wearing were light and thin. There were no outsiders in the bedroom hall. Wenjiu only wore a white cross collar shirt with lavender light gauze and big sleeves.

The dress belt is falsely tied. With a gentle pull, he will meet frankly in the red tent

Wen Jiu inexplicably felt that the day was getting hotter. He blushed slightly and patted Xie Heng's hand, "what's going on in such a hot day?"

The sweetness in her mouth hasn't receded yet. While talking, the slightly sweet breath slowly rustled on the tip of Xie Heng's nose.

He gently rubbed the fragrant shoulder of warm wine and said with a smile in his voice, "then I'll bubble you to take a bath."

Wenjiu had bathed with him before, but he was disturbed all night. The next day, he couldn't stay with low back pain.

She was really afraid of his pestering strength and gently pushed him, "I've just finished taking the medicine and I'm dizzy. I need to sleep first."

Xie Heng did not doubt that there was him. His eyes changed slightly and asked in a low voice, "are you sleepy or dizzy?"

The toxicity of warm wine is not clear. Although it is not sleepy all day in the Western Chu Dynasty, I can't remember anything so serious, I always feel dizzy and hot from time to time.

Although there was no worry about his life, it was enough to make Xie Heng anxious.

When Wen Jiu saw this, he couldn't help reaching out and touching Xie Heng's face, "it's just a little sleepy. Don't be careless."

Xie Heng breathed a sigh of relief, took her to the couch, gently placed it, and then sat beside the couch and said to her, "well, well, I won't make trouble with you. You can sleep at ease."

As he spoke, he took out a white folding fan from his couch, opened it and gently fanned the warm wine.

When Xie Heng was young, he was the most elegant childe in the world. He fought and killed for several years. When he picked up the white folding fan, he was still elegant and romantic.

There are many ice cubes in the hall to cool off. The summer resort was originally much cooler than the imperial capital, but Rao is so. Xie Heng still fans the warm wine as soon as he is free.

When the little maids met, they were ashamed of this considerate and meticulous work.

Wen Jiu lay on the couch and looked at him for a while. He couldn't help saying, "why don't you go and wash?"

"Hmm?" Xie Heng shook his fan hand slightly, "what's the matter?"

Wen Jiu looked at him because of some kind of heat and his face was slightly red. He said with a smile: "Your Majesty, you are so vigorous that you have to endure sitting in front of me. I'm afraid it's bad for your body."

Xie Hengdan's Phoenix eyes were slightly picked and was about to speak.

The little waitress outside gently buttoned the door, hardened his head and urged, "Your Majesty, the chief assistant has something urgent to ask."

"It's coming again." Xie Heng got a big head when he heard this and immediately said, "ah, it's urgent. In fact, it's not urgent at all."

Wen Jiu couldn't help laughing and advised, "since he's looking for you, there must be something. Go quickly. I can't sleep without you."

Xie Heng closed the folding fan in his hand and got up with a smile. "My mother is really generous. She asked me to spend the night with others at night."

Wen Jiu turned over slightly, put his hand under his neck and looked at him with a smile, "if you are heard by Shoufu adult, you will annoy you again."

As she was talking, Xie Heng, who had just got up and left the bed, suddenly bent over and kissed her on the forehead quickly, and then said, "you go to bed early, don't wait for me."

He walked out of the hall with his clothes.

Warm wine was lying on the couch. His face was hot. He involuntarily raised his hand and touched his forehead. The corners of his lips involuntarily rose slightly, "Xie Dongfeng is really..."

It's really not like his majesty Yan, who is steady and successful in the court.

She thought that Xie Heng had gone out, and the little maids closed the door gently, making only a slight sound.

The night wind sneaked in from the small porch window, blowing the light yellow veil flying around.

Wen Jiu lay on the couch for a moment, got off the couch with light hands and feet, pushed the jade pillow aside, opened the dark grid below, stretched out his hand to get the wine hidden in it, but felt empty.

"Where's my wine?" Wen wine went up to see that the dark grid was empty, leaving only a piece of paper.

She took it out and looked. It was written on the paper, "the wine Mrs. Xie hid for me."

Wen Jiu was so angry and funny that he immediately rubbed the paper into a ball and threw it aside. He whispered, "who said it was hidden for you? It's for me to drink!"

Thank you Dongfeng!

Just drink up the wine she's hiding, and keep this note to annoy her. I don't want to sleep!

With a warm spirit of wine, he closed the dark grid back, got up and went to the hall door to bolt it. Today, if Xie Dongfeng doesn't figure out what's wrong, he won't want to enter the door.

As soon as Wen Jiu reached out and touched the door bolt, he heard someone gently button the door outside.

She had to give up the idea for the time being, raised her hand and opened the door of the hall. As soon as she looked up, she saw the maid in blue lowering her head and holding the wooden plate high with both hands. There were two big jars on the plate, which had smelled its fragrance before it was opened.

It's clearly wine!

But in this palace, everyone knew that Xie Heng didn't allow her to drink, and didn't dare to send this thing to her. Why is this little maid so bold?

Wen Jiuwei was stunned and said strangely, "you..."

"I've brought you wine." the maid in blue suddenly raised her head, almost plain face to the sky, but her face was gorgeous and dazzling. She raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "in a few years, shopkeeper Wen can't recognize people and even wine?"

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