"Princess?" Wenjiu's happy eyes lit up, immediately crossed the threshold and hugged the man, "I knew you were all right. I knew you must be alive!"

Zhao Jingyi was knocked back by her sudden action, and the wine almost fell. She quickly dragged the wooden plate higher with one hand, hugged the warm wine with the other hand, smiled and said to her, "I say empress, you are now the most noble woman in Dayan. Why don't you look like a mother in the world? You always hug with others. What's the style?"

"What's not decent." Wen Jiu's eyes are gradually full of water, and his voice is slightly hoarse. "How can you tell me such nonsense? Am I confused after taking too much medicine and dreaming of you?"

Her life has been a perfect one.

But the eldest princess Zhao Jingyi had no news since she was taken away by Ying Wuqiu that day.

Now the man appeared in front of her. His appearance had not changed at all. On the contrary, he was more free and easy than before.

Like a dreamer.

Not very real.

Zhao Jingyi couldn't help laughing when she saw her like this, "what are you always thinking about me doing?"

She whispered in her warm wine ear, "don't let your majesty hear this. It's not better now than it was in the past. If your majesty is jealous, look at me. I won't have a good life in the future."

Warm wine grabbed Zhao Jingyi's hand, shook it and pinched it again. He felt his skin warm and determined that the man was good to stand here and talk to her like before. Only then did he stabilize his heart.

She slowly retreated a little, with tears in her eyes and smiled at the person in front of her, "where has the princess gone these years? Why did she come back to me today?"

"It's a long story." Zhao Jingyi stuffed the wooden plate with the wine jar into Wen's arms and said with a smile, "hold the wine first."

Warm wine reached out and hugged without thinking.

At the next moment, Zhao Jingyi flew onto the eaves with warm wine, stepping on the moon and chasing the wind, skimming over the eaves of many walls, and finally came to the Huxin Pavilion.

The moonlight shone on the water waves of the lake, and the silver light was everywhere. The stars were reflected in it. No one else came and went in such a big place. At the moment, it was like a fairyland in the world.

Around the pavilion in the middle of the lake, lotus flowers are in full bloom. The night wind makes the lotus leaves shake gently, and the fragrance is dark and floating around.

It's really a great place to drink and enjoy the moon.

Zhao Jingyi put the warm wine on the stone bench. She sat down on the other side, raised her hand, took a jar of wine, opened it and drank it.

The action is too fast and too casual. The wine shakes slightly and sprinkles a little, and the wine fragrance overflows in an instant.

The wine warming hand was also very fast. He immediately opened another jar, touched the jar with Zhao Jingyi, held the jar and began to drink.

Seeing this, Zhao Jingyi couldn't help laughing and said, "do others know that our mother is an alcoholic?"

Wenjiu ignored her and drank several mouthfuls before stopping to ask her, "I remember that the princess used to pay attention to the golden cup, jade cup and luminous cup. What's valuable? Now she can drink it with a wine jar. It can be seen that as long as the wine is good, how to drink it is good."

"Your mouth is the same as before." Zhao Jingyi smiled, "fortunately, you are the same as before, otherwise... This world is really meaningless."

It seemed that she just said it casually, and it seemed that she really felt that there was nothing worthy of her attachment in this world.

After listening to Wen Jiu, he immediately said, "the princess is wrong. There are many people in the world who are happy. The princess doesn't like people and things around me because she doesn't like me too much. It's not good... Not good."

Zhao Jingyi looked at her with a smile. The deeper the smile in her eyes, "this big Yan doesn't have a surname of Zhao. Do you still call me a princess?"

Wen Jiuzheng said, "as long as the princess is willing, she will always be the princess of Dayan."

"I don't want to." Zhao Jingyi said thoughtlessly, "the honor and honor I was born in the royal family have all been paid off on that day. It's not easy to pay off my freedom. I don't want to go back to the gold and jade cage, but shopkeeper Wen would be happy to give me some money to squander from time to time."

The eldest princess would say such a thing. It's not strange to warm wine.

She smiled and raised the wine jar to Zhao Jingyi. "If it's someone else, you can't walk a copper plate from me, but the princess can take as much money as she wants."

"That's what you said. I can write it down!" Zhao Jingyi smiled and drank a few mouthfuls to save face. Then she suddenly remembered something. She took a brocade bag from her arms and handed it to Wen wine. "I delayed on my way here and missed your wedding, but I still want to give this gift."

"Congratulatory gift?" Wen Jiu stretched out his hand and took it over. He was curious about what was in the brocade bag and opened it on the spot.

She was stunned when she saw it. The brocade bag looked small, but there was a thick stack of paper in it. After three or four stacks of paper were unfolded, there was a huge piece of paper, "the secret recipe for seeking a son? But why didn't the secret recipe prescribe medicine and draw a picture on it?"

"Yes, I specially got you the secret recipe for begging for a son." Zhao Jingyi said with a smile, "what's the use of prescribing medicine alone? Try the posture painted on the top, including holding two children in three years and wrapping their children around their knees. The old things saved cry and cry all day to let your majesty accept the imperial concubine. You give birth to several more, block their mouths and kill them!"

After Wen Jiu saw it clearly, his face was burning. He didn't know what to say. He immediately stuffed it back into the brocade bag. "Princess, I appreciate your kindness."

"You can't take it with your heart. You have to use it." Zhao Jingyi stretched out her hand to hold the warm wine and leaned against her very casually. "I tell you, you have to take out the cheeky strength in front of me to thank Heng."

Wen Jiu really didn't want to talk about this with her. He immediately took the wine jar and drank with Zhao Jingyi.

The wine went into my throat, and my worries dissipated. I forgot half of what I said.

They talked one by one. No one mentioned the bitterness and suffering in recent years, but only picked some fun and interesting things.

Wen Jiu said that he drank medicine quickly and became a bitter juice tree. He had to contain sugar to make it sweet every day. He lamented that the wine sellers now have no wine to drink.

Zhao Jingyi said that when he went to Beijing, the horse was handsome, but he didn't know the way. He took many wronged roads with him. All the world went well. He always went wrong on his way home.

They talked and drank a mouthful of wine from time to time.

Wait until the bottom of the wine world is coming.

Warm wine, some reluctant to drink the only two bites, bent his fingers and gently knocked on the wine jar.

She was a little drunk and dared to ask Zhao Jingyi in a low voice, "where have you been these years?"

Zhao Jingyi was lying on the stone table. Her gorgeous face was half shrouded by the moonlight and half hidden in the dark night. She was drunk, and some injuries appeared between her eyebrows and eyes.

She said in a low voice, "I slept for a long time and had a long dream."

"In the dream, he didn't shave and became a monk. He married me and stayed with me from green silk to white hair."

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